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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:48 pm
by Acarin
If you want to know where I am, just ask...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:11 pm
by Reynard
Made my day, Rias. And it's been a pretty good day, so that says something.

Summon Mount -> Whistle?
Druidic Link -> Druidic Echoes?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:28 pm
by Reynard
Second Skin
Req: Channeling and Armor Use
Reduces/removes chance of channel loss caused by leather and bone armor pieces. (Might be half-way for leather-metal hybrids.)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:17 pm
by KianTheArcher
As unrivaled masters of the Forest, the Udemi of the Tse Gaiyan are unparalleled in their woodscrafty skills. Many are taught the virtues of surviving off of the land, with little more than their wits, and perhaps a simple utility knife.

Prerequisite Skills:
Trapping: 50
Herbalism: 50

Prerequisite Abilities:
Forest Stealth

Mechanic Notes

So, this was a fun, general idea I thought up. It's still pretty basic, but I figure it could add a whole lot of fun to Udemi. Essentially, the benefits of this ability would be two-fold. The first benefit would be a modest, flat increase to a few skills associated with Wilderness Survival. I was thinking stuff like Herbalism, Trapping, Firekindling, stuff along those lines.

The second benefit, and the most fun I think, would be the ability to create traps in any room tagged as a forest. These would be primitive traps, along the lines of snares, tension traps, log/stone drops, stuff along those lines. These traps would slowly degrade over time (making it so it's pointless to just put traps in EVERY forest room), and anyone with the Woodscrafty ability would have a bonus to spotting one of these traps out.

They would function like the current traps. They would not trigger randomly, but a target would have to be lured into it. Perhaps for the use of hunting game, game could be added to the game, which would act as a lure for animals.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:44 pm
by Rithiel
[quote=KianTheArcher]A poisonous plant seed would be nice, and I'd still really like to see a Resen specific fungicide based thing for the Udemi. A type of tangle seed that does damage specifically to Resen infected would be really nice, maybe at a discount from normal poison or damage seeds, since it only targets one specific creature.

**Edited to add**

What about an ability to be able to cause attacks down with wooden weapons to inflict poison on successful strikes in general? Would include arrows AND staves.[/quote]

Part of alchemy implementation will include poisons, some of which will be exclusive to certain guilds, some of which won't. It's always been planned that Utasa will be particularly good with poisons and other compounds (hence their training in herbalism), and they will, of course, share some of their concoctions with their brethren.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:16 pm
by KianTheArcher
When thinking of the natural world and the creatures of the forest, many seem to forget that insects such as ants and bees are as much a part of nature as deer or bears. This advanced use of druidry allows an Udemi to tap into the mindset of a hiveminded insect, and make organising groups in combat easier. The Hivemind Technique, as it is called, was developed in order for Udemi to more efficiently fight the Resen Spore, which exhibits similar Hivemind-like qualities amongst those fully infected.

Prerequisite Skills:
Druidry: 200

Prerequisite Abilities:
None (As of yet)

Mechanic Notes
This was an interesting idea that I had. On the most basic level, this confers a bonus to the Udemi and anyone in his/her group when fighting in a group. It would require a cast, and the caster to maintain channeling during it.

The more advanced level of this would be that it would allow the Udemi to lead a group, effectively, without being in the same room. This means that leaving combat would not remove a person from being grouped by the Udemi. Similarly, it would allow the Udemi to sense the (general) location of anyone he is grouped with, and perhaps even allow for rudimentary communication between the group that is not detectable to anyone not in the group.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:16 pm
by Reynard
Not an ability, but something akin to the Elemancy books for Druidry (Druidic scrolls?) at the cost of recognition points. While there are Druidry trainers in two of the three major towns, Udemi seems like the guild that's most likely to spend extended periods of time without returning to ANY town.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:20 pm
by Rias
Not a bad idea.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:49 pm
by KianTheArcher
Perhaps instead of scrolls, something like wooden tablets inscribed with runes. Something akin to the Ogham language.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:43 pm
by Bangarang
Seeing as 'the gaea' is more of an entity than the other types of channels, perhaps it simply 'bestows' knowledge upon you, should you take the time to do sit and channel, perhaps requiring specific terrains. Maybe something to spend promotion points on as well, but it would keep them light for travel without carrying a bunch of extra materials as well.

Maybe part of the whole ritual would include needing some tree and while channeling you're basically magically writing the words on a tree (harmlessly of course) to read and give you the 'knowledge' you gain, which would go away after a fashion?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:01 pm
by KianTheArcher
I quite like that. Which brings me on to another idea I've had jostling around in my head for some time now.

Terrain Advantages
The Udemi branch of the Tse Gaiyan are masters at combat in the Forest. However, some branch out further than this, undergoing special training in order to excel in combat in other outdoor terrains.

Mechnical Details

So, just a basic idea I had. The ability to train to fight in other environments. The requisites, I imagine, would require perhaps Chameleon to blend in to non-forested areas. Other than that, perhaps Guerilla Tactics.

The general idea is that, this would actually be a series of abilities, each one for a different terrain type. So an Udemi could train to fight in Mountains, Plains, and perhaps Caves. I'm not sure what other terrain types that are vastly different might be available. I'm not sure how exactly the exact bonuses should work out. Perhaps stealth bonuses, bonuses to dodge rolls, or accuracy. Or perhaps the bonuses should vary from terrain to terrain.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:02 pm
by Rias
I've been considering something like the terrain bonuses for a long while. Some other ideas were trap-like effects, like luring your opponent to stumble over tree roots in forests or loose/uneven rocks in mountains, step into gopher holes on the plains or deep water areas in a swamp/bog, junk like that.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:31 am
by KianTheArcher
I really like the idea of using terrain for natural traps. It'd definitely make the Trapping skill a LOT more useful, and less of a pain to grind as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:23 pm
by KianTheArcher
This spell is the product of Udemi study, combining the study of connecting with Gaea to the skills needed to utilise herbs for healing poultices to result in a way to increase the healing potential of herbs.

Druidry: 75
Herbalism: 75

Mechanical Notes
Basically, this spell would allow an Udemi to increase the potency of herbs. The spell would be on a timer (only able to cast every X seconds, probably decently severe), and would only last on an herb a couple of minutes, so that one would have to grind it and make it into a poultice very shortly before the herb returned back to normal.

Alternatively, it could just be a self casting buff that increases either herbalism, or just increases the quality of the poultices produced, for a flat amount of time.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:20 pm
by Nootau
Wind Step
With patience and rigorous training, Rangers have developed an escape tactic to regain their advantage against foes who have managed to close range.
For the next 60 second, the Udemi has a chance slip from Engaged to Ranged position when dodging an attack. This rate is influenced by the Udemi's Aeromancy rating. This ability also increases the Udemi's dodge rating by 10%.
Usage: Cast 705

Prerequisite Skills:
Aeromancy: 100
Dodge: 250

Prerequisite Abilities: