Another use for Aeromancy

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Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Lyn »

So this is pretty simple, but it'd be pretty neat I think. To be able to open and close doors, trunks chest, wardrobes, dressers, etc. Of course these things will need to be unlocked first, and some funny messaging for failed attempts would be nice as well.
Lyn points at a wardrobe and it suddenly swings open, releasing a gust of wind.
Lyn gestures at a wardrobe off handedly, and it swings shut.
I read a topic about wanting other uses than combat, so figured this would be a nice addition.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Lyn »

One other thing I'm kind of curious about is if you've got the compression pattern down, couldn't you use aeromancy to fire shot out of a flintlock? I don't know what the damage output would be, but perhaps it can work like firing a normal flintlock, same reload time and the like, but instead of having ot use powder you can just use it as long as you've an aeromancy channel up.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Kunren »

doubt the power would be near enough for a bullet. Potentially blowguns could work out though, that would be cool, if clok had blowguns.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Lyn »

I'm pretty sure if I can knock something out of the room with my aeromancy, I can fire a .05 lbs piece of lead out of a tube with high enough velocity to pierce your skin and armor :D
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Lysse »

The issue tends to be how fine tuned the control is. Doing something like manipulating your air-stuff in such a controlled way, either for opening things or for firing projectiles, might be too difficult for Elemancers per Clok Lore and Metaphysics.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Alicia »

I'm not sure about the firing a bullet, but hurled weapons without a sling anyone?
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Noctere »

I have recently added a few things to aeromancy and plan to add one more spiffy ability. So we are open to ideas but one thing to consider with any mancy is that the control of the conjured element is somewhat limited and getting a precise perfect gust of wind to open a door or open a trunk would probably be quite difficult. Also, what if that door had a doorknob? Would the wind turn the doorknob? What if the trunk had a simple latch? What if there were things in the trunk, would it blow clothes all over the place? Sadly, I don't see this as working too well.

As far as the flintlock ability goes, I did a little research into air compressed firearms and from what I see they have always had the problem of having less power than conventional gunpowder. Granted when you take it into the realm of 'magically' produced air things always get funky but once again we fall into the problem of getting conjured air precisely into a small focused location PLUS with the necessary force to propel shot through a barrel... nope sorry, I don't see that happening.

Anyways, keep the ideas coming.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Vinz »

I also believe the caster needs to be able to see what they are affecting and that the element must move from the caster and outword. I am not completely positive, but i believe this to be the case.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Alicia »

What about stones from the hand?! I would love to be holding a river rock and just pewpewpew because of aeromancy. Also it doesn't seem to be that it always has to be 'outwards'. As seen via hydromancy's 'aid (my name)' which washes yourself, and when you use aeromancy to jump down something you catch yourself on a gust of wind to keep from hitting the ground too hard.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by TwistedAkai »

*loom* Opening might need control, but slamming things shut is all power, no control. Maybe a way to quickly close all chests in a room.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Lyn »

Well, those two were a bust, what about guided shot, but instead of being used just for archery, have it influence all ranged attacks, except maybe firearms due to their projectile's high rate of velocity.
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Re: Another use for Aeromancy

Post by Noctere »

Alicia wrote:What about stones from the hand?! I would love to be holding a river rock and just pewpewpew because of aeromancy. Also it doesn't seem to be that it always has to be 'outwards'. As seen via hydromancy's 'aid (my name)' which washes yourself, and when you use aeromancy to jump down something you catch yourself on a gust of wind to keep from hitting the ground too hard.
I have always assumed that the focus of all mancies come from the hands as this is the most logical place a humanoid would focus their energy to direct it outwards. As such when you 'aid' yourself, I see you pointing your hands inward back at your body to do the drying. Same thing with catching a fall, I assume you just quickly place your hands down to shoot a gust of air and break the fall. Both examples would still adhere to an 'outward' gust of air. As far as the shooting rocks, some new aeromancy + other mancy combos are on the brainstorming list so I would just stick to throwing your rocks like everyone else for now.
TwistedAkai wrote:*loom* Opening might need control, but slamming things shut is all power, no control. Maybe a way to quickly close all chests in a room.
I could see that working but if we take into account the benefit of being able to close containers and portals then... we should also consider the consequences of blowing clutter and other objects around. "Have a fancy clay pot?", now broken, "Have a sword rack on the wall?", now unhinged and dropping weapons on the floor. Granted it would look neat but lorewise we would have to ignore too many other "realities" in the world for such a small neat effect to be realized.
Lyn wrote:Well, those two were a bust, what about guided shot, but instead of being used just for archery, have it influence all ranged attacks, except maybe firearms due to their projectile's high rate of velocity.
I could see how forcing conjured wind in one direction would influence the flight path of an arrow or a hurled object but unfortunately the only school that is teaching aeromancy at the moment is the University and I don't think their studies include axe battling or knife throwing or archery so I doubt anyone at the school would study, yet teach such an ability. Plus OOC'ly I don't think such a skill is in line with the rest of their lore. "But Noctere we can use elemancy with our melee weapons!" I realize this is the case however I think we would like to stop it at that unless Rias (our elemancy guru) wishes to do otherwise.

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