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Recommended Triggers and Timers for use in Mudlet?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:12 pm
by Moon_Dew
I was hoping to use some triggers and timers for when I'm doing things like crafting, smelting, smithing, stuff like that, to cut down on the amount of attention I have to pay to such things. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Re: Recommended Triggers and Timers for use in Mudlet?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:00 am
by Jaster
Ask Kent. He likes to bot those things too.

Re: Recommended Triggers and Timers for use in Mudlet?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:02 pm
by TwistedAkai
Timers are iffy. Triggers should probably highlight or just make a sound. I'm not sure exactly where the line is drawn for what you can automate, but you need to actually be there and input commands. An example I have for fishing is that no trigger of mine will -start- fishing, nor continue after a fish has either gotten away or been caught, but the process of trying to pull the fish in is done by the client because I can be a bit slow in my response time, and I want to be able to RP around fishing if I'm going to fish. My suggestion, if you do anything at all (and you should wait for staff to comment) would be to only do part of a given step in triggers/timers, with anything else playing a loud ping.

Maybe the reheating of the metal during the smithing process.
Maybe the cooling at the end of the smithing process.

Things you probably don't want to automate:
Anything involving cutting bars. Different things demand different cuts, and by the time you've got this right, you've put too much effort into automation.
Tossing of slag. This is an RP opportunity! If you automatically toss the slag, you deprive yourself an opportunity to emote throwing it at the trash barrel, or slamming it into the ground, or even speaking in tongues as you produce the 9001st one.
Start of smelting: Sounds like a good idea until you accidentally throw in the wrong metals and make an alloy you didn't want.
End of smelting: You might not always have the same container, and even if you do, a second one being present can throw off your targetting.

On the whole, remember that triggers and timers are iffy. They should be aids only. If you step away to pee, your character should fall idle before you get back in most cases, and they should never give you an advantage over other players (this means no sending commands for combat).