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Things happen in Life; count our blessings.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:07 am
by gralkik
Dear CLOK family and friends,
For a long time now you've come to know me through my character as to which I play. Always the one who wants to be a hero. The protector. The guardian. Never allowing anything happen to anyone else, to save the pain that they may face or come against. Not without companionship. In turn, always longed for it. I, also, perhaps been overly smug about my own self-confidence. But, as of 5:30 am EST... I... was given a huge lesson, an indirect lesson, in humility. - At 5:30 am, my father's shop, his entire livelihood, my livelihood.. burned to the ground. All that is left, are 4 walls, steel hanging from them.. all the tools he possessed and own, destroyed. The cat that wss so adorable... so affectionate...d-d-dead. There was no insurance placed on to workshop as of yet, it was in the process of being put on.. -- I, personally, right now.. feel so empty. Drained.. anguished by all of this. My RP for the next little while might/may not be what it used to be. I just don't have the strength, emotionally, to deal with some of the characters I used to play. Some, may even just fade into the back ground. -- Please, take the time, look around you. Think. Enjoy. Realized how blessed you all are. In what you have. because, when you have nothing. And there is nothing left inside you to give. Realizing the blessings you do have, that are not monetary, will always be what's left. - I am truely sorry for being so smug, about the way i've always played.

POF. Gralkik, Saeldor.. and others.

Re: Things happen in Life; count our blessings.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:46 am
by artus
Things come and go, no matter if it's expected or no.
You don't deserve to suffer, no one does, never.
I wish I could comfort and assure you more than just a hug and a word.
With that said, just as you help me, I'll always be here for you to reach. I may not be available during the hospital run, but I'll be sure to get to you.