Ideas for New Elemancy Spells

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Ideas for New Elemancy Spells

Post by Nootau »

Utility Spells
• Riding Thermals :: Cast 111
•• Reduce the Elemancer's weight penalty as if they weighed [Aeromancy*2] less then they currently do.

• Frozen Winds :: Cast 121
•• The Elemancer no longer suffers the penalty from extreme heat. This bonus is also given to those joined with the Elemancer.

• Earthen Abode :: Cast 131
•• The Elemancer creates a room which does not have an exit. This room has a comfort bonus, shorting the time to recover from fatigue. Those who are joined with the Elemancer are also moved into this room. To dismiss this spell type Leave Abode.
• Stone Servitor :: Cast 132
•• Casting this spell creates a [a golem worker]. This worker is treated as if a handcart. The golem can carry up to [Geomancy*10] pounds and it automatically follows the Elemancer. To dismiss the Golem type, Banish Golem.
• Soothing Drops :: Cast 141 or Cast 141 [Target]
•• The Elemancer is able to mend the light wounds given enough time, treating half of their Hydromancy rating as an effective rating of Thurmaturgy.

• Living Forge :: Cast 151 or Cast 151 [Container]
•• Items held in the right hand will be smelted as if thrown into the furnace with a Round time of 5. If this targets a container worn or pulled then all items within the container will be smelted with a Round time of 30.
• Living Flame :: Cast 152
•• The Elemancer will no longer suffer from the effects of extreme cold. Those who are joined with the Elemancer also gain this benefit.
Last edited by Nootau on Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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Post by Isiaa »

Levitate,grants floating.
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Post by Isiaa »

Pyro+Geo Demon Pact.Full energy and and no hunger.Or else it shouldn't work.Summon a demon to bring one person anywhere to you.A summon.
Aero+hydro Angel Pledge. Full energy and no hunger should be required.The next time your energy reaches exhausted the angel will restore your energy to winded.Possibly the thaumaturges should be able to do angel pledge as well
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Post by Rias »

Demons would be the "thing" of the soon-to-be-released sorcerers, while angels (in whatever form they may take in this world) would be more in the domain of the monk or Templar.

Elemancers stick to manipulating the elements themselves rather than depending on other beings for assistance. They're hardcore that way. That said, I do have plans for geo golem and water golem spells.
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Post by Nootau »

I don't agree with spirits being something for Elemancers as they are not the elements.

Now if you wanted to say a over sized fire-sprite which acts as a body guard... I would agree that that would be in theme.
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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Post by Isiaa »

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Post by Nootau »

Mantle of the Elements
While maintaining a channels of a -Mancy, the bearer can type MANTLE(or cast 191) <mancy> to activate this ability. To learn this ability the Bear must have a Guild ranking of 3 or greater. To use this ability, the bearer must have a rating of 150 with the chosen element.
Ex: Cast 191 Pyromancy or Mantle Pyromancy

The Mantle of the Wind
While wrapped in the Mantle of Aeromancy the bearer is immune to becoming knocked down, halves Earth, Crush and Pierce damage but doubles Flame, Hack and Slash damage. The bearer gains one additional strike while in Melee range which is treated as if using the CAST command with only one Aeromancy Channeled. The bearer has a chance to increase the amount of Melee by one for that round, though while at range, this chanced bonus instead increases the bearer's effective Marksmanship rating by 20% of their Aeromancy Rating.

The Mantle of the Earth
While wrapped in the Mantle of Geomancy the bearer halves all damage except Piercing which is doubled. The bearer can be knocked down but cannot be knocked out of the room. The bearer gains one additional strike while in Melee range which is treated as if using the CAST command with only one Geomancy Channeled.

The Mantle of the Flame
While wrapped in the Mantle of Pyromancy the bearer is immune to becoming cold, halves Heat and Flame damage but doubles Water damage. The bearer gains one additional strike while in Melee range which is treated as if using the CAST command with only one Pyromancy Channeled. When a enemy successfully successful attacks the bearer, the attacker suffers a counter attack which is treated as if the Bearer used the CAST command with only one Pyromancy Channeled.

