Abilities and recognition points

Artisans of the Western Coalition, specializing in resource-gathering and crafting.
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Abilities and recognition points

Post by clayton »

Traders: additional abilities and using recognition points

Hello everyone. I'd like to pose some things regarding traders.
We need more traders that's quite apparent. There are a select few who can make items for all the players in the other guilds.

I was just thinking that, carpentry for example, is a profession, yet we have no abilities for it the way we do for farming, fishing, lumberjack, etc. Could we please have the addition of carpentry apprentice, journeyman, and master? For a bonus in gaining each of those abilities, 50 points would be gained per ability. The roundtimes are very very nice already, so reduced RT would not make sense.
More of an enhancement should be given to the farming and fishing abilities though. I think currently, traders who learn those abilities only get 25 point bonus, but maybe that can be changed to fifty points?

Now, as far as recognition points are concerned, I don't know if the GMs are planning anything nice to do with those, but I have one suggestion. Since currently, the north and south exits from the main gate is, are still off limits due to fire damage and all that, we traders have zero things to use our recognition points on. we don't gain any guild points for selling things at the markets. I read a changelog entry I believe a while back that we're suppose to get those, but we don't. I've only gotten maybe two missions where I gained 100 guild points, and that was spectacular. Anyway, it would be cool if a trader gained, maybe 0.1 guild points for selling an item to a market. As far as spending recognition points, I was thinking that, maybe all the various tools a trader needs for whatever trade interested him or her, could be purchased in a room, inside the purchase orders warehouse, where instead of paying with riln, they could pay with guild points. This room would only be usable by traders, and only if that trader had recognition points to spend. I can think of other guilds that could benefit from this type of thing, but I'm only writing about traders in this thread.

Please take this suggestion into consideration. we definitely need insentive for players to think of having a trader character, using that character, and stick with that decision.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

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Re: Abilities and recognition points

Post by Kiyaani »

Traders used to get those points for selling things at market, but the change was to remove that feature. You can read more about the reasoning here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2283
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