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Why not Herbalism?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:21 pm
by Lun
Why doesn't Herbalism have it's own subforum? While it's not as expansive as mining, I had some questions regarding herbalism that I would like answered.

Do rivers count as "near water", fulfilling the requirement for comfrey? I've searched along the rivers where there are plains, grass, and temperate, but I never find Comfrey. At best I find Yora root.

Why don't all rooms that have the conditions for yora root growth have yora root?

If rivers don't count as "near water", does this mean comfrey only grows in hunting areas? (There aren't any wilderness ponds or lakes to my knowledge.)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:42 pm
by Rias
Rivers count as near water. I took a quick look, and there's currently some comfrey by wilderness rivers.

Herbs won't necessarily grow in a room just because they can, and if there's too much of one type, it can crowd out another type. This means a room's herb population can change over time, so you can't always go to the exact same spot to get what you need, and is part of the design intent.