For Humor

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Re: For Humor

Post by Lun »

[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: Hey, I'm looking for something hot enough to be a decent Firekindling challenge, you look like you could help.
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: If your good looks were a Firekindling challenge, I'd be able to skill up indefinitely.
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: My friend over there bet me 20 riln I couldn't get a date with someone who has as high a Firekindling skill as you. Want to prove him wrong and we'll split the money?
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: Will you join me on a trip to Dwaedn Vil? Jaster stole my firestones, and I need something hot to bring along to fight the cold.
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: You must have a high Firekindling score because baby, you light my fire.
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: Are those some firestones in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
[OOC - (a mysterious GM)]: I'm working on my Firekindling skill. I'll bring the firestones and you can bring the emeberbright oil.

*In reverse order*
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Re: For Humor

Post by Jaster »

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Re: For Humor

Post by Bryce »

[CHAT - a lanky grey werewolf]: I have softball practice-be back later
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Re: For Humor

Post by River »

I got drunk, drank a bottle o' whiskey, me and my girl we was gettin frisky', the general store had the protection we needed, but my ability for walking had been depleted, since my knees weren't working I flailed my arms, and the floor o the store was looking like a watery charm, so i held my breath and dived right it, that when the cop can in and began-Sir their ain't no swimming in the general store, that's what the swimming hole is for, we'll put you in the tank till your drunkeness is o'er, their ain't no swimming in the general store
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lun »

[CHAT - Pseudo-Pharmacist Acarin]: Are you erecting something?

[CHAT - Daelis]: That does bode a problem.

[CHAT - Pseudo-Pharmacist Acarin]: Seems like you've already got wood.

[CHAT - Pseudo-Pharmacist Acarin]: and you just need a nail?
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Re: For Humor

Post by Acarin »

[CHAT - Zeel the Resen Reducer]: I have a lot of flitches, I need nails, not more flitches and planks :[
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Re: For Humor

Post by River »

[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: Interesting. Please do. I believe we should meet some day soon to settle our differences.
[ESP-GRAY - River]: Don't know if that will ever be possible.
[ESP-GRAY - Kent]: I'd bring the werewolf, River.
[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: I didn't say how...
[ESP-GRAY - River]: No I will not make out with you Acarin.
[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: My loss, I suppose.
ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: Well then, I really must be going. I will be back soon. [CHAT - Pseudo-Pharmacist Acarin]: later all.

I always suspected he wanted me
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Re: For Humor

Post by Acarin »

Acarin's decided to lower his standards. No luck lately.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Bryce »

[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: Bryce... Think you could restrain yourself within the confines of Mistral?

[ESP-GRAY - River]: Why should he?

[CHAT - Eira]: did someone get kicked in the groin again? >.>
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Re: For Humor

Post by Acarin »

Bryce seems to be interested at least...
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Re: For Humor

Post by Bryce »

Yeah, but then you rebuffed my affections:
[ESP-GRAY - Bryce]: You're a pretty fast runner.

[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: Indeed.

[ESP-GRAY - Acarin]: Perhaps you should follow.

* You hear a deep bell toll in your mind, followed by the name "Acarin."

[ESP-GRAY - Bryce]: You got it.
Of course, as you can see by the quote you were playing hard to get and trying to get me to chase you. I just don't go for the mind games in relationships, Accy.
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Re: For Humor

Post by baerden »

Code: Select all

[Plains] (OutWldPlGr) [temperate]
You are out in the wilderness.
The area is mostly quiet. 
You also notice a cedar-planked wagon (being pulled by a black-maned dun stallion).
There is a expansive plot of suitable planting soil here.
Also here: Tavri (lightly-armored) and a black-maned dun stallion.
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast (river), south, southwest.

Tavri coughs.
Tavri exclaims, "Get to work!"
say harvest?
Tavri removes an iron-barbed leather whip from a cedar-planked wagon.
You ask, your voice muffled by your face-mask, "Harvest?"
Tavri nods.
You scream!
(Baerden 's lower lip trembles.)
You say, your voice muffled by your face-mask, "Yes.. ma'am.."
Tavri exclaims, "Get t work!"
(Baerden sobs pitifully.)
(Edited out a bunch of vegetable harvesting.)
(Tavri beams at Baerden as he works hard. "Good job! Don't you feel a sense of gratification the likes that you've never felt before?")
You sniff.
You say, your voice muffled by your face-mask, "Yeah."
You say, your voice muffled by your face-mask, "I feel like a real warrior now."
(Tavri holds the whip out menacingly. "I suggest you tell them that I am not dangerous.")
Tavri says, "And that you are happy! That you revel in the fruits and vegetables."
You cower.
Tavri stares at you.
You cower.
  [ESP-GRAY - Baerden]: I revel in the fruits and vegetables!!
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lemuel »

River wrote:their ain't no swimming in the general store
I kinda figured Dara would have posted this 'song', but River beat him to the punch.

For those who don't know the reference, just position your character in town outside the General Store and type in 'swim store'.
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Re: For Humor

Post by dara »

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Re: For Humor

Post by Noctere »

[OOC - Cabin Boy Orris]: I think someone greased these bandages, they're falling off quicker than I can apply them!

