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forces on the roads

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:16 am
by preiman
I am trying not to get too frustrated because I know there are event reasons why these are here, but it is hard, at this point it is nearly impossible to use huge portions of the roads if you are not on good terms with Mistral lake. It is too easy to forget exactly where you are and move into a room that is a nearly instant kill. You can't even peer in most cases because of the mist that Mistral spreads everywhere, so by the time you know you are in a dangerous no go zone, you are already dead. It's been like this for a while now, and it is making it very hard to play certain types of character. No other town does this to their enemies, being on bad terms with shadgard or Corvus doesn't get you attacked unless you approach the actual towns.
I know this complaint has been brought up before, and I know I am not saying anything new, but I feel like i am nearing a tipping point where something needs to change, or I am going to have to retire some of my characters, because it is just to hard to do anything with them anymore.
I am sorry if this comes off as wining or anything like that, it is not my intent, I am simply trying to express my feelings about an aspect of the game as it now stands.. In general I love CLOK and all it lets me do, but i really am getting hung up here, and am unsure what else to do.

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:38 am
by Kiyaani
I did try to re-spark interest in player-driven solutions to those road blocks not that long ago when the population was still fairly high and the people I spoke with were all hesitant to try anything. I think the main reason behind this is that they're worried about losing faction status with the Dominion and then having to put up with the consequences of that faction loss, or they have other ideas that they want to try and a more aggressive approach might interfere with those. Dominion activity overall has been fairly stagnant for months, but so has Resistance activity. I would like to see some progress - either with the roads situation or otherwise - in the near future.

I guess what I'm saying is - if the GMs aren't going to do something about it, maybe we as players need to come up with some kind of IC solution. Not for the full dismantling of those ballista or other obstacles since that requires GM help, but at least to set things up so the GMs have something to work with instead of just throwing us a bone with no IC reason behind it.

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:15 pm
by Bryce
I'm all for progress in this storyline one way or another, but in the meantime is it possible for you to just go around the occupied towers, or just generally stay off the roads as much as possible when you're in their territory? I know my heartrate and paranoia go up just running around in the Corvus area, because I'm always worried something bad might happen to me while I'm in territory where my character is especially unwelcome. There aren't roads there, but I still try to take a roundabout route as much as possible rather than the most obvious/efficient path.

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:20 pm
by preiman
indeed, I am more than happy to do it on the player side, but that's been hard to get moving too.

mostly i do avoid the roads, but there are a few places where unless you are really careful it is very hard to do.

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:17 am
by Jaster
Maybe I should start playing again. I'd be happy to tell the Dominion where they can shove it. #anti-establishment

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:59 am
by Tamsin
Jaster wrote:Maybe I should start playing again. I'd be happy to tell the Dominion where they can shove it. #anti-establishment
Do it! You won't! (And open my boxes too PLEASE)

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:01 pm
by Siegmaer
1) Avoid Roads
2) ???
3) Profit

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:35 am
by gralkik
Just a quick thought... could there be small patrols of guards along the roads, occupied by the dominion, that are set to respawn if/ and when they're killed, while patroling the roads they "control" with their watch towers?

Re: forces on the roads

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:48 pm
by jilliana
I don't know if anything has been done but in case it hasn't...

I want to give this post a hug. So hard.

I don't think people quite understand how difficult it is to get to certain portions of the map, especially when you're visually impaired and can't see the visual map. I absolutely HATE pulling the VI card on this one, but that's one reason why I am really fed up with this whole thing as well.

This whole thing has just gone on too long. I understand players haven't really been around, me among them, but something has to give. Please!?