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New Church of Light Guru

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:51 pm
by Jirato
I'm not sure if anyone has looked at the guru command lately, but I thought it would be a good idea to drop a note here to introduce myself as the new Church of Light guru.

(Sorry that this is almost an exact copy-paste from the Monk section, but it still applies!)

I'll be taking over the general development of the Templar and Monk guilds. There is no need to panic though, overall development decisions and approval still come from Rias or Rithiel. I will likely be consulting with Rias heavily, considering this has always been his project from the beginning and I want to keep it as close to his original vision as possible.

My current focus for Templar is to balance their focus as protectors of the weak instead of purely anti-nethrim fighters. It is important to remember that while Templar have a strong Inner Light, which makes them highly effective versus nethrim, their sole purpose is not as nethrim hunters. I will likely be addressing this through the addition of a new task, but I'm still in the early planning stages for this and need to examine the guild in more detail before I commit to any changes/additions.

I'd like to keep a fairly open channel of communication and would be glad to receive any player feedback (positive or negative even) about the current state of the guild and future changes. I'll be checking the Monk and Templar sections of the BBS most frequently, and feel that would be the best place to share since it allows open discussion. However, if anyone would prefer to keep their comments private, players may also feel free to mail me in-game or at my address with any feedback, suggestions, or comments. There's a good chance that any such correspondence will be shared with the other GMs for their feedback though.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:05 pm
by Alexander
Welcome, Jirato. I look foward to seeing what you bring to the Church and its guilds. I am glad to hear of a task centered more around the protector role, as tha does seem to be an oft-forgotten goal of the Templar in favor of combatting the nethrim.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:23 pm
by Avedri
Like the outlined plan. Looking forward to the updates.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:34 am
by Francesca
Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us! Welcome. =)