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Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 5:39 pm
by Elizamor
This topic is about your description of your character and how they act and live.

I'm Elizamor. I'm about six feet tall and youthful. I have wavy, long auburn hair and peircing dark green eyes. My skin is tan and my body build is muscular. My lower face is concealed by a read bandana mask and I wear fingerless black gloves. I forage through the storage crate for clothes and backpacks. I once was lucky, and found a tan leather backpack in there. The only things that cover my body is a tunic, a pair of trousers, and a beat up pair of old boots. I'm always lurking in the shadows, for I cannot be seen, or I will be hanged for tresspasing in Shadgard. If I do get seen by a bystander, he will call the guards and I will have to run away into the thieve's tunnels. I have been an outcast for most of my life in Shadgard and now i'm and outcast in Mistral Lake which is northwest of the Redrock Canyon. I will never be forgiven by people, and towns. Those who were once friends, are enemies. Stealthily, I move throughout town, careful not to be seen. But I am just me. A person in the shadows. A lady in black. Forever an outcast.

Hope you liked it! That's just my definition of Elizamor and how she acts and how she gets by in town. Well, not exactly searching throughout the storage crate for backpacks.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:16 pm
by Acarin
Acarin is 5' 13.5", prefers not to describe himself so people won't recognize him, and is blood type O- (The universal donor). He enjoys long walks on the beach, puppies, kittens, slit throats, potatoes, unicorns, and rainbows. His greatest wish is for world peace. He's currently single but wouldn't mind meeting Ms. Right.

Hope you enjoyed.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:21 pm
by Elizamor
hmmm...I thought you chewed up rainbows and spit them out.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:38 pm
by Acarin
True. Acarin has been known to intermittently spit rainbows.