Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

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Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Breezy »

Hello! I'm Breezy and I'm a newbie. I *love* this game! I am really into RP games and especially those with crafting. So far,I'm having a ball with this game and I'm very upset that I didn't find out about this earlier! My favorite thing is the wilderness and that I could actually play a non-combat character that actually advances and make money.

Now, some questions.

1) I found that I actually do like combat in this game, usually I don't mainly because of the scroll. Here I can actually read what's going on. I plan on playing guild-less for a while. I like fighting in groups, flanking enemies seems like fun! So for combat for me would be the following, right?

-Type battle... (start fighting)
-type flank... (when in a group. How do I know when the baddie has its attention on someone else?)
-Rinse and Repeat!

2) Is it OK to practice more than one weapon. I like the idea of fighting with daggers. What about whips?

3)Sleeping bags (Camprolls?) I can't remember which they are called. But, are you able to set up semi-permanent camp in the wilderness? If so, that would be AWESOME!

4) Are travel rations the best food for traveling? I've been fishing like a mad-woman and found that fish isn't as filling as I thought. I got a baked potato that was great. But it was a sit down food.

5) Can some explain skill gain and the newbie bonus. So, we get 35 skillups with the bonus. I studied 3 skills and got ~12 points in each. The training bonus said something about 2.5 skill gain. I'm not sure what any of this means and how much of a newbie bonus I have left.

6) Housing? Are the prices I see a one time thing or the rent? Also the Inn rooms I found charge by the day. How long is a day in game/out of game?

7)Housing, part 2. I saw that some guilds offer private chambers or dorms of some sort. How does that work? Is there some sort of rent involved?

8) Assassins and thieves sound great! I haven't seen a MUD that actually has a functioning guilds such as these. I mean they are there, but it's just a skill-set. No *real* RP, you know. Plus actual homes to break in. Utasi seem cool, too. (Just fangirling here, there's no actually question here)

9) Once you are in, you are in, right? So no guild hopping allowed? Can you be put out of a guild?
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Lun »

Hi! Welcome to CLOK! Here's some short answers.

1) Flanking is groups is great! You can also just start with flank, then battle. The order doesn't matter (And I think flanking cancels battle but someone'll have to confirm for me.)

2. You're fully encouraged to explore all weapons before you settle for one or two or three! My personal recommendation is to find one you love and stick with it, since training more than one weapon type gets really boring.

3-Camping things are mostly just RP items, they have no real impact. If you set it down, the janitor will sweep it away, so don't forget to clean up your campsite when you're done!

#4: They are! There's also special guild-only foods that are more efficient, but rations are the most cost-efficient thing that anyone can get their hands on.

5) You get to gain 35 REAL points with double gain. So it really means you'd normally get 70 points before it wears off, right? You joined during a winter doubling session, so you either get a maximum of 105 or 140 points with either 3x or 4x gains. You'll notice the slowdown once its gone.

6) The prices at the housing shop are one-time, but there will be a property tax imposed in the future (It's being worked on, expect it soon!) In game days are real life days, except in like... GMT-7 or something?

7. No, they're a part of the guild you join. They're very limited compared to real homes though.

8. They're shweet!

9. Nope, one live, one guild. When you make that commitment, its fo lyfe!

I hope you enjoy your time here, I really do. I've been playing for a little while, and I love the community and the game. (I'm known for my infamously long breaks though)
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Kunren »

Glad you like it here! I will do my best to answer the questions that I can.

1.Battle makes you automatically continue to attack. You could achieve the same affect by typing attack over and over. Flank can be used any time you are in a group, but you would have to flank, attack, flank, attack and so on, as flank only sets up one attack (to my understanding, could be wrong there)

2.Of course its ok! You can do whatever you want weapon wise. fight with a dagger, two, a dagger in one hand a whip in the other, two whips, ect. The only problem is that fighting with more than one weapon type will obviously slow down your advancement, compared to say, someone who uses just swords all the time.

3.You can start up a campfire, which will last as long as you can keep it going I think. They are not usually longer lasting than a few hours at most though.

4.Yes travel rations are the best food for traveling. Very filling, compact, doesn't weigh much, and best of all, cheap. The ramen noodles of clok heh. You can speed along the process of eating something by the way, by doing eat whatever all, for example eat ration all.

