I know it probably is not a good time now, because everyone's possibly hybernating somewhere, but figure I'd do anyway in case I forget.
As many know, I'm the maintainer of the mush-z and mushclient version of Clok soundpack, and is currently working on it. I've asked for a hand before, but it was nothing specific. Now, however, is, as I honestly don't feel like making 16 alts just to search.
I'm looking for room names without flags, and without you turning your room flag option off. I'm looking for a room that goes like this:
[Tse Gaiyan Chapter House]
But not
[Tse Gaiyan Chapter House] [InCvRk]
(I already have the above rooms.)
If anyone come across room names without flags, please either pm me here, send me a tell on Clok, send to my skype at mars.bhuntamata, or email me at marsbhunttamata@gmail.com. I'll keep everyone updated in this topic what rooms I've got, so you guys won't have to send a hundred copies of the same rooms to me thinking I don't have.
Thank you in advance.
Asking for soundpack help
Asking for soundpack help
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
Re: Asking for soundpack help
Might also help to avoid going AFK when a GM offers to help, right after you posted. *wink wink*
It's not easy being evil...
Re: Asking for soundpack help
Uh, my bad. Well if what you did was sending me a page tell, sure I'd miss it. I'd recommend sending me a pm here on the bbs, actually, in case I lose the stuff. Tells aren't relyable sometimes.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.