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Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 9:04 am
by Nought
I have been trying to appeal my ban in Mistral for a long time now. I go to the watchers and ask them to talk to the constable. I even made it into the town once as a corpse, dragged thereby, and once inside the constable would not listen to me. My ban is a bit out of proportion to my actions. Mistral has made a fortune out of me for a very minor crime! They fined me something like 10,000 riln and confiscated all my expensive belongings including my horse. Then they permanently banned me. What was my crime? Let me explain:

I was in a nearby mine experimenting with herbs, mushrooms, and poultices. I remember very little, and what I do remember is as a dream to me. I dreamt that the town was under attack, so I ran to mistral and there was indeed a monstrous creature there! I attacked it, but upon wakening realization in my prison cell, and later confirmation with those mushrooms I found: It was a guard that I attacked, and I was hallucinating the whole drama. I have not experimented with mushrooms since, and don't even drink spirits.

(OOC- I was working on hunting scripts, and no, I never script AFK, and my script triggered when I walked into the area where the guard was. My character attacked the guard according to the script. I freaked out and didn't know what to do, so I typed flee! This indicted me for assault and resisting arrest. When I went to turn myself in I think I tried to use the surrender command or something, but it didn't work. And the guards simply attacked me on sight and knocked me out and threw me in jail. This was all about a year ago, I believe.)

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 9:17 am
by merin
You still did attack a guard, script or not.

This is why scripting is bad, kids!

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 10:31 am
by Kunren
Wow that really sucks. Nice attempt to explain scripts IC though. Sell hallucigenic mushrooms for a living, make enoug riln to replace everything. For reals though maybe try again? ask nicely to speak to mistral management just outside of mistral or something when possible and try to bribe your way back in if you really need to? I dunno the stuff itself is a tragic loss but people can, honestly, live without a single city(I know from experience). Attacking a guard is pretty serious, scripts or not.

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:08 am
by Jaster
To be blunt, I don't think making up an IC story that is false to explain away what actually happened is an acceptable way to avoid consequences.

You said you were working on hunting scripts, which wouldn't have involved a mine or experimenting with herbs. It would be no different than me using a script for picking pockets, it messing up and making me steal from a guard, me getting caught stealing from said guard and being arrested, then me saying ,"Oh, well I had been drinking a bunch of whiskey and was so drunk I didn't know what I was doing!" when, in fact, my character had not been drinking whiskey.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but scripting should be done at your own risk, and regardless if your script messed up or not.. your character performed IC actions that have IC consequences. Not saying you shouldn't be able to get back into Mistral/have your crimes absolved, especially after a year, but you shouldn't expect to just because you made a mistake while scripting and then made up a fake story to explain it. That's just trying to skirt around it.

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:40 am
by Nought
Keep in mind here, the guards were not actually harmed. No actual damage was done.

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:51 am
by Lysse
Jaster wrote: Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but scripting should be done at your own risk, and regardless if your script messed up or not.. your character performed IC actions that have IC consequences. Not saying you shouldn't be able to get back into Mistral/have your crimes absolved, especially after a year, but you shouldn't expect to just because you made a mistake while scripting and then made up a fake story to explain it. That's just trying to skirt around it.
Honestly, I don't see any problem with a character being punished for their IC actions regardless of the source, either. I've seen PCs in the past severely (but appropriately) punished for IC actions based on scripting issues, so I agree with you on the first part. Nought did an action. Regardless of if the action was from the player, or from a script the player conceived/added/used, Nought is at fault.

Absolution of crimes should, in theory be possible, I agree. But it should likely be very difficult regardless of if a guard was injured or not; especially in the wake of all of the Canim issues Mistral has had lately, I'd imagine they wouldn't be very forgiving, and would be paranoid of treachery. There's at least one character that I know of still banned from one of the Major cities, for IC actions linked to scripts, even after attempts at redemption.

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 1:09 pm
by Jirato
Pretty much what Lysse and Jaster said here... I'm not a real big fan on trying to invent an IC story to justify your actions after the fact. If you had actually been emoting through all that at the time before and during the incident, that would be one thing, but just saying that all that happened after the fact as an attempt to get out of it doesn't really help your case any, IMO.

You've only just recently started playing your character again after a long absence. Don't expect instant forgiveness and attention to this matter, but if you stick with your character long enough you MIGHT be able to convince the town Guru to work with you. That's entirely up to the guru (Rias) though. I can't really say anything on his behalf or make any promises. I'm just saying, from my point of view and my personal oppinion, you should probably spend some more time proving your worth and loyalty rather than just inventing some story that never happened and constantly seeking instant resolve through direct NPC interaction. These things, if ever resolved, take time and commitment, and your character doesn't really have that sort of investment yet.

Best of luck to you getting a resolution though. And in the worst case scenario, Haiban is a pretty freaking awesome town, you're always welcome to come check it out. :-D

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 1:34 pm
by Vinz
Along that line, assuming we go with the RP, i think youd be in even more hot water assuming the mushrooms made you do it. Takes it from assault, resisting arrest, etc to all of that plus being under the influence. people who commit these kinds of crimes tend to be the most dangerous since their addiction (and they always claim they arent addicted and it will never happen again) leads them to commit some of the more insane and dangerous violations.

All of this being said, 20k is minor when it comes to fines. its a bit of a haul to pay off but it can be done by a newbie no problem. it would also prolly help to reach out to those who would render aid to those in need in order to resolve the situation fully. i believe paying off your fine will prolly resolve most issues.

Re: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms=Banned from Mistral

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 3:07 pm
by Nought
Thank you all for your opinions and responses. I hope to hear more from Rias, or anyone else who can move me toward closure on this issue, and the other issue with my warhorse that has me on a "hate list" and I cannot retrain or sell or even butcher for meat. LOL