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Game Text Changes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:08 am
by Jirato
Soundpack authors and script makers, I will be posting any major changes to well-established game text here.

Starting with:


The word 'Fatigue' has been changed to the word 'Energy'.
The word 'Hunger' has been changed to the word 'Nutrition'.

The term for third stage of fatigue/energy loss has been changed from 'Slight' to 'Slightly Fatigued'.
The term for the second stage of fatigue/energy loss has been changed from 'None' to 'Mildly Fatigued'.

A percentage number has been introduced between the labels for Energy and Nutrition and the energy/nutrition term.
Energy: 100% Fully Rested Nutrition: 100% Fully Satisfied

Re: Game Text Changes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:34 am
by Jirato
When typing the STATUS command:
The energy term "Not Winded" has been changed to Slightly Fatigued to better match the HEALTH command.
A new energy term, 'Mildly Fatigued' has been added between "Fully Rested" and "Slightly Fatigued"

Percentage numbers have been added before the energy and nutrition terms.
90% Mildly Fatigued, Unharmed, 10% Dying From Hunger, Position Avoid

Re: Game Text Changes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:36 am
by Jirato
The following changes affect the default game prompt (For those of you who don't have option prompt off):

When hiding, rather than having a green H in the middle of the prompt, the entire prompt will be prefixed by: "[Hidden]'"

When sitting, prone, or mounted, rather than having a magenta s, p, or M in the prompt, the following text will be inserted between the (optional) ['Hidden]' text and your current energy:
And additionally a new status:

Energy will now show a percentage after the E and a colon.

Nutrition will now show a percentage after the N and a colon.

Nutrition will now always be shown, not just when hungry.

Full prompt example:
[Hidden] (kneeling) E:100% N:100% WAvd>

Further prompt changes are forthcoming.

Re: Game Text Changes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:21 am
by Jirato
Further prompt changes:

Guarding someone will now show ['Guarding] before energy.
Being guarded by someone will now show [Guarded] before energy.

There is now a space after the W for wounded.
If you area bleeding, the W will be followed by bright red parenthesis with a bright white exclamation mark in the center.
If you are bandaged, the W will be followed by yellow parenthesis with a lowercase B in the center.

Full example:
[Guarding] E:100% N:100% W(!) Avd>

More changes forthcoming.

Re: Game Text Changes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:51 am
by Jirato
The prompt messages to show that you are under the effect of certain abilities such as shadow cloak or telepathy is now surrounded by parenthesis and is spaced apart from previous text. It will show before your Energy but after hiding or guarding text.

The monk Halo effect (Hlo) has been removed from the prompt entirely as there does not seem to be an obvious need to have it mentioned in the prompt. It can be found under the EFFECTS command if desired.

There was a space added after any elements currently being channeled and the combat position.
(n) Eng

Unconsciousness and social effects (bloody, gorey, etc) are now spaced apart from the combat position and enclosed in parenthesis.
(Unconsc), (BdGr)

Auto-Battle, Barrage, and Trance will now always be the last item shown in the prompt and will be preceeded by a space. They will have square brackets around them.
[Bttl]>, [Brrg]>, [Trnc]>

Full example:
(Clk) E:81% N:100% (n) Eng (BdGr) [Bttl]>

With this latest change the prompt is complete, minus some upcoming plans/changes to allow players to fine-tune and customize it.

Re: Game Text Changes

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:11 am
by Nobody
I love the new prompt changes, it feels very clean and informative. I did notice that when becoming bloody and then gory it did something odd with the parenthesis:
E:78% N:95% Rng ( (Bd)Gr)>