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Dramatic Tellings

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:06 pm
by Fayne
Flyers have been pinned up on the boards in every town. They read:
Salutations, Lost Lands inhabitants!
Are you bored with your daily life? Have you ever wondered what the rest of the Lost Lands are like? Have you ever dreamed of what life might be like on the other side of the Wall? Do you wish to go on adventures, yet have not the means nor capability to do so?

Languish no more, my good people!

Tomorrow, the 28th day of Markum, at 8 Bells post-zenith, I, Jezebel "Silvertongue" Silverton shall be in the Mummer Camp southwest of Mistral Lake to regail to the masses a wonderous tale, possibly two, complete with theatrical performance of the actions described, performed by yours truly, of course! Tell your friends, invite your loved ones, and come enjoy quality entertainment such as you have yet to experience!

For all interested, I shall also make my way to the Shattered Pumpkin in Mistral Lake afterward to sign autographs, and to engage in conversation. I also have my very own high-stakes bar game for any interested i trying their luck!

I hope to see many a curious eye in attendance! Remember to bring your imaginations (and a generous tip for your entertainer, if you find yourself in enjoyment)!
(OOC: This is gonna be my big debut for Jezebel. I'm going to try and be ready for this by 10:00 PM Eastern Time tomorrow, Saturday, March 28th. Be sure to keep an eye out for in-game announcements on ESP around then to let everyone know when and where exactly everything will be happening. Hope you all come! Really excited and nervous to share my own original stories!)

Re: Dramatic Tellings

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:29 am
by Fayne
Seems overnight a note was added to every poster:
Canceled due to uncontrollable circumstances. Rescheduled to take place Lightsday instead, same time and place. If unable to take place, keep an eye out for further updates.