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Minor Haunting suggestions

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:47 pm
by Lun
Note: The effects are undergoing editing. The current description is stock, meant to hold the idea in place.

1. A shadowy silhouette fades into being before <target>, mist resolving into its shadowy figure.
Effect: Summons temporary friendly spirit to aid the sorcerer in combat. Does not take orders and disappears once haunting is over or when destroyed.

2. Shadowy silhouettes float and swirl rapidly around <friendly spirit>, flowing into him!
A <friendly spirit> appears somewhat rejuvenated.
Effect: Friendly spirit regains energy as if aided. (Includes shadow familiar)

3. Tendrils of black smoke seep up out of the ground around <friendly spirit>, quickly resolving into grasping, shadowy hands! Before it can react, <friendly spirit> returns to mist and disappears.
Effect: Destroys a spawned spirit, but not a familiar.

Re: Minor Haunting suggestions

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:36 pm
by Rasui
Please can we have a way to dismiss a haunting? When I am through I would like to remove it so others in the area don't get harmed by it.

Re: Minor Haunting suggestions

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:47 pm
by Avedri
That's half the fun.

Re: Minor Haunting suggestions

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:26 pm
by Lun
With the new Command Nether ability, the first and third suggestions are kind of null. But I think it'd be neat if you could trade a haunting field for a summoned spirit as an extension of the field, like cast 310 spirit. This would solve the "I wish I could dispell a haunting field" dilemma too.


You grasp your etched fang talisman, willing the released spirits to coalesce into tangible form.
The area suddenly brightens as the spirits gather, the temperature returning to normal. The spirits combine to form a < neutral shade>.

The shade's abilities would be the casters sorcery/2, much like a familiar. You can then proceed to command the spirit.

Re: Minor Haunting suggestions

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:12 pm
by Acarin
Cool idea and an interesting way to drop the field...