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It takes a thief... almost (but not really).

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:08 pm
by Jaster
The following is Jaster's account of his attempted assassination of Shar in its full heroic glory: (OOC: this is an uncut log, soooo..)
You peer north and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
Weathered stone steps lead up to the porch of a large building set into the eastern wall of the outpost, its large double-doors appear to be in pristine condition. The remainder of the courtyard is in ruins with piles of rubble and debris scattered about.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: a dappled white and black horse, Sionyl, Shar and Xzean.
Obvious paths: west, north, south.

You stealthily move north.
Roundtime: 1 second.

You notice Shar glance your way as you sneak in.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
Weathered stone steps lead up to the porch of a large building set into the eastern wall of the outpost, its large double-doors appear to be in pristine condition. The remainder of the courtyard is in ruins with piles of rubble and debris scattered about.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: a dappled white and black horse, Sionyl, Shar and Xzean.
Obvious paths: west, north, south.


attack shar
(Changing combat position to Engage)
You spring from hiding to attack!
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 288 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You are unable to find an opening for your off-hand strike.
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 256 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 256 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You spring backward and tumble away to a safe distance!
(energy -7)
Roundtime: 6 seconds.

toss vial
Wait 5 seconds.

Queuing following command: toss vial
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

Xzean blinks.

Shar studies you intently for several moments.

You toss a smoke vial to the ground, where it instantly explodes into a rapidly-expanding cloud of thick, black smoke, obscuring you from view and allowing you to escape to a hiding place as the area fills with fog!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

attack shar
Wait 2 seconds.

Queuing following command: attack shar
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

Attack what?

You carefully search the area, while attempting to keep out of sight yourself.
Roundtime: 4 seconds.

Inky black tendrils snake and writhe around Xzean's hands.

Xzean's hands glow with pale blue light.

Inky black tendrils snake and writhe around Xzean's hands.

Wait 3 seconds.

Queuing following command: n
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

You stealthily move north.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
An old stableyard rests in the corner of the outpost, with several empty pens surrounding the area. Dry weeds have grown up among the fencing and building, the entire area uncared for and run down. An old storehouse appears to have fallen into disrepair.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
There are some homes here.
Obvious paths: west, south, southwest.

# #

You stealthily move west.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The northern wall stretchs east to west high overhead. The area is covered in fallen rock and debris. It appears a large explosion of some sort once occured here, a large black mark charred into the cobblestones below your feet. A single building with swinging half-doors still stands, its windows shattered and broken.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Obvious paths: west, east, south.



You feel fully rested.

You stealthily move west.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (market) (OutUr) [temperate]
The bottom of the northwest outpost tower has crumbled leaving a jagged opening leading into the lower half of its foundations. It stands supported by its outer foundation, and the walls on the north and west. Several sales carts line the area, with buyers arguing quietly over wares and pricing.
There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice a large tattered poster.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.

# #

You stealthily move south.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The inner gates reveal broken stone arches along an vast open courtyard. The entire area surrounded by walls which still stand tall, their carved surface weathered and covered in dried vines. A tall stone gate with shattered doors marks the only entrance and exit.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You recall that an arrow has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.


peer east
You peer east and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
Signs of former grandeur surround this courtyard. Stone terraces and archways are covered in dead vines, the intricate carvings can still be seen under the tangled mass. Empty flowerbeds and gardens now sprout brown and decaying weeds. A stone well rests at the exact center of the courtyard.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a broken black oak wagon and a wooden trash barrel.
You recall that a black and gold signet ring has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest.

peer n
You peer north and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (market) (OutUr) [temperate]
The bottom of the northwest outpost tower has crumbled leaving a jagged opening leading into the lower half of its foundations. It stands supported by its outer foundation, and the walls on the north and west. Several sales carts line the area, with buyers arguing quietly over wares and pricing.
There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice a large tattered poster.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.

You stealthily move south.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
This dilapidated corner of the courtyard shows the remains of several burnt and blackened buildings, some no longer standing. Amid those fallen stand an old barracks while the remaining buildings have created a pile of charred rubble which rests immediately in the corner between the two walls while dried weeds have grown up among the ashes.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east.

# #

peer e
You peer east and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
What was once a cloister of intricately carved arches now lies in rows of rubble. Some of the stones show the black char of ashes while weeds grow out of the ruins. An old blacksmithy has been built against the south wall, bordered by a workyard.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a yew-planked tanner's shed.
Obvious paths: west, north, east.

A small pale child just arrived.

look child
Dark unkempt brown hair hangs down either side of the child's unnaturally pale face, his dark eyes gazing curiously about at his surroundings in silence. His limbs and body appear quite thin.
He is wearing an obsidian and bloodglass pendant, a small black linen tunic, a braided leather bracelet with a carved lion attached and some baggy linen trousers.

peer east
You peer east and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
What was once a cloister of intricately carved arches now lies in rows of rubble. Some of the stones show the black char of ashes while weeds grow out of the ruins. An old blacksmithy has been built against the south wall, bordered by a workyard.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a yew-planked tanner's shed.
Obvious paths: west, north, east.

