The Clok Strikes Twelve

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The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Skah »

As an OOC heads-up, I've stopped playing my primary character. He's irrevocably, permanently gone. Don't expect him to answer mail, RP, or do anything else for that matter! I've had a lot of fun with Skah over the years, but he was getting long in the tooth, and I haven't enjoyed playing him for months.

I imagine I'll eventually make a new character, but they won't be even remotely like Skah.

Thanks to all the people I've had such great RP with over the years, and the whole GM team (past and present) for developing such a fantastic world for us!
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Laroremas »

Thanks for the drakolin kills in a time when it is pretty tough without clever Rook power usage AND NEVER DELIVERING MY SECOND SET OF LEATHERS.

See you around.
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Alexander »

This is sad news indeed; CLOK will suffer for the loss of Skah. May you find another role or niche you enjoy, and rejoin us with renewed enthusiasm. Perhaps you will bring to us our newest Knight Templar.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Vitello »

Well crap I bring vit back just in time to see you go?
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Kunren »

I never got a chance to RP with skah really, but we spoke a few times and itl be sad to see you go.
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by jilliana »

I've always enjoyed RP with Skah. Jill was quite fond of him to a point and interracting with him always kept me on my toes.

Be well! :)
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Re: The Clok Strikes Twelve

Post by Rias »

Aww. I'm sad to see Skah go. Here's hoping your next character is just as fun, if not more!
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