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Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:22 am
by preiman
Sometimes the stakes are too high, sometimes there is too much to lose, sometimes the fight can’t be over just yet.

Maybe it’s the blessing of Sarefina, maybe it’s pure willpower, but there are times a Templar can fight on long past the point where their body shouldn’t be able.

When this ability is activated, you are treated as if you were fully rested, but more than that, you can ignore any damage your body has taken during the duration. You still lose energy and take new damage as normal however, and when the effects wear off all the effects of the energy you’ve lost and damage you had previously taken return.
Beyond all that, the stress you’ve just put your body mind and soul through is so great, that even if somehow you survive it takes a while to recover. You would be treated as if under a depart penalty, and would have to work it off in exactly the same way.

It's possible the ability I'm suggesting is too overpowered, but i think it'd be a cool way to let a templar make a desperate last stand, while at the same time harshly penalizing them for that awesomeness.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:13 am
by Lacie
I think this is a really cool idea, though I'm not sure if it's too overpowered or not.

I do disagree with the depart penalty part, but not that there should be a penalty. Some people know how to game the whole depart penalty thing so well that it's barely one at all. Maybe some other kind of disadvantage that isn't based on how quickly you can grind up some arbitrary, easily-learned skill? It could be something like 6 or 12 hours of weakness, a skill penalty or something.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:57 am
by Alicia
I would say just a time-based penalty and some sort of cool down (like once a day/week something like that) Otherwise I think it is a super neat idea, the question is what prerequisites should there be? 1000 Thamaturgy?

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:18 am
by Barius
I could see the time-based skill penalty of depart being used by this. As long as it's severe enough to balance out such a powerful ability. Though I'd almost be in favor of the templar dying afterward. If it's a "Final resolve" sort of thing, shouldn't there be some finality to it?

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:28 am
by Sneaky
Even with such a penalty and even if they die, I can see this getting used up quite a bit, and in situations where it really wouldn't be required. I think as an added penalty it should take something like 10 points from a random skill, sept for the language ones I guess, but things like dodge armor use, thaumatergy channeling, those kinds of things. If it hits 0 then it doesn't go any lower, so it's still possible to get lucky I suppose.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:51 am
by Kunren
Ability IS fairly OP. I vote instant death and harsh penalties once the ability is over.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:58 pm
by Vinz
Or perhaps a percentage chance that when you die. It becomes final death.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:28 pm
by jilliana
Vinz wrote:Or perhaps a percentage chance that when you die. It becomes final death.
Too drastic, in my opinion. I lean towards what Lacie suggested. :)

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:55 pm
by preiman
What if the penalty was on a timer. Say 12 hours of actual play time?

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:00 pm
by preiman
I'll also add, between energy and damage you will die almost every time. Would need a monk to avoid it. But I'll add one more check on it. You can not use it at all unless you are either bleeding or about to pass out

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:15 pm
by Vinz
The idea of a near unkillable templar every so many hours makes it not so final in my opinion. just my two cents, in the end its up to rias ;)

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:22 pm
by Lacie
Just because there's a skill penalty (maybe something like being dimmed) or some sort of disadvantage that lasts 12 hours or so (of playtime, I would hope) doesn't mean there can't be a cooldown for it of something like a week or more so that templars can't use it often and save it for truly important moments. I also like the idea that the ability can only be used with the stipulation that the Templar is already bleeding, about to pass out, etc.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:39 pm
by Kunren
Templars are already nigh unkillable... Adding in this is just cheating XD. While cool, it's just a bit much IMO.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:52 pm
by preiman
I'd not say the Templar would be unkillable, it's more a really epic second wind. If you put an axe in them, they still would go down.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:37 pm
by Alicia
What it is is "Hey look, reset!" and then either after combat has resolved or the wounds/energy has come back down, they're dead now unless a monk is spam healing them the entire fight, and even then after the combat ended I would say it should be a 100% chance of instant KO after combat comes to an end (all hostile targets leave the room or your 'target' has left the room/died) I proposed and quite agree with the idea of 24 hrs or 1 week cooldown between ability uses.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:47 am
by jilliana
It's interesting how folks think that Templar are unkillable machines made of tin cans.

I died more as a templar than I have since, though that could be because I was new and there weren't others around to tell me what not to do.

It's a pretty risky guild to be in all around and having something like this would make it more interesting if anything.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:50 am
by Fayne
What I find interesting is with abilities like this, people like to bring up how hard it would make it to PK the people recieving such an ability, yet nobody can stand PK to the point that it's barely tolerated by the players.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:47 pm
by Kunren
Fayne wrote:What I find interesting is with abilities like this, people like to bring up how hard it would make it to PK the people recieving such an ability, yet nobody can stand PK to the point that it's barely tolerated by the players.
I like PK. Hue.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:18 pm
by Vitello
How about getting the faction open to new initiations rather than add abilities to a closed guild?

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:50 pm
by Lysse
Vitello wrote:How about getting the faction open to new initiations rather than add abilities to a closed guild?
The guild is open to new PCs, but you have to RP your way in. I believe this is unlikely to ever change, but I could be wrong.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:38 pm
by Vitello
Then the sticky at the top of section should probably be pulled and a new one made.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:48 pm
by Fayne
Not necessarily. You can't actually ask for initiation anymore. You just have to basically be all "I wanna join the Knights Templar" and hope that your behavior and actions gets their attention and that they are in line with what they are looking for.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:22 pm
by Vitello
A clear (and easily accessible) explanation of that should be available.

Re: Ability request: Final resolve

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:26 pm
by Skah
Vitello wrote:A clear (and easily accessible) explanation of that should be available.
They should add something like this to the guild page on the wiki:

Joining and maintaining membership in the Knights Templar is not easy, and certainly not for everyone. Although individuals are free to express their interest and desire to join, the Templar do not accept applications, nor do they initiate new members lightly - an individual must be well-proven in mind, spirit, and body. This can take a very long time, requiring both patience and unwavering dedication.

Note: Consideration for initiation is neither quick nor guaranteed! Interested individuals will have to do a lot to try and prove they are worthy first, and it is up to them to be proactive in achieving this - there is no specific set of instructions or trials to prove one's worth. Go about playing your character the way you want them to be, despite not being a Templar, and it's possible you may be considered and approached at some point. If you don't find it worth playing your character if you can't be a Knight Templar, you should probably consider something else.