Templar suggestions and requests

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Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Alexander »

As we have a new guru, I thought I would write up some suggestions. As always, please see these as suggestions and not demands:

A review of the "offer quarter" mechanic as discussed here: "viewtopic.php?id=2317" This would go far, I believe, in helping Jirato to reinforce the role of templar as protectors and peacekeepers as he expressed a desire to do, and prevent templar peacekeeping efforts from requiring lethal brutality, which would be severely out of character.

A new chant possibility: a type of rallying chant, with a chance to bring unconscious allies back to consciousness, granting enough energy to allow them to stay conscious. Best used after guarding the intended target, so they do not immediately get pummeled back into unconsciousness. Bleeding will have to be taken into account as well, so they do not immediately bleed back into unconsciousness.

The addition of some type of travel food to the Church cafeteria, for Templar to take along on their patrols of major roads.

The addition of armored warhorses to a templar-only stable shop, and a service in this shop to repair a mount's armor.

Task ideas:

Escort travelers from place to place, protecting them from bandits.
Patrol the major roads, scaring off a certain number of highwaymen or other threats.
Protect a town or village from brigands or other invaders.
Locate a wanted person in a town and arrest them or otherwise escort them to the local jail.
Track down a wanted person, bandit leader, or similar, in the wilderness and arrest or otherwise subdue them.


More history and lore, if possible. Notable Templar to read about and draw on for inspiration would be well. I will have to see about writing up a short account of Commander Harnlim of Thaelsh, at least as much as I was able to know of him.
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Post by Jirato »

Thank you. I realize some of these have already been mentioned before and were already on my list, but it's nice having it all in a single thread. Your task ideas fit nicely with what I had in mind too. For both Templar and Monks, I want to have tasks involving the the small towns and hamlets that were recently added.
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Post by Francesca »

I really like these ideas! Can't wait to see the new tasks Jirato.
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Post by Alexander »

An idea to combine tasks and lore: Tasks to go into old and now-dangerous sites such as Thaelsh and recover Church writings or artifacts. The recovered items could reveal small pieces of lore, if carefully examined or read. Artifacts could be old Templar weapons or armor, meaningful symbols, sacred items wanting to be spared from the taint, personal effects of notable church members, old scriptures and scrolls, mementos of lost members, burial urns, and so on.
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Post by Francesca »

I for one would be very interested in Church lore, this sounds exciting to me. :-)
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Post by Alexander »

A task idea inspired by an existing Monk task: Seek out an overwhelmed Templar in the field, join them, and assist them in clearing out an influx of foes appropriate to the area: a swarm of nethrim, a gang of bandits, and so on.

This could start by traveling to the specified area, and the Templar emerges soon after arriving there, informing you that they have just barely escaped an influx of foes. The NPC Templar can have some wounds, which the player may choose to try and heal, if possible. The NPC Templar will join the player Templar, but only for as long as the task is incomplete, and will also leave if the player Templar leaves the area (perhaps resulting in a loss of guild points for abandoning the mission). Once the NPC Templar has joined you, you wander about the area until reaching a certain room, or until a timer expires. At this point the previously-mentioned influx of foes will emerge in an ambush that the two Templar must then defeat.
Last edited by Alexander on Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Kiyaani »

Would it be possible to have a way to repair destrier barding, or is there a way that's already in that I'm not aware of? Perhaps since it's guild-specific we would have to visit a stables in Valeria that might specialize in such a thing and it would take time.
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Kiyaani »

Re-reading this later I realize that Alex already suggested the warhorse armor repair, but I still don't know if that was ever implemented or if it's on a list somewhere. Barding certainly isn't necessary for warhorses, but since we have it, it would be nice to keep it well-maintained.
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by jilliana »

I spent a goodly amount of time looking through the information I could find on the Knights Templar. I feel that there could be some things that could be added or revised.

1. Alexander suggested some time back a task where we team up with an NPC Templar that needs help to clear out an area. It could be similar to the haunted path we have now, but instead of a path, it could be a variety of random rooms in one particular section of a forest/hilly terrain. (Of course the nethrim would spawn with a halo to keep people from running into them)
2. Same as 1, but instead of a forest/hilly terrain, go into the crypt or Bog with an NPC Templar.
3. To guard and escort an NPC monk somewhere in the wilderness where the monk is to revive a citizen, or provide a service. The twist to this idea would be that Sharinas or Nuncio wouldn't know where the monk had to go, but would inform the PC templar where to meet the NPC monk. The NPC monk would then tell the Templar where they needed to head based on what Dimmes or Sophia tells them. This task would serve the purpose of enforcing the connection between Templar and monks as well as helping us truck along since sometimes the tasks can be a bit solitary. It may not even have to be a monk, but a healer who travels from town to town or deals with people along the roads or wilderness.
4. Similar as 3, but add an element of danger. Nethrim or even a highwayman.
5. Going into small hamlets and doing away with thieves or bandits in an infirmary.
I would just love to see more of the humanitarian side to being a templar, even if the Church of Light doesn't involve itself with "civil matters". Alexander suggested some things before and those would be really nice things to do as well.

Could we have armor racks in our living cells? Please?
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by jilliana »

I neglected to add my idea of a task where we can dispose of small totems somewhere.
Some Templar don't really get to learn how to destroy them until things are heated, if even then.
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Kiyaani »

I feel like this was put somewhere, but I can't find it. Since templar no longer seem to get riln for tasks, is there any further thought as to where we can stable our horses using guild points or some other system? Also, bump for barding repairs ;)
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Rias »

I have faith that Monks and Templar will be able to drum up the little riln it takes to stable a horse during their travels. That said, the stables in Shadgard (not the Hanged Man, however) and Valeria are now happy to look after mounts for Monks and Templar free of charge.

Gurus of other areas with stableses can decide if they want to have any of their places do similar. What do you say, Noctere?
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by jilliana »

I had a horrifying image of my horse going into Corvus and coming out an armorless skeleton.

Sorry about double bugging that Shadgard took my riln anyways...
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Re: Templar suggestions and requests

Post by Kiyaani »

Thanks, Rias.
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