Cooking Recipes and Ability: Quarantine Gourmand

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Cooking Recipes and Ability: Quarantine Gourmand

Post by Squeak »

I must admit some surprise at the popularity of cooking in Clok (and Cogg). I suppose it makes a lot of sense given that the mechanics of the world penalize those that don’t eat regularly. It's a skill that gives a lot of continued value over other crafting skills, though those have their place on occasion. I had several lengthy ideas for multiple abilities spanning baked goods, full meals, and your quintessential travel foods, but opted for a simpler approach while keeping in mind the “feel” of the world. We also don’t want to put NPCs out of business by being able to cook up everything they can! They need love, too, besides being automatic alcohol dispensaries. While I’ve had help from several individuals, I do not know every little thing that either games had available. Please, make suggestions! Tell me what I’ve forgotten to add and I’ll make sure it gets put in here!

A note on ingredients: Herbs would be hugely beneficial as a forageable item as an additional way to train herbalism. From my understanding, basic herbs in Grandfather Clok were purchased items or grown from pots (correct me if I’m wrong). Until I have an idea of what Rias and Team would like to handle these, I’ve left them off. Once an idea is put forth, even tentatively, I’ll add them to this list and various recipes for future perusal. Or I might just go ahead and suggest them since that’s what this is all about; Suggesting things for cooking!

Basic Ingredients:

Code: Select all

	  Pine Cones
		> Shelled Pine nuts
	  Walnuts (new)
		>  Shelled walnuts (new)
		> Raspberries
		> Sloe Berries
		> Emberberries
		> Bird’s Nest Berries
		> Blueberries
		> Blackberries
		> Thimbleberries
		> Juniper berries
	  Feystep Mushrooms
	  Icecap Scallions
	  Xicamatl Root
	  Rock Salt (new:  suggest mining/digging from salt flats area)
		> ground salt (x10) (CRUSH rock salt)
	  Eggs (new)
		> Bird eggs (quail, pheasant, grouse, etc.)
		> Lizard and Drake eggs

> Pumpkin Seeds (New)
> Wheat Grain
> Wheat Flour
  Oats (New)
	>Whole Oats
** Note on oats:  If not farmed, having oats as a general store staple would suffice just fine.
	> cornmeal (ground in steamworks or similar (like wheat))

	Produce (Animal Handling)
		> butter
	  Honey comb
		> Honey

	  Meat (variety)
		> strips of meat (x3) (cutting a piece of meat results in (3), three bite (ea) strips of meat.  Assumed that one cuts out fat or other undesirable parts of the meat)
	  Crab legs
I tossed up the idea of having the cooking skill really involved with multiple abilities, similar to metalworking, but in the end decided that there’s really not a lot of call for it. It’s the lost lands, after all, and I doubt the plausibility of a PC having the abilities to scratch out more than a mediocre living from the rudimentary ingredients we’re able to scratch out in our little corners of the world. So, with that, I (with help from The Queen of Beans) decided to go with a single ability, and leave basic cooking recipes as mere survival/trail foods that anyone can learn with enough practice. These will largely be single or double ingredient recipes that nearly anyone should be able to whip up fairly easily. I’ve put these in an order that made sense to me, skill-wise, but I’m open to other suggestions. So, with that, here are several basic recipes (some are already coded, if not currently useable) for perusal: (Note: An asterisk (*) denotes current recipes. Everything else is a new recipe)

Basic Cooking Recipes: Trail food.

Code: Select all

  *Skewered, seared, grilled meat/fish:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (0)
	 Equipment: Skewer, skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> meat (x1) or whole fish (x1) or meat strips (x3)

  *Boiled Vegetable:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (0)
	  Equipment:  Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> vegetable (corn, turnip, carrot, xicamatl, ghostroot, cabbage, pumpkin) (x1)
		> water
  *Scrambled Egg:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (0)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> egg (x1)

  Wheat berry cereal:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (0)
	 Equipment: bowl
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Wheat grain (x1)
		> Milk (x1)

 Roasted Vegetables (New):
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (25)
	 Equipment: skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Vegetable (corn*, turnip, carrot, xicamatls, ghostroot, pumpkin) (x1)
	** Roasted corn results in “a handful of roasted corn kernels”

  *Roasted Nuts:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (25)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> nut (walnut, pine, pumpkin seeds) (x1)

