Could we get some trainers back, please?

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Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by artus »


There are still some mundane skills, mostly professions, that still lack trainers despite of the skills being usable again, locking newer characters at 0 of everything not combat related. As how it currently is, you can't craft or do anything when you have less than 1 in anything and even training doesn't get any skill up by 1. We have to actually do it to get it to 1 and only training allows that. simply going in and doing it doesn't get it up like back then anymore, so skewers carved at 0 woodworking doesn't make it go to 0.01. This means new characters have very little to do despite of the game having a lot to offer, other than stoneworking that is because mining unlocks it. Trainers I've been thinking are worth a consideration for restore are:
- That woodcutter guy in his cabin right outside Shadgard, teaches woodworking and woodcutting.
- Someone in the party room in H&H or I can't remember who else back there, teaches cooking.

There might be more my waking freshly up brain can't recall at the moment.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Rias »

I figured it was better to prioritize getting the skills to function before adding trainers for them, so expect trainers to show up when their associated skills are more functional in the game. Crafting in general is going through a little overhaul at the moment.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Adresin »

There are at least a couple skills that don't seem to have trainers. Unless I'm just not finding them, which is possible, but when I've asked around no one seems to know either.
Climbing and slings are the two that come right to mind.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by artus »

Didn't the huntress in lost rangers teach those? She used to anyway if anything, if I remember.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Sneaky »

I don't recall any teachers for climbing that were available to all players, and I seem to remember the only trainer for slings being killed by a player many many moons ago.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Vazbol »

I'm not entirely sure if I just can't find them at all in Shadgard, but after the latest update of trainers, there seems to be some missing in the starter area. Was trying to help a friend get a char concept started, but noticed there wasn't any hurled weapon trainers. Also noticed that crossbow and slings are also two others not showing anywhere. I'm not sure where hurled weapon would go, but the hunter's lounge might be a spot for crossbows/slings.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Gorth »

I can confirm that there are no climbing trainers anywhere that I have found, and climbing is currently excruciating.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by verel »

Definitely sounds like it's going to be quite the process if metalworking, (still miss the official blacksmith term but I understand it's less accurate) is any indication. Things are gonna be far more complex which I agree it a good thing. Let's just hope we don't have to make 50000 individual iron rings if we want chainmail.
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, please?

Post by Rias »

Per today's changelogs:

- Three new trainers have arrived at the Shadgard Militia Barracks to offer training in various combat skills. (Aelwyn is no longer raising eyebrows by providing combat training in a chapel.)
- The mountain man Stian has been spending more time in the Lost Ranger lately, and may be convinced to pass on some of the skills he's honed while mountaineering.

Additional details:
- Baerig no longer trains a few combat skills that are now handled by other trainers, but is still the go-to guy for hafted weapons. (He was never much for swords or shields anyway.)
- Yes, one of the skills Stian trains is climbing!
- Archery and Firearms are still missing from the Shadgard barracks, the former being taught by Falore and the latter being taught by Stian and Jaclyn.
- The overlap in some of the trained skills is deliberate - some skills are taught by multiple trainers. Feel free to go to the trainer you like the best when this is the case!
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Re: Could we get some trainers back, ple

Post by Gorth »

Shadgard currently has no staves teacher, and, as far as I know, there is no swimming teacher, for anyone. Obviously swimming's a weird one, because you need at least one point to be able to do it in the first place. not sure how that's going to be handled.
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