Just because you can't see them...

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Just because you can't see them...

Post by Mirazia »

... doesn't mean NPCs are not there.

Please remember, CLOK is a living, breathing world. If we made every crowd member an NPC, I think the server would surrender so please remember, in public places, 9/10 there will be people that can see, hear and possibly smell you. In cafes, restaurants, bars and spas, there are other patrons. In shops and stalls, there are customers, on the roads there could be travellers and in the forests, hunters. Those crowds you steal from repeatedly, or casting novas in or sparring at, someone may just get annoyed enough to report you. Or excited enough to join you.

This is just a reminder that consequences (good, bad and amusing,) do happen if we catch you up to something in a public all access area!
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Just because you can't see them...

Post by Mirazia »

I'm going to quote part of an old thread here. I think it fits and everyone can use a reminder. And yes, I will admit it is a bug-bear of mine!

Originally posted by Rithiel:
"Is anybody in Shadgard/Mistral/Wherever right now?"
Players aren't the only ones on the ESP network. Of course there are people in most of the places you'll ask about (potentially not exotic wilderness locations), so there are much better ways to phrase this question.

When asking about the weather: "I wonder if anybody could tell me what the weather is like in Shadgard." or "Is it still way too cold down south by Shadgard?"

There are lots of ways to ask whatever you might want to know, without only appealing to the players that might be there. Yes, we know that's who's going to answer, but it's bad RP.
"Any monks around?"
First of all, around where, but that's not the point.

Of course there are monks around. They regularly show up in hamlets and cities. Of course, there may not be PLAYER monks around, which is what you're asking. So ask if there are any monks working, or on duty, or willing to help you out, instead.
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Just because you can't see them...

Post by Mirazia »

As a reminder, just because an NPC shows up in the "Also here" line of room descriptions, doesn't always mean that it's intended to be attacked. Particularly, almost all named NPCs and town NPCs are NOT on a respawn timer. Once they die, they're gone for good. Please consider this carefully before you decide to take your character down the path of a chaotic murderer. Your actions could potentially remove skill trainers from the game, close off certain aspects of town, or make certain game mechanics unavailable. CLOK is an open ended experience, and the choice is ultimately yours, but please keep this in mind when determining who or what to attack.
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Just because you can't see them...

Post by Zeldryn »

Giving this thread a healthy bump, because it's always nice to keep these things in mind.
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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