[OOC - Blitz the Spore Splatterer]: I can totally see Jaster going around with a bucket of grease and dipping EVERYTHING he can pilfer into it before planting it back, actually.
It's not easy being evil...
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Re: For Humor

Post by Blitz »

Oh yes! Speaking of funnies, I still had this one lying around.
CLOK wrote: [ESP-GRAY - an armor-clad greeter]: Help! Murderer in the Saucy Templar!
[ESP-GRAY - an armor-clad greeter]: He's on the run!

*I race my horse to the Saucy Templar, swift as the wind we went...*

Speaking to an armor-clad greeter, you ask, your voice muffled by your greathelm, "What way?"
An armor-clad greeter says, "Our most excellent bar to the west serves the finest drinks!"
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Re: For Humor

Post by Slaidh »

Always trying to make another sale, he should get an employee of the month plaque.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Kiyaani »

[Plains] (OutWldPlGrDt) [semiarid]
Thin foliage and small bushes cover the dusty ground, stretching out across the wilderness.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice some riln.
It is sweltering hot!
Also here: a shaggy bison (gore-spattered, bloody).
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lun »

[OOC - Kovek]: Cuz I kilt tha last guy who called it a gown.

look kov
You see Kovek.
He is about seven feet tall and appears to be an adult. He has straight waist-length white hair and piercing honey eyes. His skin is pale and his body's build is hulking.
His head is scraped.
His neck is scraped.
His back is scraped.
His chest is lightly damaged.
His abdomen is scraped.
His right arm is scraped.
His left arm is lightly damaged.
His right hand is lightly damaged.
His left hand is scraped.
His right leg is scraped.
His left leg is scraped.
His right foot is scraped.
He is holding a chipped copper hatchet in his right hand.
He is wearing a long-fanged wolf head hat, a tiny gray crystal pendant, a gold-threaded red silk gown, a dark leather pole harness, a shaggy dark fur pack, some shaggy dappled fur trousers bound with a colorful beadwork-on-hide belt and a pair of thick fur and leather footwraps.
He is covered in blood!
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lun »

This was weirrrd.

An infested merchant says, "Buy.. sell..."
Speaking to an infested merchant, you ask, "Sell what?"
Speaking to an infested merchant, you say, "Heyyyy."
-I killed one in the meantime-
Speaking to an infested merchant, you say, "That's rude, saying something and then going to sleep."
An infested merchant says, "Low.. prices...."
Speaking to an infested merchant, you ask, "Low prices for what?"
Speaking to an infested merchant, you exclaim, "We're playing right now!"
Speaking to an infested merchant, you say, "Stop trying to sell me something."
-I killed another bunch-
You say, "Man! There's a lot of you guys this time."
-I'm exhausted-
Speaking to an infested merchant, you exclaim, "Bye-bye!" (Merchant numero five or six?)
A merchant mutters its last breath, "Thank... you...".
You ask, "Uhm?"
You exclaim, "No problem! Bye-bye! I'll play with the rest of you later!"
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Re: For Humor

Post by Lalora »

here is quite a crowd of people here. There is a thin cloud of fog here. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice an arrow (x8), a lead shot (x5), the corpse of a bloated carrier (x2), the corpse of Slaidh, some riln (x3), the corpse of Eira, the corpse of Lalora and the corpse of Dara.
Also here: a bloated carrier (exhausted), a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider (lightly wounded), a spindly red and black spider, a bloated carrier, an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored, bloody), a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier and a bloated carrier.
Obvious paths: west, north, east, south.


ANNOUNCEMENT: SOMEONE accidentally spawned way too many infested spiders - Sorry, my bad.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Jirato »

Lalora wrote:here is quite a crowd of people here. There is a thin cloud of fog here. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice an arrow (x8), a lead shot (x5), the corpse of a bloated carrier (x2), the corpse of Slaidh, some riln (x3), the corpse of Eira, the corpse of Lalora and the corpse of Dara.
Also here: a bloated carrier (exhausted), a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider (lightly wounded), a spindly red and black spider, a bloated carrier, an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, a spindly red and black spider, an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored), an infested guard (lightly-armored, bloody), a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier, a bloated carrier and a bloated carrier.
Obvious paths: west, north, east, south.


ANNOUNCEMENT: SOMEONE accidentally spawned way too many infested spiders - Sorry, my bad.
Added bold for emphasis.

But yeah, there were over 18 of them total in the area. Uhh, sorry. Copy-pasta fail.
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Re: For Humor

Post by Slaidh »

[ESP-GRAY - Eira]: Is everyone still ok?
[ESP-GRAY - Dara]: I am fine.
* You hear a deep bell toll in your mind, followed by the name "Dara."
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Re: For Humor

Post by Kiyaani »

The best part about that was the immediacy of it. I think it was within... 5 seconds of him saying he was ok?
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Re: For Humor

Post by dara »

smiles that was funny
Truth is better business
Honor is servicable
Smiles are the success
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