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Post by Evelyn »

You notice Elizamor momentarily slip out of a hiding spot.
Elizamor removes a meadow muffin from a wooden storage crate.
Elizamor returns to her hiding spot.

Elizamor hurls a meadow muffin at you
A meadow muffin hurtles toward you! (R: 100 vs D:372)
(energy -5)

You feel fully rested.

You scream!
You get up off a bench.
Roundtime: 1 second.

say Ew no..
You say, "Ew no.."

You hear someone laugh.

You move toward Elizamor in an attempt to throw her.
Offense: 860 vs Defense: 108
Summoning forth great inner strength, you pick up Elizamor and heave her into the air with a mighty roar!
Elizamor is sent hurtling southward!
The Rig-Jarl Bjorn gives you a bone-crushing bearhug.
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Post by Elizamor »

By the way, I didn't mean to hurl the muffin the last time I threw it at you. I thought I could throw it east so I typed, "hurl e" But I threw it at you.
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Post by Reynard »

At least you didn't throw it at yourself.
-> put meat in pan
You can't put anything inside the pants.
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Post by Evelyn »

lock house
You can't lock something with some strawberries!

Why not??
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Post by Acarin »

Your hiding spot is revealed by a roc!
A roc moves to seize you in its massive talons!
A roc seizes you in its massive talons and lifts you high into the air, soaring off!

A roc releases its grip on you, allowing you to fall countless feet to the ground!
You land in a heap on the ground!
100 crush damage to the left wing!
(energy -100)
Roundtime: 10 seconds.

You say, "This wing is going to be the death of me."
20:21:01 [CHAT - (a mysterious GM)]: With obvious effort, Zuki pries up a thick scale over a drakolin's chest! Zuki spearhand-strikes the soft, unprotected area under the scale! Heart ruptured, death follows immediately. A drakolin lets out a final bellow of rage and falls lifeless to the ground.
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Post by Elizamor »

You have wings?
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Post by Evelyn »

[Tarueka, Town Avenue] (InUrDt)
Along the street shop windows and doors are opened or broken. Homes remain empty and silent.
There is a cloud of fog here. The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a shop, a sturdy ash lockbox (open), a shortsword, a wooden shield and the corpse of an infested guard.
Also here: Jhieger (lightly wounded), Lorhat (riding a moderately wounded infested cat) and [[an infested cat (moderately wounded)]].
Obvious exits: northeast, south.
Last edited by Evelyn on Fri May 11, 2012 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Rig-Jarl Bjorn gives you a bone-crushing bearhug.
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Post by Jhieger »

The infestation makes the cats really big, it looks like.
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Post by Elizamor »

You stealthily move south.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You notice Jaster glance your way as you sneak in.

[Shadgard, Town Commons] (OutUr)
A statue of a robed woman stands here in a circular plaza of earthen-hued cobblestones. Two circles of wooden benches have been placed around the plaza, one running the outer circumfrence of the plaza and facing inward, the other circling the base of the statue and facing outward. The plaza serves as a popular place for townsfolk to meet, visit and do business. A well-maintained road of cobblestones heads southward, while dirt paths lead to other sections of the town. On the north side of the plaza lies the Town Hall.
There is a small crowd of people here. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice a wooden storage crate, a large notice posted on the Town Hall door, a large post board, a scroll-shaped sign and a wooden trash barrel.
Also here: Jaster and Lae.
Obvious paths: west, north, east, south.

Speaking to Jaster, Lae says, "You're supposed to shoot the next person who walks in."

[OOC - Sporebane Kian]: Wendy's is amazing.

You scream!

You stealthily move south.
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Post by Jaster »

(Type stop to stop auto-logging.)
You continue chopping at a birch tree with your double-bladed copper logging axe.
A birch tree falls to the ground with a loud crash!
** Suddenly you realize the tree is falling directly toward you! TIMBER!

You try to move out of the way but move to slow. You are struck by the tree, knocking you to the ground!

86 crush damage to the right eye!
(energy -86)
Eyeball smashed, crushing the entire socket!
Jaster has been defeated.
Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Ban' baaan'!"
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Post by Lae »

This is how you deal with a phantom horse..

You exclaim, "Shoot the horse!"

A wild turkey gobbles. Gobblegobblegobble!

You say, "Er.."


You feel fully rested.

Jaster pulls the trigger of his long steel-barreled musket.
Jaster fires a lead shot at a wild turkey! (!) (R: 373 vs D:4)
58 pierce damage - to the chest!
Several broken ribs driven into the chest! Shish-ka-turkey.
A wild turkey has been defeated.

Jaster points his long steel-barreled musket at a white and brown spotted horse.

You laugh!

