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A little Q.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:38 pm
by Lae
I was wondering if any basic training skills will be added to the Monastic Order. Nothing crazy, but something like first aid and possibly foraging? The reason I ask is that when you first start off as a healer, you're limited to healing the tiny wounds. If we had some first aid skill we could wrap wounds if we were too far away from town to get help. I ask about foraging because I assume that with the advent of alchemy we'll eventually be able to make potions that might help speed healing as well. Thanks for hearing my ramblings!


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:58 pm
by Acarin
There's a town trainer you can use.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:14 pm
by Lae
Truth, but other guilds get "starter" skills. I was wondering if we would get that option. :P

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:02 pm
by Rias
We've been trying to think of starter-set abilities for the guilds that don't have one. I'll cook one up and let you know when it's ready, shouldn't be long.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:58 pm
by Lae

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:34 pm
by Gad
What I am about to say I hope is not disturbing or down-right dangerous...

There have been an influx of recruits within the Order that can handle the healing affairs of the general public allowing Dimmes to focus on matters such as Corvus. His abilities are not needed for healing at this point but for working our current peace accord with Corvus. There are many others of the Order that can handle this workload and will answer the call to those in need no matter what we are currently working on. If those healed wish to offer us riln or other gifts that is their decision. It is greatly appreciated! We do not ask for riln or payment and some of us will not accept it. If a monk or priestess does not accept your gift please respect their decision. It is our desire to heal.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:13 pm
by Lae
I think I can agree with Gad here, but I'd like to add in my two cents.

Firstly, I don't think anyone should feel obligated to come to a monk for healing. I understand why Dimmes is a healer, it's a lot easier to go to him to get tended especially when there wasn't many Monk PC's in game. I would love to see changes because I think that I met at least half of the people that I know in game because I healed them. Interaction fosters RP. Understandably there are people who are more interested in the game itself rather than RP, so if someone can think of a solution that will satisfy both sides, that would be awesome.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:31 pm
by Landion
Shadgard beggars hold up signs that read, "Will heal you for some riln!"

Corvus beggars hold up signs that read, "Will not kill you for food."

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:19 pm
by Rias
The herbalist Hildibrand is also around and will tend wounds, though it's time-consuming. We made Dimmes perform healing not necessarily because it was needed (again: Hildibrand already provides healing) but rather because I thought it would be pretty out of character for a monk to be standing around but not heal any injured who were nearby.

We could move Dimmes into the guild-only area, to encourage people to seek out player monks, but we're not going to remove Hildibrand, since people need a way to get healed if there are no monk players around at the time.

What we could do is move Dimmes inside the guild-only area, and have Hildibrand (and other town herbalists) finally start charging people for healing services (accruing a debt if the character doesn't have enough riln on them at the time). The poor herbalists needs to make a living, after all.

However, there would still be monk NPCs that hang about in public in other areas, and people could go to them for healing as well. It just wouldn't feel right to have monks ignore injured people in the area, or say "I'll heal my allied guards here, but I won't heal you, hope you don't bleed to death before you make it to the herbalist, sorry." So it's kind of moot.

From what I've seen, player characters tend to ask over ESP for a monk's assistance if they know any monk player characters are around before running to an NPC healer. I'm open to further discussion on the subject.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:02 pm
by Lae
I'm not begging to heal, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I also think that if there are monk NPC's it makes sense for them to heal. Like I said, some people aren't playing this game strictly for the RP that it offers. That's a choice, and just because I play for one reason doesn't mean that I can't understand the other side of the coin. I think once the population gets bigger maybe move Dimmes to another part of the guild. I don't think we're at that point yet. When newer people come to the game they simply do not have the riln to pay for healing because it's really easy to get hurt. People would find themselves in a bind just because you can't count on someone to be around just for when you get hurt.

I understand where the original post came from, and I would love to see people seek out PC characters for healing, but not everyone is going to want to go that route. So while I agree with Gad's post, and I love the ideas that Rias posted I can't really say that it's a great idea. Not yet. That's my opinion so take it for the two cents that it's worth in this conversation.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:26 pm
by Gad
Landion humor...

My point was that players should not feel that they have to tip. It's not expected. If they do, then great! We appreciate it. When we come to heal we do it because we wanted to play a healer class. I'm just asking for a chance to heal. Dimmes is way convienient so most go to him. I don't worry about Hildibrand since he uses more medicinal methods that take time.

I guess what I want to say is: Can there be a shady NPC somewhere that will open boxes for me? It's hard to find a lockpicker sometimes. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:12 pm
by Gad
Didn't know where to post this.

Just an idea if not yet thought of. If possible, when we heal, if we could target specific areas of the body. Since throat slicing is going on it could help to target that part of the area to quickly heal it down.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:44 pm
by Acarin
I'm against this.