How do your character's results compare to your own?

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How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Solaje »

Just for fun: Does your character's personality come close to your own? Try taking this test as yourself, and then try to answer as your character.

I don't put much stock in psychology, but there are some things that hold true. It's Cheesy and silly, I know, but funnily accurate. I'll post my results a little later, but Solaje was almost completely my opposite.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Solaje »

Again: This isn't a serious test! I thought it would be interesting to gauge how close our characters answers are to our own. I also thought we needed more fun over here on the BBS!

Solaje was ISTJ(A), and I am INFP(T), but have gotten INFJ(T) in the past. I'm a percent or two over on the "P" side today.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Kunren »

Well, I got Advocate (INFJ-T).

Lets see what Taric gets....

Commander (ENTJ-A)

not bad, just from the name lol
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Xyra »

I am the logician (INTP-A) which sounds very fitting for me, and the one that I usually get I believe (Either that or INTJ, I seem to remember the less than 1% stat on mine, but the INTP famous people look more familiar)

And Xyra meanwhile is the Protagonist (ENFJ-A), so almost the opposite of me.

I think the % were the most interesting part, as I'm 97% introverted, while she is 83% extroverted. I'm only 16% intuitive while she is 56%. 86% thinking for me vs her 27% feeling. 34% prospecting vs 43% judging, and finally 34% vs 46% both assertive. I think it is entertaining that I'm playing a character who is almost such a polar opposite of myself. I hope I'm doing a good job of pulling it off, and the personality I show is the one I imagine for her. I'm also happy because (with the exception of the introvert/extrovert ones) I didn't set out to try and be the opposite.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Jirato »

I've taken these types of tests before and I never got INFJ before, I'm usually ISTJ... wonder what it is that changed that... hmm... I've been through a lot of events in the last two weeks that could have contributed to that, or maybe it's just my current mood/mindset when I'm in "work-mode", which I kinda am at the moment.

Anyway, personal results: INFJ-T
Character results (can't name the character, unfortunately, but it's a Dwaedn if that helps): ENTP-A

Surprised they're so different, actually.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Dorn »

Dorn is a ISTJ. I myself am a INTJ.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by sona »

I'm INTJ-T and Sona's ENTJ-A :)
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Fayne »

Welp, let's get ready for a decently long post, and a long time spent taking and retaking this test...

I personally got: MEDIATOR (INFP-A)

I read a bit of the stuff on it after the results, and yeah, it sounds like me. And this point in particular caught my eye: "INFPs have a talent for self-expression, revealing their beauty and their secrets through metaphors and fictional characters." I think I just discovered why I'm so prone to playing many alts.



Anelia: I tried taking it a few times from her perspective, and I just don't agree with any of the results. Seems they want to call her (ISFJ) though.

So yeah, seems to me most of my characters are, in fact, not like me at all.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Desmond »

Des got Architect (INTJ-A)

I found this part funny: You enjoy activities others would call extreme. | What counts as extreme in the world of the Clok, eh?

I got: Mediator (INFP-A)

Not sure how accurate it can be, I had a hard time pinning myself for a lot of the questions!
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Dakhal »

Dakhal and I are both INTJ-A.

I don't know how I feel about this.

Am I a sociopathic murderer?
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Acarin »

Acarin - INTJ
Zuki - DP (Drunk and punchy).
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Ahelis »

INFJ-A for myself, and ISFP-A for Ahelis. I can certainly see many parts of the description fitting her, minus how much stock the description puts in talking about artistry and extroversion and such.
Dakhal wrote:Dakhal and I are both INTJ-A.

I don't know how I feel about this.

Am I a sociopathic murderer?
Thanks for making me actually laugh out loud!
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Vaylon »

Me: INTP-T ("The Logician")
They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP.
Vaylon: ENTP-A ("The Debater")
No one loves the process of mental sparring more than ENTPs, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points.
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Solaje »

It's interesting that most people play a character with a personality unlike their own! And that most of us are IN (intuitive introvert) types. I did expect most of us to be introverted, no surprise there!
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Re: How do your character's results compare to your own?

Post by Akila »

My results were INTJ-T (Architect)

Akila is ENFP-T (Campaigner)

I didn't realise I played her almost the complete opposite to me.
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