Forging Reference

Artisans of the Western Coalition, specializing in resource-gathering and crafting.
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Forging Reference

Post by Math321 »

Code: Select all

|~|Data compiled by Quintin G. Wright on 26 Apr. 1219                         |~|
|~|All values are given in standard bars. To convert to pounds, multiply by 4.|~|
|~|HILTS                               | PLATE ARMOR                          |~|
|~|hilt, broadsword .. 3/4 bar         | plate armor breastplate .. 6 bars    |~|
|~|hilt, dagger ...... 1/4 bar         | plate armor gauntlets .... 1 bar     |~|
|~|hilt, falchion .... 1 bar           | plate armor gorget ....... 1 bar     |~|
|~|hilt, greatsword .. 2 bars          | plate armor greathelm .... 2 1/2 bars|~|
|~|hilt, longsword ... 1 bar           | plate armor greaves ...... 4 bars    |~|
|~|hilt, shortsword .. 1/2 bar         | plate armor helm ......... 1 1/2 bars|~|
|~|hilt, stiletto .... 1/4 bar         | plate armor sabatons ..... 1 bar     |~|
|~+------------------------------------+ plate armor vambraces .... 3 bars    |~|
|~|BLADES                              +--------------------------------------+~|
|~|blade, broadsword .. 3/4 bar        | SCALE ARMOR                          |~|
|~|blade, dagger ...... 1/4 bar        | scale armor bracers ... 3 bars       |~|
|~|blade, falchion .... 1 bar          | scale armor coif ...... 2 bars       |~|
|~|blade, greatsword .. 2 bars         | scale armor cuirass ... 5 bars       |~|
|~|blade, longsword ... 1 bar          | scale armor gorget .... 1 bar        |~|
|~|blade, shortsword .. 1/2 bar        | scale armor greaves ... 4 bars       |~|
|~|blade, stiletto .... 1/4 bar        | scale armor helm ...... 1 1/2 bars   |~|
|~+------------------------------------+ scale armor mitons .... 1 bar        |~|
|~|HAFTS                               | scale armor sabatons .. 2 bars       |~|
|~|haft, ball-and-chain .. 1 bar       +--------------------------------------+~|
|~|haft, flail ........... 2 bars      | SHIELDS                              |~|
|~|haft, greataxe ........ 2 bars      | buckler .......... 1 1/2 bars        |~|
|~|haft, halberd ......... 1 bar       | kite shield ...... 3 bars            |~|
|~|haft, handaxe ......... 1 bar       | standard shield .. 2 bars            |~|
|~|haft, mace ............ 1 bar       | tower shield ..... 5 bars            |~|
|~|haft, morning-star .... 1 bar       +--------------------------------------+~|
|~|haft, pike ............ 1 bar       | ARROWHEADS                           |~|
|~|haft, sledgehammer .... 1 1/2 bars  | bodkin (2) ..... 1/4 bar             |~|
|~|haft, spear ........... 1 bar       | broadhead (2) .. 1/4 bar             |~|
|~|haft, trident ......... 1 bar       +--------------------------------------+~|
|~|haft, voulge .......... 1 bar       | COMMODITIES                          |~|
|~|haft, warhammer ....... 1 1/2 bars  | gear ....... 1 bar                   |~|
|~+------------------------------------+ hinge ...... 1/2 bar                 |~|
|~|HEADS                               | hoop ....... 1/2 bar                 |~|
|~|head, ball-and-chain .. 1 bar       | horseshoe .. 1/2 bar                 |~|
|~|head, flail ........... 2 bars      | nail (5) ... 1/4 bar                 |~|
|~|head, greataxe ........ 2 bars      | spike ...... 1/4 bar                 |~|
|~|head, halberd ......... 1 bar       +--------------------------------------+~|
|~|head, handaxe ......... 1 bar       | Note that the values given are for   |~|
|~|head, mace ............ 1 bar       | a single attempt at forging the      |~|
|~|head, morning-star .... 1 bar       | item in question. An unskilled or    |~|
|~|head, pike ............ 1 bar       | unlucky smith might require more     |~|
|~|head, sledgehammer .... 1 1/2 bars  | attempts to reach the desired        |~|
|~|head, spear ........... 1 bar       | quality. Recycling a failed attempt  |~|
|~|head, trident ......... 1 bar       | almost always results in half the    |~|
|~|head, voulge .......... 1 bar       | metal being recovered.               |~|
|~|head, warhammer ....... 1 1/2 bars  |                                      |~|
Or, if you'd prefer a link:
Last edited by Math321 on Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Quintin, the Artisan.
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Re: Forging Reference

Post by Jirato »

I love it. Do you have any plans for distribution in-game? Might want to try NPCMailing it to Locke, if you haven't already thought about it... just saying.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: Forging Reference

Post by Kent »

Nice chart.

One might mention that 'nails' yields 5, and that bodkins and broadheads yields two.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Forging Reference

Post by Math321 »

Edited the chart to include that, Kent, thanks. Swapped the link for a new one, too.

And I believe I will, Jirato! Thanks for the suggestion.~
Characters I play:
Quintin, the Artisan.
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