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Templar Abilities

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:56 am
by gnawking
Depending on direction you're (we're) wanting templars to lean toward, consider maybe a longer list of passive or "buff" abilities rather than straight out attacks. With the current battle mechanic, a tank type templar isnt really gonna be stopping mid combat to throw out attack spell x or y, but if he's got his party and himself buffed he's doing his job. After all, we're not supposed to stay back and sling spells, we're supposed to be in the thick of the fight.

just my .02

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:27 am
by Rias
Keep in mind that some Templar may be going for the "crusader against evil" archetype rather than "guardian of the people". Because of this, Templar will have some offensive abilities (including spells), mainly ones that are particularly effective against nether-based beings (dealing Light damage).

However, they aren't going to have a large arsenal of attack spells as their main focus. Their ability list will be biased toward a more tank/guardian feel, but I don't feel the need to pigeonhole them into that role if they want to pick up some offense abilities and go crusader.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:54 am
by gnawking
Although my post might have lead one to think of pigeonholing, that was not the intent. A Templar could crusade against nether based beings in whatever manner they like, I was leaning more toward us not having alot of direct damage offense spells/abilities, as Templars we should be in heavier armors wielding weapons and or shields, if I have spells at my side I've no need for the weapon skill, guess I'm tryin to say altho a few spells are great, too many can lead us to more of a battle mage feel, whereas that is not the feel I get from the guild.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:58 pm
by Rias
Ah, I see what you're saying. The idea behind the damage spells is to be an augment to the Templar's martial combat abilities rather than a main form of a attack, so what may need to be done is to up the spell damage as well as their energy cost. That way, they're still useful for things like taking out particularly dangerous targets (or multiple weaker foes, in the case of Sun Disc), but aren't used as a main form of attack since doing so would be grossly inefficient energy-wise.

For instance, a Templar on the battlefield sees a powerful wraith arrive. The Templar might then choose to use Spear of Light for the multiple damage cycles and effective Light vs Nether damage to quickly dispatch the wraith - even though a single cast of the spell would take more energy than swinging multiple times to do the same amount of damage, it would be worth it in this case as it would quickly dispatch what could be an extremely dangerous foe if left alive long enough to chip away at it with multiple weapon swings.

As another example, a Templar finding himself becoming surrounded (and his defenses severely reduced due to multiple foes) may opt to spend a large amount of energy on casting the Sun Disc spell, which would potentially cut down several of the foes present at once.

Hence the spells would be specific-case-use spells - using them as a primary form of attack would cost too much energy to be anywhere near efficient.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:27 pm
by Isiaa
Suggestion chant: fury.Buffs everyone weapon with light damage.Useful for leading a crusade against nether beings.After all the templars can't do everything by themselves.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:00 pm
by Rias
[quote=Isiaa]Suggestion chant: fury.Buffs everyone weapon with light damage.Useful for leading a crusade against nether beings.After all the templars can't do everything by themselves.[/quote]

Something like this could be neat for a higher-tier Templar ability.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:11 pm
by KianTheArcher
Would it only affect melee weapons only, or ranged? I'd like it if it worked on both.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:26 pm
by Rias
I think it would be okay to work with all weapon types.