Farming improvement suggestions

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Post by Lun »

That's more like a foraging suggestion, not a field burning suggestion. You can light certain herbs to create different colored smokes. It's chemical. Burning fields tend to be black smoke.
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Post by Acarin »

Depends on what's growing in the fields. I plant a plot near Shadgard, burn the fields, and sit back and watch the mass hallucinations.
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Post by Zoiya »

This thread has a lot of positive ideas, lets continue along that path please. Burning of crops will likely not be implemented so continuing to discuss and argue it will result in this topic being closed. Let us get back to the subject at hand, which is farming improvements.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
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Post by Elizamor »

[quote=Acarin][quote=Landion]Burning fields is a normal and common practice, however, I (and Rias will agree with me) am not about to provide trouble makers a blatant way to grief other players who simply wish to be left alone and make some riln.

By the same logic we could make Acarin's home burnable too, which I don't think he'd appreciate very much.

Anyhow, keep bringing the good ideas. I like a lot of what I'm reading in this thread.[/quote]

Will the hate never stop?[/quote]

Really, I think setting people's houses on fire would be hilarious. Having an angry mob come to your house with torches and light them on fire if you've been making the people of Corvus, Mistral Lake, Shadgard, etc unhappy. If you continue to make them angry, then you'll eventually be banned from that town after 1 or 2 mob attacks. Of course, you could get buckets and barrels of water and put the fire out by pouring water on the house. It could be like,

[Shadgard, Old South Road] (OutUrRk) [semiarid]
The earthen-hued cobblestones of Old South Road bisect the canyon as it narrows into a dead end to the south, ending abruptly at the face of a massive dark metal barrier inexplicably set into the clay canyon wall. Along the western side of the road is built a sturdy sheriff's office, a small wooden jailhouse just next-door. A bit further to the south on the eastern side of the road is a large whitewashed building, surrounded by low polished red stone walls. A wrought-iron gate set into the walls provides access to a large, grassy yard leading to the whitewashed building. A small archway leads into the red rock wall on the east side of the barrier, a blazing sun carved into the keystone. To each side and above the arch are three stained-glass windows.
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: An angry mob
There are some homes here.
A [whatever house] (on fire)

Then occasionally here a few shouts.

An angry citizen shouts, [whatever he wants to shout]

Or when an angry mob first arrives,

[Shadgard, Old South Road] (OutUrRk) [semiarid]
The earthen-hued cobblestones of Old South Road bisect the canyon as it narrows into a dead end to the south, ending abruptly at the face of a massive dark metal barrier inexplicably set into the clay canyon wall. Along the western side of the road is built a sturdy sheriff's office, a small wooden jailhouse just next-door. A bit further to the south on the eastern side of the road is a large whitewashed building, surrounded by low polished red stone walls. A wrought-iron gate set into the walls provides access to a large, grassy yard leading to the whitewashed building. A small archway leads into the red rock wall on the east side of the barrier, a blazing sun carved into the keystone. To each side and above the arch are three stained-glass windows.
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: An angry mob
There are some homes here.
A [whatever house]

Torches and lanterns fly from the angry mob and onto a [whatever house.] The house catches on fire!

And if you're in the house while the mob is outside and the house catches on fire, you can suffer from fire and heat damage. You can also get trapped in the house if the doorway is blocked by fire.

go door
You try to open the door, but you get burned!
*5 fire damage**to the right hand!

So really you could die by getting caught in a fire in your house. The fire would slowly come closer and closer to you, the you would get engulfed in the flames and eventually die.

(And yes, I am using Lae and Jaster's house as an example. No reason.)

You can get out of the house, but you would still be severely damaged.
Last edited by Elizamor on Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Being able to create hybrid crops would be nice. something along the lines of how they produce specific variations of tangerines and pummelos.
Last edited by KianTheArcher on Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Evelyn »

I'd like to see peas and green beans in the future! :)
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Post by Isiaa »

Why exactly are you focusing on crops? I'd think we were all due some sheep and cow fields.
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Post by Zoiya »

[quote=Isiaa]Why exactly are you focusing on crops? I'd think we were all due some sheep and cow fields.[/quote]

There are quite a few people working on a few things. We ask for everyone to post suggestions for anything that they find interest in, as always.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
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Post by Mascond »

Bit of a necro, but I figured that since farming is currently being revised, this would be a good time to give feedback.

1) Skill dependant crop types:
Pretty self-explanatory. You start off growing potatoes (even I can grow a potato irl) and end up growing high value crops like cotton and coffee. Higher value crops would require much more attention (e.g. more frequent watering) but be worth more, and low value crops would still be there for the plant and forget crowd.

2) Some mechanic to deal with stealing.
I don't know if it should be the possiblity of NPC witnesses, a way of telling who harvested a crop or some sort of temporary field ownership system, but crop thefts are getting problematic and there isn't a lot of IC recourse. Due to the times involved it's almost impossible to catch someone in the act OOC, and even harder to prove it IC. I know these mechanics are unrealistic, but so is being able to steal a dozen rooms of corn in a few minutes :(

3) Lower crop values: I've mentioned this is another thread, but in my opinion farming was a bit unbalanced before the revisions. Limiting the number of fields you can sow would help, as would more farming steps.

Even only allowing people one one-room farm permit, like a mine permit, would probably work if the max number of plots per room was adjusted. This might be a good long-tem mechanic change since a larger player-base would put real strain on the number of decent plains rooms.

4) Farm stuff!
Horse-drawn plows would be awesome, as would making irrigation or fertilizers to speed growth. A lot of that has been mentioned but I'd thought I'd weigh in on how cool that would be.
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Post by Kiyaani »

I know this is an older thread, but I agree with Mascond's 2 and 4. While it seems farming has lessened a bit with snow, there is still a high chance of crops being stolen which is not the case with say, mines (can be guarded) or logs where you harvest and take it with you immediately. Farms are left unattended for long stretches while the crops grow and are easily poached. I would think characters would have some way to keep the land they till safe. I really like the idea of a land permit even if it's temporary. Maybe each city can have designated areas that require a permit to till/sow and the wilderness can still be available for those who want to 'rough it'. I would imagine someone like Corvus wanting to exploit a permit idea and I'm sure Mistral and Shadgard would appreciate additional crops being brought to market.

Horse-drawn plows are a big 'yes'. Tilling is pretty tedious right now and this would help with the initial farm process.

It might also be cool down the line to have a 'farmer's market' where players can bring baked goods, crops and herbs once a week to sell or trade. This might be more useful if previous suggestions for certain crop limits go into effect (specializing in certain crops over others or only being permitted to plant certain crops in certain areas due to soil/weather).
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Post by Rias »

Very cool ideas. Farming still needs some further development.
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