1. You need a trigger. Set the pattern like so: ^\((.*)\)$
1a. Ensure the pattern type is perl regex.
2. Insert these lines into the script field:
Code: Select all
string = matches[2]
In Mushclient, it's even simpler:
Open a new trigger. Use the same pattern as above, and check regular expression on the right side of the trigger setup window. Check Omit from Output. Under send to, select output. In the send box, simply enter: %1
This will cause the emote to output in a blue color, minus parentheses. You're free to further tweak this output in whatever way you prefer.
A reference image for Mushclient is supplied here: http://imgur.com/2COQlJV
If there are any others using a client that is not Mudlet or Mushclient, feel free to post your own method or request a method for the client that you use.