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Canim everywhere!!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:27 pm
by Zoiya
Citizens of Mistral Lake

As far as can be remembered canim have always stalked the unwary in the ruins outside of Mistral Lake. In the last few weeks those attacks, and the ferocity of the canim, have increased. As a safety measure the Mistveil family had worked on construction of a barge to ferry folks and their mounts in and out of the city.

This evening, the canim overwhelmed the guard and broke into the city. After quite a bit of time and effort we were not able to repel the canim gaining access to the city and constructed a barricade to keep the citizens safe.

Please refrain from entering the ruins, all guardsmen and woman have been pulled out and any exits we know of have been blocked. We cannot ensure your safety unless you use the barge.

-Guardswoman Lys

(OOC : You can no longer get into Mistral Lake via the ruins. You will need to travel to the west side of the lake and take the barge into town. Happy floating folks!)

Re: Canim everywhere!!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:28 pm
by Laroremas
OOC note obviously

A little note for people who may not know:

Once you arrive at the appropriate dock, you may have to wait a little bit for the barge to show up.


Also, I loved the event.

Re: Canim everywhere!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:21 am
by jilliana
This is certainly making things interesting. Thanks for the event and the work!