Custom crafting marks!

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Custom crafting marks!

Post by Jirato »

I recently added some behind-the-scenes stuff to allow GMs to more easily check for and approve/reject custom crafting marks, so don't hesitate to get your request in. We're going to try to keep an eye on them.

This is a system that's been around for awhile now (admittedly, I didn't even know about it until this morning when a player put in a request), but for those of you who were like me and are unsure how the system works, just check out the craftmark command for details.

Note that while the system is set up to allow people to clear and request new crafting marks, we'll likely not honor requests from people that spam a new mark request every day or two. So try to come up with something you like and stick to it. Keep in mind that it should be a complete sentence, with proper capitalization and punctuation.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: Custom crafting marks!

Post by jilliana »

If we submitted one a long long time ago, would we need to resubmit?
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Re: Custom crafting marks!

Post by Jirato »

You shouldn't have to, though at present, the system doesn't remind us that you have a pending request. So its really a matter of catching you online at the right time. A couple things on my to-do list are to make these doable while offline and set up a little hourly "There are X pending craftmark requests." Reminder to the GMs.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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