The Traitor's Logbook

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The Traitor's Logbook

Post by hadesfire »

I Kinda wanted to do something like this, and then I saw Troy's Journal and thought it was cool, so i'm going ahead with it, thank's for the inspiration, Troy. This is from Desdoria's point of view.

I'v decided to keep a logbook, just sumthing to keep track of evrything, I just can't remember it all. I supose i'l start from the begining, when I first met Septus and he kiled that cyote, I really didn't expect fore him to apear so quikly. Then aftor that... alriht, starting over.


I went on a hunt with Lemuel, we maneged to get about 6 bears and a cuple of wolves, not the best time. I lost my pan and my skining nife after some scavenger's went of with them, leaving us with next to no catch, atleest i got the satisfaction of kiling some of those wolves, little demon animals... I'll rite mor latre, tyme to hunt.
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