Skinnning/Leather Crafting

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Post by Nootau »

Is it just me or does it take a really long time to skin a bison compared to a wolf? Can you normalize the RTimers for skinning until the variation in skinning amount is done?

Alternate idea, make skinning take more rounds for how much larger the animal is, making skinning Bison worth 5 applications while wolves only two.
Last edited by Nootau on Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

Use the STITCH command while holding two pieces of leather to combine them into one larger piece?

Use the CUT command while holding a piece of leather to divide the leather in half?
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Post by Landion »

No, you use the TRACE command, which will automatically combine pieces of leather you have on the table for the item you are trying to make.

Also, the fur issue you were having should be fixed for any new rat pelts. The weight on them was set incorrectly.
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Post by Nootau »

Wait.. Can you just adjust the weight on say 'wolf' and 'bison' pelts rather than making multiple pieces at once?
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Post by Nootau »

>lcraft slippers quality
You may choose from the following options.

>look on work
On the sturdy worktable you see some nice wolf fur slippers.
Is there a selection for nice?
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Post by Nootau »

Landion wrote:Put the skin on a tanning frame
TAN the skin - creating leather
- Choose from soft, rigid, or natural

Dye the leather (optional)
- Syntax: Pour dye on {target}
- Must have both items in your hand.
Seems the system cannot tell the difference between Tanning solution and Dye.
>pour dye on fur
This pelt has already been treated with tanning solution.

You are holding some average bear fur in your right hand and a bottle of white dye in your left hand.
Is it that you are only allowed to dye soft/rigid leather and not fur?
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Post by Landion »

No you can't dye fur, it's meant to be natural. The failure messaging is simply a little off, which I can adjust.

And, your options for customization change based on the quality of the item.

Make a nice item and see for yourself.
Last edited by Landion on Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

Post #57 was using a nice item...
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Post by Landion »

For the options you got, the quality was less than average. If your item was 'nice' you will get these options: polished, nice, fair, coarse, thick

If you had other items on the work table, you may have been looking at the wrong item.
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Post by Nootau »

[Tanner] (shop)
Various leather products sit on shelves or hang from hooks in this store, from belts and sheaths to protective garments and saddles.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a large tanning frame and a sturdy worktable.
You recall that a sun crested iron kite shield has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Obvious exits: out.

>examine slip
You carefully examine some nice wolf fur slippers...
You notice nothing unusual about the slippers aside from Nootau's crafting mark.
It is a medium-sized item, mainly made of fur.
It can be worn on the feet.

>look on work
There's nothing on the sturdy worktable.

>put slip on work
You put some nice wolf fur slippers on a sturdy worktable that is in the room.

>lcraft slippers quality
You may choose from the following options.

Once again, I have 'nice' slippers. The options do not match with being 'nice'. Nothing else is on the table.
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Post by Landion »

In looking at the slippers, they still should have only been 'average' not 'nice'.

So, I'll look into why this is happening, but the options you're being offered are accurate.
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Post by Nootau »

What items should not improve with higher quality? Basic clothes do not offer any service other than appearance. I remember somewhere it was said belts should not be able to have additions to how much it can carry(I wish it would), but what else?
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Post by Nootau »

Could 'Blue' dye be added?
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Post by Landion »

Blue dye added.
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Post by Acarin »

So I know fur is meant to be natural, but how about a limited set of "stains" instead of dyes that will work on fur (essentially special fur only dyes). They'd be far more limited to natural colors... maybe bleached/white, brown, gray, dark, reddish, and black stains. Maybe even a stain to disguise the type of fur (so coyote fur just becomes "fur").

So you could make a terrible salamander skin into a terrible reddish skin or some exquisite bear fur into some exquisite gray fur, but oviously no blue fur.

I know they're meant to be natural, but since it is just a cosmetic thing and really no different than soft leather...
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Post by Skjotur »

Low priority request: Leather quivers. If possible it would be nice to have the option of shoulder or belt varieties.
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