Idea's to Keep Utasa around

The agent branch of Tse Gaiyan.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Lavi »

So what are some other things we can do while we are waiting for things to get going in other areas. Utasa Hang outs? maybe group training? not sure what else to look at.
[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Alicia »


I had originally intended to not have druidry until much much later into my character, but every Udemi I ran across IC and OOC were like 'You need druidry right now, why don't you have it?' So I thought it was something necessary.

Thank you GMs and alike that have come on and explained a bit more about the Tse Gaiyan, I have been playing mine as a resen fighter first, forest protector second, and the whole logging/hunting thing I've only know about by example, now that I know more about how Tse Gaiyan respond to the Gaea I can start shifting the rp more.


I am with Rias here, that's how my Udemi character thinks of Utasa and treats them, the protectors of the cities, not spies.

Utasa Resen ideas:
The towns need to feel threatenedby the Resen to give Utasa a reason to stick to them. I suggest tasks like the other tasks that spawn mobs for the player to go kill.

Haiban: Infested rats - a dozen or so spawn in the city hiding, Utasa must kill them all. They can attack horses and people and be generally annoying. If the Utasa doesn't get the guild point for killing it, another is spawned in its place.

Mistral: Infested Canim - two types, guild task and mini event. Guild task infested canim spawn just outside the dock on the mainland.

mini-event (triggered when 2 or more Utasa have the same infested canim event) The players on the task get a message that something weird seems to be happening across the bridge is Mistral. When they arrive to investigate the guards say they've noticed strange canim starting to gather up on the other end of the bridge and they need you to clean it up, and allow Utasa across, then as you go across the bridge # infested canim spawn and ambush dependant on number of people in the room when spawn timer clicks.

Shadgard: See Haiban but use squirrels.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Rias »

A possible flyer for a possible event the Utasa could throw wrote:Are you worried about the infested? Afraid they'll attack your home like they have so many other settlements lately? Want to learn to defend yourself and your loved ones from the resen threat? Join the Utasa in a training and (optional) field exercise this Citisday!

The Utasa is a branch of the Tse Gaiyan dedicated to fighting off the resent threat and keeping infested out of your homes and cities. To start, these elite anti-infested soldiers will offer combat training to any who desire to show the infested they won't go down without a fight. After the training session, any who wish to will be taken out on a field exercise, bringing the fight to the infested directly. The combat will start on the outskirts of Tarueka, where the risk of serious injury is extremely minimal. For those who wish to go further, the group will later make their way into the infested town itself, where the danger is higher.

Suggestions for those joining the Utasa on the field exercise:
- Wear some kind of facemask covering the nose and mouth. Nobody knows for sure if they're immune. Lessen the possibility of inhaling airborn spores!
- Gird yourself in protective gear, at the very least about the torso. Even a complete novice can move around relativley unhindered in light leather armor. Protective gear can be the difference between life and death.
- Eat some emberberries before and after the field exercise. While by no means a cure, and only suspected to be an aid to keeping one's mind clear of outside influence, it doesn't hurt to take every potential preventative measure against possible infestation.
- Know that you join AT YOUR OWN RISK. Injuries will be tended to the best of the abilities of those present, but safety is in no way guaranteed. While unlikely, if you show signs of infestation, the Utasa will need to detain you indefinitely.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Sleilax »

I think the concept of what a spy organization is way more complex than just sneaking around and spying. I definitely think there should be open Utasa who work publicly towards the end goals of Utasa while there is covert agents who do stuff that the Utasa wouldn't want to be caught doing. That's key here. The only reason you would have spies is if you were doing stuff you wouldn't want others to know about. That's why there must be separation from the Udemi. IC we would justify it by it being for the good of the Tse Gaiyan and the detriment of the resen. It goes so far as I'm sure many Udemi would be opposed to what the Utasa do but that's why they are separate and not just one group. There is so much potential for the Utasa in Clok beyond sneaking around. I would elaborate but hmm maybe I'll just send it to Vinz.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Alicia »

Sleilax wrote:I think the concept of what a spy organization is way more complex than just sneaking around and spying. I definitely think there should be open Utasa who work publicly towards the end goals of Utasa while there is covert agents who do stuff that the Utasa wouldn't want to be caught doing. That's key here. The only reason you would have spies is if you were doing stuff you wouldn't want others to know about. That's why there must be separation from the Udemi. IC we would justify it by it being for the good of the Tse Gaiyan and the detriment of the resen. It goes so far as I'm sure many Udemi would be opposed to what the Utasa do but that's why they are separate and not just one group. There is so much potential for the Utasa in Clok beyond sneaking around. I would elaborate but hmm maybe I'll just send it to Vinz.
I like the idea of the separatist group, the "inner circle". Most of the Utasa work with the Udemi, but then there are the "others" who the Udemi don't even know about and only few Utasa do. Trying to seperate the Udemi and the Utasa entirely I think is a bad idea.
1) they share the same chapter house
2) they share the same organization and thus some of the same basic beliefs
3) There is a Praetorian(sp?) that knows pretty much everything that goes on with the Tse Gaiyan anyways.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Sleilax »

No I don't mean they should be separated from the same place. It's sort of like the FBI and the CIA, they both work for the US government and they both have similar goals but they don't communicate much on what each are doing internally.

EDIT: Also I'm referring to what I said in the beginning of this post about how we all communicate through the same channel. I just want our communication and internal activities separated.
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Re: Idea's to Keep Utasa around

Post by Alicia »

Sleilax wrote:No I don't mean they should be separated from the same place. It's sort of like the FBI and the CIA, they both work for the US government and they both have similar goals but they don't communicate much on what each are doing internally.
The FBI and CIA also don't share the same headquarters. What you're talking about in a way already exists, I don't know or much care what Utasa are doing beyond helping fight resen, I don't think other Udemi know much more than I about what the Utasa are doing.
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