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The List

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:44 pm
by Cythen
In returning to try CLOK again, it seems that quite a bit has changed with Elemancers so I began to try to do some research and I saw how many ideas there are throughout this thread.

This list is my attempt to consolidate them for everyone, and I will try to keep this updated as we go along.

On the To-Do List
Beam Channel (First mentioned 8-23-11)
Zap to work like trance
Golems (First mentioned 8-23-11)
Fireworks (First mentioned 10-4-11)

Task Ideas
Lore Tasks - Searching for an answer in the Library.
Alchemy/Potion Tasks
Dissect Species

Building Ideas
Mistral Lake Campus
Shadgard Campus expanded?
Alchemy Labs
Infirmary/Nurses Station?

Pyromancy Ideas:
Heat - Warm an area up a bit. (Possibly to counter the cold from snow...)
Being able to burn something up in your hand, (alternate idea for a trash can)
Cauterize wounds (Stop bleeding, at the expense of pain!)

Aeromancy Ideas:
Voids, vacuums and decompression
Advanced Fair Winds

Hydromancy Ideas:
Swimming Assistance
Rain Protection

Geomancy Ideas:
Dust Storm/Sand Storm (8-14-11)

General Ideas Presented
Enchanted Robes (Mentioned several times)
A mine near or below the University
Advanced Textbooks for a higher price
Marksmanship Textbooks
Mastery Level Elemancy spells
Immobilization Pattern or Orb Pattern - Placed around a target for damage over time.
Advanced Elemental Detection with passive chance to counter incoming casts.
Expiramental and temporary wands and staffs purchasable with recognition points. (A black market of sorts?)
Lash Pattern?
Several other spell ideas.

Shot Down Ideas

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:33 am
by Cythen
I added some Task ideas I've had to the list above at Rias' request.

Homework Tasks

Searching for an answer in the Library. Rias mentioned this as an idea.

I would like to see this be actually educational for the player, rather than just a timesink. Have the Task be to tell Seren the answer to a question. If the player knows it from their studies already it makes for an easy task. If not, they should go study more in the books Seren suggests.

Alchemy/Potion Tasks

Since it isn't a college without labs. I think an alchemy lab and addition to the college would be neat. With students tasked to practice doing things to do with the alchemy system. I don't know much about this yet, or how far it has come in the time I've been away.

Some alchemy based abilities or potion making would be a good fit for elemancers I think.

Dissect Species

Perform a crude study of the corpse of some kind of creature. This would be the closest thing to a 'kill creature' task that elemancers could have as it seems Rias doesn't want us killing things. The Elemancer could hire someone to help, or kill the creature themselves.

I would think this could be kept to fairly weak creatures. But understanding the biology of the world would help elemancers understand the elements further and how creatures adapt to them.