You notice a black-clawed assassin move stealthily into the area.

You notice Shar move stealthily into the area.

attack shar
Shar's hiding spot is revealed by your action!
(Changing combat position to Engage)
You spring from hiding to attack!
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 321 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You are unable to find an opening for your off-hand strike.
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 321 vs D:8010 P:6615 P:6615)
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 288 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You kick a clump of dust at Shar! (Off: 1254 vs Def: 10100)
A direct hit to the face!
Shar draws back, squinting and blinking in an attempt to clear her eyes.
You spring backward and tumble away to a safe distance!
(energy -7)
Roundtime: 6 seconds.

A black-clawed assassin springs from hiding to attack!
(Forcing combat position to Engage.)
A black-clawed assassin swings a sleek black poignard at you! (M: 1287 vs D:1194)
16 slash damage to the neck!
(energy -16)
A black-clawed assassin thrusts with a sleek black poignard at you! (M: 1287 vs D:1194)
A black-clawed assassin thrusts with a sleek black poignard at you! (M: 1287 vs D:1194)
13 pierce damage to the chest, exploiting a chink in a supple leather vest!
(energy -13)
A black-clawed assassin springs backward and tumbles away to a safe distance!

dirt shar
Wait 4 seconds.

Queuing following command: dirt shar
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

Xzean just arrived.

You kick a clump of dust at Shar! (Off: 1254 vs Def: 10100)
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

(energy -1)
toss vial
Wait 2 seconds.

Queuing following command: toss vial
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

A black-clawed assassin springs from hiding to attack!
(energy -1)
Anticipating an attack from a black-clawed assassin, you quickly tumble out of harm's way and spring to your feet!

Inky black tendrils snake and writhe around Xzean's hands.

Xzean's hands glow with pale blue light.

Inky black tendrils snake and writhe around Xzean's hands.

You toss a smoke vial to the ground, where it instantly explodes into a rapidly-expanding cloud of thick, black smoke, obscuring you from view and allowing you to escape to a hiding place as the area fills with fog!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

A small pale child just went into a barracks.

attack shar
Wait 2 seconds.

Queuing following command: attack shar
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

Inky black tendrils snake and writhe around Shar's hands.

Shar manages to blink the debris clear of her eyes.

You spring from hiding to attack!
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 321 vs D:8010 P:6615 P:6615)
You are unable to find an opening for your off-hand strike.
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 321 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
You thrust with a masterfully-forged celestium dagger with a gold hilt at Shar! (M: 321 vs D:8900 P:7350 P:7350)
(energy -7)
Roundtime: 6 seconds.

A black-clawed assassin springs from hiding to attack!
A black-clawed assassin swings a sleek black poignard at you! (!) (M: 1287 vs D:11)
4 slash damage - to the left arm, partially deflected by some leather vambraces.
(energy -4)
A black-clawed assassin thrusts with a sleek black poignard at you! (!) (M: 1287 vs D:597)
9 pierce damage to the chest, exploiting a chink in a supple leather vest!
(energy -9)
A black-clawed assassin thrusts with a sleek black poignard at you! (!) (M: 1158 vs D:11)
23 pierce damage to the chest, exploiting a chink in a supple leather vest!
(energy -23)
A black-clawed assassin stomps its foot at you! (Off: 1709 vs Def: 869)
1 crush damage - to the right foot, barely deflected by a pair of supple leather shoes.
(energy -1)
You hop about on one foot in pain!
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

toss vial
Xzean hurls a freezing inky-black blob at you!
A freezing inky-black blob surges toward you! (R: 192 vs D:939)
Wait 9 seconds.

Queuing following command: toss vial
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

A black-clawed assassin springs from hiding to attack!
(energy -1)
Anticipating an attack from a black-clawed assassin, you quickly tumble out of harm's way and spring to your feet!

Xzean hurls a freezing inky-black blob at you!
A freezing inky-black blob surges toward you! (R: 192 vs D:1132)
A fireball streaks toward you from somewhere overhead!

You toss a smoke vial to the ground, where it instantly explodes into a rapidly-expanding cloud of thick, black smoke, obscuring you from view and allowing you to escape to a hiding place as the area fills with fog!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

Shar's form is suddenly obscured by shadowy tendrils which blur her form... When you look again, she doesn't appear to be standing where they once were.

attack shar
Wait 2 seconds.

Queuing following command: attack shar
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

Attack what?

You stealthily move north.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The inner gates reveal broken stone arches along an vast open courtyard. The entire area surrounded by walls which still stand tall, their carved surface weathered and covered in dried vines. A tall stone gate with shattered doors marks the only entrance and exit.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You recall that an arrow has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.


You notice a black-clawed assassin, who is obviously trying to remain hidden.
You stealthily move north.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (market) (OutUr) [temperate]
The bottom of the northwest outpost tower has crumbled leaving a jagged opening leading into the lower half of its foundations. It stands supported by its outer foundation, and the walls on the north and west. Several sales carts line the area, with buyers arguing quietly over wares and pricing.
There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice a large tattered poster.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.

