The search continues... (A short story)

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The search continues... (A short story)

Post by Lun »

Zeel sat over in the corner of the tavern, taking advantage of his position to spectate the activities of the other patrons. It had been a long day of searching. At the first signs of day, he had woken before continuing on his task. Knowledge awaits no one—one moment it might be here, the next... thousands of miles away. He still had much land to traverse, and by the time he was finished... who knows what new things might have been discovered where he began.
Zeel mused silently over a flagon of Gardic beer, recounting the events of the day. He had not garnered much information, only snippets of rumours regarding the existence of Johnathon Crowhaven. They were the same ones that he had heard throughout the region—Crowhaven, an omnipotent sorcerer who has even mastered Death himself. He made a mental note to attempt to contact the man, knowing that unless he proved himself to be of worth, he would most likely be rejected. Other information he had gathered had been useless. Little personality fragments that he had picked up; the cobbler holds himself very suspiciously, like he has something to hide. The miners enjoy sneaking away from work in order to drink, Zeel noted as a careless miner boasts loudly of his feat.
Today was another decent day, Zeel decided. A glint of... emotion showing in his eye, he retires for the day.
Last edited by Lun on Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have nothing productive to say, therefore, I must be heard!
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