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Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:00 am
by merin
Everyone says that grinding is aweful and that it's one of those things we all have to do.

I'm curious what you do to get through it and make it at least doable!

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:05 am
by Dakhal
I usually have a secondary window with either a stream or youtube video playing to split my attention between my HARDCORE GRINDZ. But to be honest, I've found the best way to make it doable is to just not do it at all. I tend to only go out to grind now after I have a few RPAs and I get back to my character once those are done.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:11 am
by Laroremas

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:11 am
by Xyra
Dakhal wrote:I usually have a secondary window with either a stream or youtube video playing to split my attention between my HARDCORE GRINDZ. But to be honest, I've found the best way to make it doable is to just not do it at all. I tend to only go out to grind now after I have a few RPAs and I get back to my character once those are done.
This is what I generally do as well. Watch some TV, play a game that can be easily paused and played in windowed mode, that sort of thing. Sometimes I write or code. Basically anything that can be done with half an eye on the other window and can be set down fairly easily.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:23 am
by Desmond
I go all in for about thirty minutes. Then I start playing something else and sort of... slug along through the next few hours.

My effectiveness ain't the best lol

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:36 am
by Kunren
I couldn't deal with crafting grinding at all personally, but grinding combat skills is usually engaging enough to keep me focused. When healing up, I Peruse the boards or converse on chat. Recently did some foraging grinding however, and I thankfully was halfway occupied with another game in a separate tab for that.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:39 am
by Sneaky
I usually put on some instrumental music, like electronica instrumental, good beats, low key no lyrics, then just grind away, sometimes I'll pull up random articles on or on wikis of games I like. Netflix works too, can't read though. I get too much invested in the book and I find myself losing track of what's going on in the game.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:10 pm
by merin
I agree. I can't watch Netflix, either, because you know, distraction.

I find myself sometimes when I'm grinding unable to even focus on music. If I'm listening to it on my computer, I can't hear my screen reader enough to focus on it. then I end up turning the music off and wishing I had something else to do to dull the monotony.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:29 am
by jilliana
It depends on the type of grinding I'm doing. If it's something crafty I tend to listen to podcasts or music because crafting is a bit more predictable.

If it's combat I usually tend to focus on that since it's a bit more action-packed and things are more likely to go wrong.

Lately though if I don't feel up to grinding, I don't do it at all. I don't force myself to do it because it's just a game.

Doing a bunch of RP for a while then going back to the grind of things does make it a bit fun, even if I don't have any RPAs pending.

Re: Grinding sucks! we know

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:28 am
by ydia
I will read, watch tv, listen to music, or RP!!!