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Geomancy Projection Thoughts

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:53 pm
by Lun
After playing through as a master geomancer two years ago and finally once more again today, first and foremost I wanted to say "Wow, this feels awesome!" and it really does. Being able to pull out various projections nearly instantaneously out of what's effectively thin air is always so much fun and will always be fun to do. I can flex on someone by quickly conjuring up a cup to drink out of, then dismissing it with a gesture of the hand. I can perform insane acrobatic moves by alternating between the various flourishes, tumbling and flipping. Geomantic Projection lets a character 'Project' tools and weapons to suit the situation - a wonderful utility and one that comes with the added bonus of having the right tool at the right time, and never worrying about repairing it. You will always have a tool that is par for the course on average!

If you're revisiting this topic, my original post was a rant on the maintained energy costs and how it drives the utility of the projection ability down.

I've since changed my mind on the subject after being kindly directed to lore, and also thanks to time. Originally I was weary of the "open-channel" requirement of geomantic projection because I wanted to use purely projection in place of real tools. Projection isn't meant to replace a real tool - but by gods is it really cool to have. I don't carry everything with me everywhere, and being able to pop out a relevant tool on the fly - an axe, a hammer, some tongs, a cup! The utility makes me feel like I'm a walking swiss army knife.