5.The newbie bonus lasts for 35 total skillpoints, over all of your skills, unaffected by anything else. So, without anything else affecting it, you could get swords from 50 to 85 and it would be gone(simplifications, the 35 are shared over all of your skills, not just a single one). When you get a lesson in a skill, it immediately adds one skill point to that skill, and gives you a bonus in learning that skill until you have earned what would amount to 2.5 skill points unaffected by the lesson. Sorry if all this seems confusing, I am not the best to explain this.

6.For houses, I would think a one time thing. For inns, rent. I honestly have no idea about this one though, sorry :(

7.It works in that there is a room inside the guildhalls of the guilds that offer it that when you enter, it is your private room. People who aren't in your guild can't enter, and people who are go to their private rooms instead of yours. No rent.

8.Theres no question? heh

9.Yep, no guild hopping allowed, ever. You can be rply excommunicated from a guild occasionally for various extrabad reasons, but code wise and ability wise you are still part of that guild.

Hope this helps a bit!
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Lysse »

Actually, it is possible to be kicked out of a guild. It's happened before, but it's very, very rare.

I'd also suggest trying out different weapons, and settling on what suits your PC the most. Keep in mind that some weapons are situational, and don't do much damage (whips are hella cool for instance, but don't do much in the way of damage).
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Lacie »

As for your combat question, there are other commands guildless characters can utilize! Stealth is awesome, and can really change up how you approach battle. Don't forget about trying ranged weapons and the trapping skill as well.

There's also PRESS in melee combat, which keeps them from running away, I think. The AIM command is actually /extremely/ useful, it allows you to target vital areas (or unarmored ones!) and can really save your life.

Position engage/ranged/avoid is useful for backing out of melee range, and don't forget to adjust your tactics (say, if you find you're being mauled, quickly switch to tactics dodge or tactics block to give yourself a little extra defense boost while running away).

Though expensive, warhorses are a neat way to add a bit of a boost to combat as well.
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by Rias »

Glad you're enjoying your stay! I hope you'll continue to ask questions and get more into it, it's a fun game to run and we have an awesome community.

1) Attack, battle, flank, press, guard, shove, grapple, kick, tactics, position, assist, aim, flee, uh ... there are probably more I'm not remembering.

2) Practice as many weapon types as you want! It's fun to experiment. As was mentioned, whips aren't intended to be damage-dealers or lethal weapons. They're more for disarming and being super cool without any lethality.

3) No special system for setting up camp, although now that you asked, I've been brainstorming like mad ...

4) Travel rations are the best commonly-available travel food, yes. They're so bland and boring, though!

5) Whenever you get an RPA (roleplaying award) effect, as well as with the newbie bonus, that's for X amount of points' worth. So if you have 35 points' worth of double gains, that means for each of 35 points you'll get an extra point (meaning at the end, you'll have gotten 70 points - 35 points doubled). I guess it is kind of confusing at first, I don't know if I explained it very well.

6) Housing prices are one-time up front, and as was mentioned, property taxes are an upcoming "feature" - we have far too many homes that were purchased a long time ago and now standing empty and unused. Inn rooms are rented for 24 hours each payment, and you can pay up to a fortnight in advance, I believe. They're realtime hours ("bells" is the term in-game: 1 bell = 1 hour, 1 chime = 15 minutes), so the number decrements even if you haven't logged in. If you've rented for more than 24 hours, the inn will send you a letter saying that your rent will be up in 24 hours as a courtesy. Be sure to register an email address to your character and enable the MailNotify option (options command), then you'll get an email notifying you that you have in-game mail.

7) A very few guilds have very limited storage/living space. They're completely free, but again, extremely limited. Well, the elemancers will have a monthly fee at some point, so as "free" as that is, coming as part of being a paid student.

8) Thieves? What thieves? We certainly have no Guild of Thieves. (P.S. Yes, they're pretty much the best guild ever.)

9) No guild-hopping. On very rare occasion, someone can get kicked out of a guild or leave it This doesn't guarantee the character will be able to join another guild.

10) Bonus answer! A lot of nonmagical abilities will soon(tm) be made generally available to everyone regardless of guild (or even without a guild), so you won't have to feel the need to join a guild you don't necessarily like just because that's the only way to get a certain ability. The number of these abilities you can get will be limited.
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Re: Intro and tons of Newbie Questions!

Post by xavier »

flanking is excellent. it lasts until the creature focuses on you . it does negate the battle command so what you can do is start with battle and when the opponent is targetting your buddy type flank and battle again, this will queue up the flank and immediately start hitting it when the round time is over.
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