Jaster asks, "You mean this horse over here?"

You say, "Phantom horse."

[Forest] (OutWldFrDt)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an overgrown trail, a lead shot and the corpse of a wild turkey.
Also here: a chestnut horse and Jaster.
Obvious paths: north (Pl), west (Fr), northwest (Pl), northeast (Pl), east (Fr).

Jaster gathers a lead shot from the ground and adds it to his black oilcloth backpack.

A white and brown spotted horse glances at you as you emerge from your hiding spot.
A chestnut horse glances at you as you emerge from your hiding spot.
Jaster glances at you as you emerge from your hiding spot.
You come out of hiding.

You attempt to butcher the corpse of a wild turkey with your ebony-handled copper dirk, but only end up with a few unusable hunks of pulp and strings of gristly meat.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.


Jaster retrieves a belt powderhorn from his black oilcloth backpack and carefully loads his long steel-barreled musket with some powder from it, then stows the belt powderhorn.

You swear bitterly.

You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings.
You notice a white and brown spotted horse watching as you slip into your hiding spot.
You notice Jaster watching as you slip into your hiding spot.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

Jaster retrieves a lead shot from his black oilcloth backpack and loads it into his long steel-barreled musket.

[Forest] (OutWldFrDt)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an overgrown trail and a handful of turkey feathers.
Also here: a chestnut horse and Jaster.
Obvious paths: north (Pl), west (Fr), northwest (Pl), northeast (Pl), east (Fr).

Jaster asks, "That horse?"

Jaster points his long steel-barreled musket at a white and brown spotted horse.

Jaster asks, "Right there?"

You exclaim, "That horse!"

You say, "Shoot the phantom horse."

Jaster asks, "So.. it's this one?"

Jaster points his long steel-barreled musket at a white and brown spotted horse.

You say, "Yes."

Jaster asks, "That one?"

Jaster points his long steel-barreled musket at a white and brown spotted horse.

You say, "That one."

Jaster asks, "This horse?"

Jaster points his long steel-barreled musket at a white and brown spotted horse.

You say, "That's the horse I want you to shoot."

Jaster laughs!

Jaster asks, "Should I really?"

You say, "Yes."

You giggle!

You watch as Jaster slips into a hiding place.

A lead shot streaks toward a white and brown spotted horse! (!) (R: 332 vs D:1)
76 pierce damage - to the neck!

[Forest] (OutWldFrDt)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an overgrown trail and a handful of turkey feathers.
Also here: a chestnut horse and Jaster (hiding).
Obvious paths: north (Pl), west (Fr), northwest (Pl), northeast (Pl), east (Fr).

Jaster retrieves a belt powderhorn from his black oilcloth backpack and carefully loads his long steel-barreled musket with some powder from it, then stows the belt powderhorn.

[Forest] (OutWldFrDt)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an overgrown trail and a handful of turkey feathers.
Also here: a chestnut horse and Jaster (hiding).
Obvious paths: north (Pl), west (Fr), northwest (Pl), northeast (Pl), east (Fr).

You watch as Jaster slips into a hiding place.

A lead shot streaks toward a white and brown spotted horse! (!) (R: 415 vs D:1)
158 pierce damage + to the left eye!
Piercing strike enters the eye and continues right on through.
A white and brown spotted horse has been defeated.

A white and brown spotted horse falls to the ground!

[Forest] (OutWldFrDt)
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an overgrown trail, a handful of turkey feathers and a lead shot (x2).
Also here: a chestnut horse and Jaster (hiding).
Obvious paths: north (Pl), west (Fr), northwest (Pl), northeast (Pl), east (Fr).
Last edited by Lae on Wed May 16, 2012 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
You ask, "Are we there yet?"
Bryce angrily says, "I will turn this horse RIGHT AROUND."
Speaking to you, Jaster exclaims, "Compassion, Sister Lae!"
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Post by Landion »

I like muskets.
No longer GMing for CLOK.
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Post by Jaster »

Quite possible the only weapon capable of eradicated a phantom horse.
Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Ban' baaan'!"
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Post by Jaster »

light grass
You retrieve some firestones from your black oilcloth backpack.
You use your handful of dried grass to aid in starting a fire.
You use some firestones to light a handful of dried grass.
You stow some firestones in your black oilcloth backpack.
Roundtime: 1 second.

smoke grass
Invalid command. (You may type help commands to get a list of all available commands.)
Speaking to Garith, you exclaim, "Ban' baaan'!"
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Post by Lae »

Ol guzzy sees a fight coming on and says, "Ol Guzzy knows when he's not loved, i'm outta here."
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
You ask, "Are we there yet?"
Bryce angrily says, "I will turn this horse RIGHT AROUND."
Speaking to you, Jaster exclaims, "Compassion, Sister Lae!"
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Post by Evelyn »

[Ancient Tomb, North Wing] (InUr)
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice a sign.
Also here: Marceline.
Obvious exits: south.

