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Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:25 pm
by Nedrik
So I was helping a new Utasa with her first task, and she had to go to Mistral to copy some information. She had the hardest time hiding from the sentries, and with the new antiidle changes, she got kicked once from trying too many times. My question is, are these tasks supposed to be that difficult, or is this the sentry thing an oversight? I know in Shadgard, it's easy enough to just wait until they never move, but since Mistral has them in every move and they're stationary it makes that kind of sneakiness quite hard.


Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:34 pm
by gralkik
I have a Utasa. I created him/her when there were sentries in town. All I did, was cancel the mission, and trained stealth a little bit. It's not that hard to do. As there are multiple ways to train stealth. Stealth is flexible in how it can be trained. One, hurling. Two, ambushing with weapons or brawling. three, shortbows.. if there are other ways of training it. I am not by any means going to post it here, or anywhere else, for that matter. The best answer to what is asked regarding that, is remove it, train stealth.. and come back to it.

That said, It might not be a bad idea to bump stealth related tasks in Mistral Lake to a higher stealth level.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:00 pm
by Lun
I think it's an oversight due to recent lore events that picked up Mistral Security. You could write to the Utasa leader/taskmaster regarding your concerns using NPCMAIL as an IC way of interacting with your supervisors regarding your concerns.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:03 pm
by Nedrik
That's a good idea. I forget about npcmail.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:14 pm
by Dakhal
I'm actually against the sentries in Mistral. I do wish that they would patrol, but even if they did, it would pretty much guarantee there's one in every room regardless. There's simply too many of them, and while it gives the feel of the town being well-defended/watched over, it does cripple a few guilds mechanic-wise. And I'm sorry to say that telling people to go do tasks in another town isn't a reasonable solution.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:16 pm
by Lun
This suggestion belongs in a separate thread, but wouldn't it be a lot cooler if instead of mechanically limiting urban stealth based guilds, the feeling of always being watched was incorporated into the room description and flavortext echos instead?

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:29 pm
by Dakhal
That would be much more preferred. Have like soldier patrols echo through the room as they go from place to place. Mistral does already have some similar echoes in the form of people being questioned. As it is, it's not terribly newbie-friendly and it prevents those new people from progressing decently in their chosen guild if they're sent to Mistral/do tasks in Mistral.

Even I, an oldbie, hesitate to do any tasks in Mistral and it's my favorite town. I absolutely hate that I have to leave it to do anything because my character isn't geared towards stealth.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:17 pm
by Jirato
To be honest, I haven't looked at Mistral Lake in over a year, since before the whole Mistviel Dominion thing, I'm not sure what they have presently in terms of security, but definitely sounds like something I should look at. I'll do an assessment of their security and tweak as necessary when I have the time.

Also, task homes should never be in a room with stationary guards. Though that's not necessarily enforced by code.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:26 pm
by jilliana
Jirato wrote:To be honest, I haven't looked at Mistral Lake in over a year, since before the whole Mistviel Dominion thing, I'm not sure what they have presently in terms of security, but definitely sounds like something I should look at. I'll do an assessment of their security and tweak as necessary when I have the time.

Also, task homes should never be in a room with stationary guards. Though that's not necessarily enforced by code.
Not sure if you've had the chance to look at it, J, but every single room in ML has a stationary patrol. Which, in effect, is part of the problem of tasks.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:00 pm
by Jirato
The stationary pale sentries have all been replaced with moving pale soldiers.

Re: Mistral lake Tasks

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 5:47 pm
by jilliana
Jirato wrote:The stationary pale sentries have all been replaced with moving pale soldiers.
Thanks for the update.