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Missing Bar cutter?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:37 pm
by merin

I hesitate to bug this because, well, there might be a perfectly good reason for this. The bar cutter seems to be missing from the forge in Shadgard.

[Shadgard Blacksmith, Forge] (InUr)
A thin tin roof overhead provides slight shelter from outside while soot and burnt slag cover much of the dirt and stone floor. Against the back wall stands a red brick #forge and next to it a large steel #vice. In the center of the area rests a large black iron #anvil. A long #trough filled with murky water rests against the side wall.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice a wooden trash barrel and a brown boxy fir wagon (being pulled by a golden-maned palomino quarter horse).
Also here: your golden-maned palomino quarter horse (ridden by yourself).
Obvious exits: out.

l cut
Look at what?

l bar cutter
Look at what?

l diamond bladed bar cutter
Look at what?

Re: Missing Bar cutter?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:55 pm
by Rias
Noccy and I fought over who would fix this first.

It's fixed now.

Re: Missing Bar cutter?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:24 pm
by merin
So who won?