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"never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:46 pm
by Ruta
A friend pointed out this passage from the Udemi wiki article to me today:
Above all else, members are expected to never act in sympathy toward the Resen
It seemed like an unfamiliar and overzealous ideal to me, it doesn't seem like it should be the highest point of priority for Udemi. I feel like if my Udemi sees an infested human that appears to not be hostile, he wouldn't immediately shoot it, he would try to talk to it, try to learn anything from it, and even to help it if he could without endangering others. What if a child that was previously healthy one day became infested? Would Udemi be expected to just execute it? A fellow Udemi? A loved one? I understand someone becoming infested should be treated with due suspicion but to say one should never act in sympathy toward the resen, above all else, sounds extreme, like there's absolutely no room for any hope or mercy.

Re: "never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:56 pm
by gralkik
There are a good number of posts on the BBS regarding Tse Gaiyan. Which need to be put somewhere for reference guides on a OOC basis. My thoughts, anyways.

Re: "never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:14 pm
by Ruta
I think that would be a great resource. Can you find the ones you know of and put them in a post on our board somewhere?

Re: "never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:25 pm
by gralkik
Yeah, I was thinking about it when I mentioned it. Won't be for a day or two. I'll find a good place to put in under too. Left room for someone to take up that task. ;)

Re: "never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:14 am
by artus
I thum this one up really hard. If there's a person, for one, who'd do that. Sure it's Artus.

Being no mercy is just a...i don't know, sounds overly cruel, too much to be in reason. If a person is willing to fight the symptom, there's at least a hope that he or she will overcome it.
I know, and have rped with a player character who got it stick, but managed to overcome it. Sure the same case could go for "those who have the will to fight", not those who give up. And this way, out of nowhere, just because we are Tse Gaiyan, we have to execute? Just because they are contracted , not even fully turned?

Re: "never act in sympathy toward the Resen"

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:11 am
by Jirato
Tse Gaiyan can, at times, be viewed as a very extremist organization. They have a history of doing some pretty un-sympathetic stuff. A few people have heard me tell a story of their history as Bartholomew or Jacob.

That particular wiki edit was a player edit though. I'll see about fixing it up later when I have access to a computer. I feel that many members do take up that belief, but I don't feel that it needs to be presented on a way that indicates it's a must.