# #

position avoid
You are now attempting to avoid combat.

You stealthily move east.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The northern wall stretchs east to west high overhead. The area is covered in fallen rock and debris. It appears a large explosion of some sort once occured here, a large black mark charred into the cobblestones below your feet. A single building with swinging half-doors still stands, its windows shattered and broken.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
Obvious paths: west, east, south.


Xzean just arrived.

Xzean just went west.

Xzean just arrived.

Xzean just went east.

You carefully search the area, while attempting to keep out of sight yourself.
Roundtime: 4 seconds.

peer east
You peer east and see ...

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
An old stableyard rests in the corner of the outpost, with several empty pens surrounding the area. Dry weeds have grown up among the fencing and building, the entire area uncared for and run down. An old storehouse appears to have fallen into disrepair.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
There are some homes here.
Obvious paths: west, south, southwest.

Your hiding spot is revealed by Shar!
Shar suddenly leaps out of hiding to attack!
Shar slashes at your neck with inky black claws! (Off: 6468 vs Def: 850)
69 nether damage to the neck!
(energy -69)
Shar cuts deep into your neck!
Your throat begins bleeding!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You continue to bleed from your neck.

(energy -6)
(energy -7)
You continue to bleed from your neck!

A fireball streaks toward you from somewhere overhead!
33 fire damage -- to the right foot, somewhat deflected by a pair of supple leather shoes.
(energy -33)


[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (market) (OutUr) [temperate]
The bottom of the northwest outpost tower has crumbled leaving a jagged opening leading into the lower half of its foundations. It stands supported by its outer foundation, and the walls on the north and west. Several sales carts line the area, with buyers arguing quietly over wares and pricing.
There is a small crowd of people here. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice a large tattered poster.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.

# #

You continue to bleed from your neck.

(energy -6)
(energy -7)
You continue to bleed from your neck!

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The inner gates reveal broken stone arches along an vast open courtyard. The entire area surrounded by walls which still stand tall, their carved surface weathered and covered in dried vines. A tall stone gate with shattered doors marks the only entrance and exit.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You recall that an arrow has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.


You notice Sionyl move stealthily into the area.

Xzean just arrived.

You use your knowledge of urban stealth to your advantage.
You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings.
Roundtime: 1 second.

[Corvus Outpost, Courtyard] (OutUr) [temperate]
The inner gates reveal broken stone arches along an vast open courtyard. The entire area surrounded by walls which still stand tall, their carved surface weathered and covered in dried vines. A tall stone gate with shattered doors marks the only entrance and exit.
A few people are milling about the area. The area is mostly quiet.
You recall that an arrow has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Also here: Xzean and Sionyl (hiding, shrouded in shadow).
Obvious paths: north, east, south.


You continue to bleed from your neck.

(energy -6)
(energy -7)
You continue to bleed from your neck!

go gate
You stealthily move into a shattered stone gate.
Roundtime: 1 second.

You notice a maniacal Corvus rager glance your way as you sneak in.
You notice a rotting night hound glance your way as you sneak in.

[Corvus Outpost, Gatehouse] (InUr)
The interior of this expansive gatehouse bears the signs of past battles with deep gouges cut into the stone walls while rubble litters the area from what was once towering gate doors. A rotted ladder leans against the outpost wall, allowing access to the crenulated wall to the south while a series of thick dried vines cover rubble leading up to the north wall.
The area is mostly quiet. The area is particularly warm.
You also notice a small brazier.
Also here: a rotting Corvus gatekeeper, a towering flesh golem, a maniacal Corvus rager (winded), a skeletal archer, a rotting night hound (lightly wounded) and a rotting Corvus gatekeeper.
Obvious exits: west, east.


Wait 1 seconds.

Queuing following command: w
(You may clear your command queue at any time)

You stealthily move west.
Roundtime: 1 second.

You notice a rotting footman glance your way as you sneak in.

[Corvus Outpost, Drawbridge] (OutUr) [temperate]
This long wooden drawbridge seems to have had better days. Large gaps in the planking allow you to see what was once a moat below, now filled with mud and debris. Long reeds grow up between the gaps from below. Ahead of you stands a shattered stone gate which leads into the old outpost.
The area is mostly quiet.
You recall that an arrow has been hidden here, which you may recover.
Also here: a rotting footman.
Obvious paths: down (shallow), west.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:26 am
by Landion
Heh, I hope everyone is having fun.

(Also I fixed the bad grammar in the shadow step messaging. Whoops.)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:08 am
by Sionyl
As I said yesterday, this certainly took some cojones. Was pretty interesting walking around waiting to be attacked (killed) :P

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:29 am
by Evelyn
I had fun last night, despite being tired and needing sleep. (I think it showed...)

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:21 pm
by Skjotur
She's an NPC, the leader of the assassin guild.