Hardboiled egg:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (30)
	 Equipment: Pot
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Egg (x1)
		> Water

  Trail Mix:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (15)
	 Equipment: bag* (additional details below)
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> nut (pine, walnut, corn kernels, pumpkin seeds) (x1)
		> fruit (x1)
		> salt (x1)

	Skill(s) required: Cooking (40)
	 Equipment: Pot
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Oats (x1)
		> berry (x1)
		> honey

  *Whole Fried Fish: 
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (50)
	  Equipment:  Skillet
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> fish (x1)
		> butter (x1)

  *Fried Egg:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (50)
	  Equipment:  Skillet
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> egg (x1)
		> butter (x1)

  Meat and Vegetable kebabs:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (75)
	 Equipment: Skewer
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Strips of meat (x3)
		> vegetable (x1)
	** Allows skewers as “travel food” and can be stored still on the skewers.  I.e. a copper skewer with seared [meat] and [vegetable].  Returns the skewer once emptied.

Sauteed Mushrooms:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (50)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Mushrooms (x1)
		> icecap scallions (x1)
		> butter

  Pumpkin Puree:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (50)
	  Equipment:  Bowl
	  The following ingredients are required:
		>  roasted pumpkin (x1)	
		>  salt (x1)

  Fruit juice**:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (75)
	  Equipment: Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> berries (any) (x5)
		> honey comb or pure honey (x1)

	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (75)
	Equipment:  Teapot
	The following ingredients are required:

  Vegetable Stock:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (100)
	 Equipment: Pot
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> vegetable (x3) (different types or the same)
		> salt (x2)
		> water

  Bone broth:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (100)
	  Equipment: Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> large bone (x2)
		> salt (x2)
		> water

Unleavened dough:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (125)
	 Equipment: bowl
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> wheat flour (x5)
		> salt (x2)
		> water

Skillet flatbread:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (150)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Unleavened dough (x1)
		> icecap scallions (x2)

Skillet sweetbread:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (150)
	  Equipment:  Skillet
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Unleavened dough (x1)
		> honey (x1)

While I’m sure there’s thousands of easy to prepare meals one could make with basic ingredients, I think these twenty or so would be a good start seeing as how several could be endlessly customized with the basic ingredients already found in the world. Do the skill orders make sense? Probably not. I’m sure they could use more tinkering with and reordering to make for a more logical progression. I’ve tried to order them as best I could to save room for advanced recipes which are meant as whole meals for several people, not necessarily as “more difficult” recipes. I feel that the distinction there allows for more opportunities for roleplaying as such; For example, an “advanced” chef, could be utilized for Player-Run events as a caterer, making up several pots of various meals for people to partake in (instead of the go-around of just buying a bunch of little snacks from NPC merchants (not that there’s anything wrong with that!)).
I’ve tried to limit expectations with these recipes based on what the average adventurer would have access to, hence why most of the recipes require simple skillets, skewers, pots and pans. Most of these, with few exceptions, should be cooked over an open fire (though I see no reason they couldn’t be cooked on a stove). Some of them are designed to be ingredients themselves for other recipes. All of this is to give room for advanced cooking to be done largely in the provided kitchens with the assumption that a character wouldn’t have easy access to all the utensils needed.
On the topic of kitchens, I see no reason why any proprietor would allow their kitchens and utensils to be used without some sort of kickback. I would suggest that they be as instanced worktables that are rentable, though I would further this with the inclusion of tasks that can be done in the service of those kitchens, in lieu of payment. The bakery, Hearth, Twin Daggers, and the Hanged Man (along with whatever places in Halloween Town) should all have useable kitchens and tasks associated with them (thank you, Silly). Bakery should request various types of doughs only (along with general janitorial tasks), while the others could be a variety of things. And now, Advanced Recipes (with an aptly named ability):

Code: Select all

Ability:  Quarantine Gourmand (advanced cooking) - allows the addition of herbs to most basic cooking recipes and unlocks additional recipes.

