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Khaldean (previously: Grummer) info updated

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:31 pm
by Rias
Per the changelog: The lore on Khaldeans (sometimes colloquially referred to as "Grummers") has been updated. See the helpfiles "Khaldean" and "Khaldea".

There was a lot of talk on chat about this earlier, and I'll try to remember the important parts that will help clarify things for people here.

- The terms "Grummers" and "Grum" are still relevant, but rather as colloquialisms used to refer to the race and place instead of the official names. As I've been saying from the beginning, "Grum" was always a goofy placeholder name!
- These updates are big, but shouldn't invalidate anyone's overall backstory. The general aim is to downplay the "wacky zany tinkerer inventors" vibe so it doesn't feel like a one-dimensional race with a single defining cultural identity. The Khaldeans still have a cultural love of learning, sciences, innovation, and invention. They're just not ... World of Warcraft gnomes constantly spouting technobabble and coming up with wacky outlandish inventions. As an entire race. If your particular Khaldean/Grummer has that flavor going for them that's fine, and Khaldeans are still definitely the most fitting ones to play to that archetype! It's just not applied to the entire race of people anymore.
- One specific change is that there is no longer a "King" of the people. Rather, the Seven Cities are all allied but autonomous nearby city-states, and there's also the Border Country who are also allied with the Cities but typically just kind of do their own thing for the most part. Considering I don't recall ever hearing a mention of the King of Grum beyond their being given a name in the old race article, this should be a quiet little retcon that won't actually change anything of any substance.
- While they have traditional naming schemes listed based on the original founders of Khaldea, they're a very progressive people and more of a melting pot culture at this point. Their people are much more likely to have a variety of names beyond the traditional ones from their past history. (In other words; No, you don't have to worry that your character name form before these updates doesn't fit the updated 'traditional naming scheme' thing.)

I think that was the important stuff. If anyone remembers any other good points from that conversation, feel free to chime in. And if anyone has any questions about these updates and how they might affect their characters, feel free to ask here!

Wiki version of the updated "Khaldean" article:
Wiki version of the updated "Khaldea" article: