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Wilderness Farming

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:29 pm
by Rias
It is now possible to till land out in the wilderness, in appropriate areas. The area must be grass or dirt, without rock, ,sand, or clay, and cannot be in forest, hill, swamp, mountain, urban, or cave environments. It is also not possible to till along roads. The initial tilling will take much longer than usual if a plot of soil does not already exist there.

If left alone for too long, the plot will grow over and lose crops/plots until it disappears completely. Rainy weather can also wash crops and plots away.

Until streams, springs and so forth are added to the wilderness, watering will be something of an issue. Best to till near an explorable area with a water source (wells, lakes, etc.), unless you have access to hydromancy, in which case a water source will not be an issue. If you come upon a room that you think should have a water-filler but doesn't, post about it here or report it via the bug command.

Expect more crop types to be available soon!

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:11 pm
by Alexander
Thank you very much for this addition. The nethrim tend to carry little or no riln, and now that I have something to save up for, I am glad for the option of farming. The other professional skills just did not seem quite right for me. Bors and I may till, plant, and water, then tend to nethrim-hunting duties while the crops grow. Likely not as fast an income as mining or logging, I imagine, but it is just right for my situation.

That said, it is my hope that there will soon be more involved in the farming process. Perhaps the removal of weeds, applying of fertilizer, and so forth.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:15 am
by Alexander
I have little knowledge of actual farming, but perhaps tarps or similar could be procured for protecting crops and soil during rain. The crops might perhaps not grow while covered, but be protected from being washed away.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:37 pm
by Rias
Good ideas. There are plans to expand farming further, so we appreciate all the input we can get.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:49 pm
by Alexander
Excellent. I am greatly enjoying farming as an income method.