Code: Select all

Wheat Pasta:  
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (200)
	  Equipment: Bowl	
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Bread dough
		> Flour

Skillet Cornbread:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (225)
	  Equipment:  Skillet
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Cornmeal
		> Wheat flour
		> Honey
		> Egg (x1)
		> Milk
		> Butter

Honeyed Oatcake:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (250)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Oats (x5)
		> Salt (x1)
		> Butter
		> Water

Cream sauce:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (200)
	 Equipment: Skillet
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> Wheat flour
		> Butter
		> Milk
		> Salt (x1)

Pumpkin soup:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (200)
	 Equipment: Pot
	 The following ingredients are required:
		> pumpkin puree (x10)
		> water

Meat and vegetable stews:
	Skill(s) required:  Cooking (350)
	  Equipment: Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> meat strips (x10)
		> vegetable (x3)
		> salt (x2)
		> water

  Seafood Chowder:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (375)
	  Equipment:  Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Crab legs (x10) or whole fish (x3)
		> Cream sauce
		> Root Vegetable (x3)
		> Scallions (x2)
		> Water

  Vegetable soup:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (375)
	  Equipment:  Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Vegetables (x10)
		> Vegetable broth (x2)
		> water
		> Wheat pasta (x1)

  Creamy pasta:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (400)
	  Equipment: Pot
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Wheat Pasta (x10)
		> Cream Sauce (x2)
		> Butter
  *Pie crust:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (450)
	  Equipment: Bowl
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Flour (x2)
		> Butter (x2)
		> Salt (x1)

  Fruit Pies:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (475)
	  Equipment: oven, pie pan
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Pie Crust (x1)
		> Berry (x10)
		> Egg (x1) (for that nice golden crust)
		> Honey

  Vegetable Pies:
	Skill(s) required: Cooking (475)
	  Equipment: oven, pie pan
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Pie Crust (x1)
		> Vegetable (x5)
		> Butter (x2)

	Skill(s) required: Cooking (500)
	  Equipment: oven, pie pan
	  The following ingredients are required:
		> Pie Crust (x1)
		> Meat (x3) or meat strips (x10)
		> bone broth (x1)
		> Vegetable (x1)
		> Egg (x1)
(A note on soups and stews: These are large quantity items intended to be SERVEd (new mechanic) to individual bowls and/or plates, feeding three people a meal that should provide 10 bites and 100% nutrition. Or something similar.)

(A note on drinks (Teas and Juices): Should be enough to fill a teapot (32 fingers) or pitcher (added to Pottery Suggestion, also 32 fingers))

I’m positive there’s plenty more things to add to this list, and if any of you have some, please post! Keep in mind the genre that Rias is going for and keep these food staples relatively simple and use “new” (i.e. need to be created) ingredients sparingly. I’m sure it’s easier to modify existing items to work for these purposes than creating them brand new, but then again, I’m not a developer. I had a few other things I was going to use this portion of the suggestion for but at the moment I’m drawing a blank at what those were. If I remember, I’ll come back to it at a later time.

As always, a big thank you for everyone who helped on this list.
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Re: Cooking Recipes and Ability: Quarantine Gourmand

Post by artus »

The list of names for herbs and forageables on old clok that might be used in cooking are: mustard, onions, rosemary, mint leaves, thyme, thornberries, huckleberries and a few types of cave mushrooms.

Meat strips used to be a thing that could be cut from whole chunk of cooked meat or cut first then cooked. The old cooking system had you put everything in the pot/pan/whatever you needed then type cook, sometimes with specification like cook food pie or meat pie. Baking was more complicated but followed the same basic principle of putting everything in one bowl, then mixing and shaping, then cook.

Then there were storebought goodness like brie, cream, rhubarb, even bread crums among others I may have forgotten. Then food wagons add many more, blackberries, blueberries (now in game), cherries, bananas, chocolate, maple, vanilla, then nuts like almond, walnut, pecan, hazelnut, peanut etc.

Potted plants way back then, festival only, were: oregano, parsley, bay, garlic. Later on, special food wagons added chives, dill (pardon my spelling for some of these), ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, among others, for even more mix and match fun. I don't know how many of these will be kept and how many new things we might get to see though.

These ingredients can be idea generators if anyone need. They'll hopefully be restored anyway later on, so I hope cooking comes back with more flair as well. It's one of the most beloved activities in the game with a lot of fun ideas tossed around, sometimes very wildly.

Also, adding one more menu since we do have chestnut trees in the code: roasted chestnuts pleasy please? Ingredients are sand and like 5 or so chestnuts and uses skillet. I always wondered why Cogg didn't have that when we had chestnut trees all over the place, and we did have walnut trees in tanglewood. Those too. Roasted nuts are awesome.

Ps. Should I expect Balut?:p
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
This GM has been peppered and grillef over an open flame to a juicy perfection.
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