Trader Guild Abilities

Artisans of the Western Coalition, specializing in resource-gathering and crafting.
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Trader Guild Abilities

Post by Nootau »

I feel most of the Guild abilities appear of little value, I was wondering if there is room for a new take on what Abilities Traders could have.

Concept, Connections
<> Connections would represent how well connected they are with the many parts of the Coalition on a personal level. How many inside men and women they have to offer discount, push their requests along quicker, access to expensive equipment and the like.

<> Mercenary Connections
This would allow a Trader to have access to Mercenary Contracts that are at a lower price to the general public. They would also gain access to contract different specialists of a field rather than a general Mercenary.

<> Sentry Connections
This would be a advanced Mercenary Connection which would allow a Trader to hire a Master of hounds at their personal Mine or to accompany them. The master of hounds is weaker physically than most Mercenaries his fee might expect but he is accompanied with two trained war hounds trained to sniff out threats from the shadows.

<> Forging Connections
This would allow a Trader access to expensive equipment such as specialized furnaces, a array of different types of anvils and other smithing equipment kept in pristine condition. While smithing in this room, the Trader gains a bonus to their Smithing skills and a slight bonus to the chance at creating masterpieces. This access doesn't come for free or as a one time fee. The Trader must pay a retainer fee still to access this room for a week of use, this payment is in Riln, not Guild Points.

These are just a few of the ideas I have. I would like to know if others would see this as fitting and worthwhile to not only take if they were a Trader but be a good reason to play a Trader.
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