How do you pronounce your characters name?

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How do you pronounce your characters name?

Post by Niamh »

How do you pronounce your characters name? I've heard people ask this before so I thought be nifty to have a thread for this!

Niamh - Nee-av or Neev.
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Post by Orris »

I think mine is pretty obvious. There are some weird ones out there though.
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Post by Lae »

Lae (lay) her full name is pronounced differently, but only two people know it!
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Post by Kiyaani »

Kiyaani - Key-on-ee
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Post by Lun »

Kaolun: Cow-lun (like in lunge but without the -ge)
Lun: As above, lunge without the -ge
Girard: Guh-rawred
Phun: Fun
Kao: Cow
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Post by Jirato »

My name was actually formed from a Japanese syllabary. Unlike an alphabet, each character represents a syllable, which means there is no confusion about the pronunciation.

ji ra- to

The "a" sound at the end of ra is drawn out a bit longer than it would be written by itself.

On an semi-related note, I always mentally put an "ee" sound in Rias' name even though I'm pretty sure it's more like Rye-us because I break it down like so:
ri a su
(The i in ri having an "ee" sound)

Rather than:
rai a su
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Post by KianTheArcher »

I have a tendency to pronounce "Rias" as "Ree-as"
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Post by Makkah »

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Post by Rias »

I've always said it rye-uss, but most people say it ree-uss. Either way works for me.
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Post by Evelyn »

I say Rice because I like to be different. >.>

Oh and in case no one knows it's -

Evelyn - Ev-va-lynn

When I first played I used to call her Eve-lynn. >.>
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Post by Reynard »

Reynard: Ruh-Nard

Sorry Rias, it's not Ray-Nard. =P

@Evelyn: Really? Oops. It's been Ev-Lin in my head when making a concerted effort. >_> (Eve-Lin when not.)
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Post by Evelyn »

I pronounce a lot of things different then I should!
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Post by Acarin »

I pronounce Acarin as Ack!-ARRRRH-in
It more piratey that way.
Alternatively, it can be pronounced as "Big A"
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Post by Hyronymus »

Hyronymus= Hi-ron-imuss long I first y, short I second y
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Post by Elizamor »

Long I, and a short a in "za"


Niftyest: Well......Niftyest.

And I usually pronounce Rias's name, Rye-us

But I do have one question. How do you pronounce Tse Gaiyan?
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Post by KianTheArcher »

As far as I'm aware, Tse Gaiyan is pronounced "Say Guy-An"
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Post by Skjotur »

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Post by Elizamor »

[quote=KianTheArcher]As far as I'm aware, Tse Gaiyan is pronounced "Say Guy-An"[/quote]

That's what I was thinking.
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Post by Rithiel »

I use more of an '-awn' at the end, but either way is good. And my first grade teacher did not teach phonics, so I have no idea what type of vowel that would make it.
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Post by Reynard »

I've been pronouncing it tseh-guy-yun or tsuh-guy-yun.
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Post by Rithiel »

Oh, I missed that there wasn't a t in there above. There should be one in pronunciation.
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[OOC - Candy Mountain, Spearhead]: usually when they're snarky, it's Rithiel
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Re: How do you pronounce your characters name?

Post by Kiyaani »

Not to take away from the current thread, but I thought I'd bump this one so people don't have to repost :)
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Re: How do you pronounce your characters name?

Post by Lae »

Kiyaani wrote:Not to take away from the current thread, but I thought I'd bump this one so people don't have to repost :)

We have more than one thread for a few things, I don't see the issue. I'm just glad that people are posting and being a community.

P.S. Repost, all the cool kids are doing it.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Re: How do you pronounce your characters name?

Post by Kiyaani »

No issue at all. Some people just don't use the boards much so I wanted others to be able to see this one too. I'm all for the new thread.
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