You read a sign:
Area currently off limits. Research in progress. DO NOT DISTURB!


(Liana bangs on the door with her staff.)

A loud deep roar coming from behind a door causes the room to tremble.

You scream!

You quietly say, "Oh dear."

Amazingly good timing. :D
The Rig-Jarl Bjorn gives you a bone-crushing bearhug.
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Post by Evelyn »

You exclaim, "Get away from my turnips!"

(Type stop to stop auto-harvesting.)
You harvest a turnip and put it in your pine-planked wagon.
(energy -3)
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

shout roar
You tap into the power of the Great Bear Spirit, allowings its might and majesty to flow through you!
You let loose with a mighty roar!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

A shaggy bison cowers in fear!

scowl bis
You scowl at a shaggy bison.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

[Plains] (OutWldPlGrDt) [semiarid]
Sparse, scrubby grass and small bushes grow here on the flat earthy terrain, the semi-arid climate making it difficult for plant roots to find suitable moisture. To the south a coniferous forest grows up against a tall mountain range, while a forest of mixed trees can be seen to the northeast.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a pine-planked wagon (being pulled by a gray-furred varwolf).
There is a expansive plot of suitable planting soil here. It has been partially sown.
Also here: your gray-furred varwolf and a shaggy bison (cowering)

A shaggy bison stops cowering, appearing to have regained its composure.

A shaggy bison just went north.
The Rig-Jarl Bjorn gives you a bone-crushing bearhug.
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Post by Holly »

Hey - where did Rias come from?

[Hearth and Home, Common Room] (shop) (InUr)
This cozy common room is filled to capacity with pine tables and chairs, wooden support beams criss-crossing the low ceiling. A glowing fire burns merrily in a large hearth, keeping the room warm. A long wooden bar lined with barstools serves as a serving area, telltale sounds of a busy kitchen emenating from an open doorway just behind it. Several hunting trophies can be seen mounted on the walls.
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. There is a small crowd of people here. The area is somewhat noisy. The area is particularly warm.
You also notice a marble mortar and pestle and a small paper packet (open).
Also here: a loitering mummer and DEV Rias.
Obvious exits: north, out.

Rias whistles tunelessly to himself.

Rias was never here. You didn't see anything.
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Post by Jaren »

After careful consideration I now have the design for our new armor set.

You should get a set bonus of +1 to Awesome if your wear the entire set at once.
"When someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES!"
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Post by Kiyaani »

I would wear a taco suit.
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Post by Elizamor »

I like tacos!!! What would they be made out of though? Extra-hard taco shells?
Last edited by Elizamor on Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Makkah »

[OOC - DEV Rias]: GM Force assemble!


Users currently connected:

DEV Rias
GM Icterus
GM Jirato
GM Noctere
GM Selene
JGM Zoiya
SGM Landion
SGM Rithiel

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Post by Makkah »

Haha... sorry to double-post:

[OOC - Lun]: This is the first time I've ever seen so many GMs online at once. I feel immediately humbled.

[OOC - GM Icterus]: You will be even more humble in about 5 minutes
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Post by Rias »

[GM Meeting Hall] (OutUrFr)
This wooden hall is spacious, but cluttered. Parchments line the walls, some maps or charts, others bearing sketches of strange creatures. Piles of seemingly useless or unfinished objects occupy much of the floor. No ceiling tops the hall, allowing a view of a vast night sky filled with luminous stars and nebulae that seem uncommonly bright and clear.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a long table with some stuff on it, a simple hand-carved wooden chair (occupied by Rias), a dusty crate (closed), a hammock suspended across a corner of the room (occupied by Rithiel), a black oak tree stump (occupied by Icterus), a bone throne (occupied by Noctere), a dilapitated hoverchair (occupied by Landion), a large pink tribble (occupied by Zoiya), a flying carpet (occupied by Jirato) and an a pile of fluffy and completely unharmed kittens (occupied by Selene).
Also here: GM Jirato (sitting on a flying carpet), JGM Zoiya (sitting on a large pink tribble), SGM Rithiel (sitting on a hammock suspended across a corner of the room), GM Noctere (sitting on a bone throne), GM Selene (sitting on an a pile of fluffy and completely unharmed kittens), GM Icterus (sitting on a black oak tree stump), a hare and SGM Landion (sitting on a dilapidated hoverchair).
Obvious paths: out.
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Post by Makkah »

I wanna know what's in that crate.
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