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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:28 pm
by Elystole
I vaguely remember Rias saying somewhere that he wanted suggestions for things to skin so that places weren't stocked with nothing but wolves and bears.
Not all of those are inherently dangerous or predatory (though moose are actually extremely dangerous and kill people and dogs up here), but there's some ideas. What other ideas to people have?

Is it that we need more skinnable creatures to populate hunting zones? I can look around to see what I can find. Just how "fantastic" do we want these things to be?

Re: Skinnables

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:58 pm
by Rias
I don't want CLOK overflowing with fantastical creatures, but I'm not against adding some. I'd prefer to make them up myself, though, rather than just import things like ... gryphons and trolls and stuff.

One point to keep in mind is that, for sake of convenience, try to come up with critters that would fight rather than flee. It's not overly fun chasing down fleeing critters for skins.

Re: Skinnables

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:06 pm
by Elystole
Moose won't run. Moose will jack you up for looking at them funny.

Re: Skinnables

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:04 pm
by Lun
Disclaimer: Some of these are stolen straight from Dwarf Fortress. I like the idea of them more than the actual creature.

Beakdog A dog like animal with an oversized head ending in a beak. Some tail feathers included. (Didn't like the DF version)
Some kind of mix between a cobra and an alligator. A Cobragator.
Some kind of fantasy version of a lion, but not a lion. Like, an obsidian elf lion!
A flying snake (Also knows aeromancy)
Land octopus! They can camo randomly in battle and are dodgey.
Lion-Horse thing. Body of a horse, head of a lion. Or the other way around, but this seems a little more fearsome.
Giant badgermoles that know geomancy.

Wild Alpaca
SNAKES. Lots and lots of snakes. Some poisonous, some not. Make all of them huge, though, like at least 6 feet.
Alpha creatures (Antelope, stag, etc) that will fight rather than flee.
Gila monsters
Other, giant lizards
Giant Turtles/tortoises (Skin for a giant shell that you can sell)
Shallow water sharks
Slender snouted Gharial (It's like an alligator)
Actual Wild Boars
Giant Hyraxes, because fantasy. They're also called rock badgers. I want people sized badgers!
Giant thick-skinned sloth creature that knows how to wrestle
Beelzebufo, er, giant toads.

Re: Skinnables

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:46 am
by Elystole
Rias wrote:One point to keep in mind is that, for sake of convenience, try to come up with critters that would fight rather than flee. It's not overly fun chasing down fleeing critters for skins.
I had a thought about this. A couple of thoughts. The first is that the difference between an animal that fights and an animal that flees is often circumstance. A house cat will try to tear your face off if sufficiently provoked, so there's no reason for some of these critters to not (sometimes?) spawn aggressively. Maybe they really don't like you in their turf.

The second is that we could add skinnable items that aren't pelts or skins to existing critters. I think this would be cool regardless. Consider them trophy items: Like when you skin a roc and get its beak, when you skin certain things you get talons, claws, teeth, antlers, horns, whatever stuff that might be cool or useful. Make it require Skinning Focus and have a higher check thereby granting higher skill. People could sell them for riln, use them for alterations, or simply hold onto them as proof of that time they defeated that ridiculously dangerous critter in mortal combat.

Re: Skinnables

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:11 am
by Elystole
I know that infested don't give good pelts, but if the emus and ankrites were skinnable they'd at least provide practice.