The Mantle of the Sea
While wrapped in the Mantle of Hydromancy the bearer halves Fire, Hacking, Piercing and Slashing damage but doubles Crushing and Electrical damage. The bearer gains one additional strike while in Melee range which is treated as if using the CAST command with two Hydromancy Channeled.
Last edited by Nootau on Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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Post by Nootau »

Mantle of the Elements is meant to be a replacement for how Elemancers can channel into their weapons automatically.
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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Post by Isiaa »

If we are getting offensive spells after all they should be high guild level and quite powerful.Especially now after the guild has been reconfigured.They should be master level spells and maybe some weaker ones at apprentice level.
Earth: apprentice level geomancy;Rupture,causes the ground under the foe to violently explode.Knockdown and damage to the legs and feet.Master level geomancy;Earthquake.Knockdown damage AoE.If cast inside will cause rubble to damage the caster.
Fire:apprentice pyromancy;beam.A concentrated blast of fire.Burning.Master level:Fireball.Calls a BIG fireball from the sky to incinerate your foes.Burning.If cast indoors will set caster ablaze also due to rebound.
Air:apprentice;Northwind,Causes knockdown and cold damage.Cold damage may be sorcerer only but if so this would be replaced by piercing damage. Master:lightning storm;Aoe,stun.If cast inside the caster will be struck by lightning as well.
Water:apprentice;Water prison.Water is more restrictive when weak.So what happens is similar to stun.If a drowning mechanic is added then this would also deal asphyxiation damage.Master:Leviathan.Summon the mother of all floods Into the area to deal damage to everyone else not grouped with the mage.Causes stun and knockdown as well as crush and piercing damage.The fourth most powerful of the master level spells and the most powerful single elemental spell.If cast inside the power required to keep the spell contained will knock out the mage and he or she will then drown.
Fire and earth:Meteor.Burn all non grouped people and NPCs,knock them down and cause massive damage.This will knock the caster out and reduce his power levels to almost nothing for ten minutes.Recovery will only begin after this.
Air and water:Shatter the Sky.This spell is the second most powerful a mage can cast.It will protect only those grouped with the mage.The mage unless at full power will die without casting the spell and even at full power(no hunger or tiredness) it may kill him as he is not safe from the effect.Will damage everyone in the area,kill everyone within a room of the mage with bolts of lightning and sweep everyone else out of the area.
All four:Nova.Mage dies.Last resort.Requires no energy to cast.Will destroy the local area replacing the area with burnt land tile.Mage will not die if being channeled by a thaumaturge.Will kill anyone un-grouped with the mage.Only to be used if everyone is going to die anyway.Say on the point of being overrun.
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Post by Toukoilija »

Throwing my straw to the pile. Lets keep floating, people.
More ideas will be added as I come up with them - most propably into this very message, just to screw with any comments that may be directed at this. Or maybe I just am lazy. Either or.
Comes with made-up quotes and occassional fancy descriptions - because everyone loves lore.
Note: Hir = him + her
Hir' = his + her

Focus Energies
Element: Any
Multi-Element?: No(/Possibly?)
Type: Channeled Offensive, Single Target, Progressive DoT
Duration: Special
"Strike me down swiftly, for your suffering will only grow greater."
- Anonymous elemancer to a guard captain

The caster starts building up a charge of the element of his choice on the target, dealing constant damage that grows increasingly powerful the longer the spell is held active. The spell is broken if the caster moves, attacks physically, becomes disoriented, dies, attempts to cast another spell or is distracted by taking a painful hit.

Disperse Energies
Element: All or Any - opinions?
Multi-Element: Opinions?
Type: Channeled Cure(/Debuff)
Duration: Special
"Sometimes undoing the spells of others is the greatest spell."
- An old saying of elemancers

The caster attempts to unravel any gathering of elemental energy on the target, thus undoing any effect of elemantic magic.
The speed, and the very possibility of success, of the dispersion depends on the relative power of the disperser and the caster of the original spell. Any effect caused by the disperser will be removed immediattely.
The spell is broken if the caster moves, attacks physically, becomes disoriented, dies, attempts to cast another spell or is distracted by taking a painful hit.
Opinions on the number of simualtenous effect on multiple dispersable effect?

Gather Energies
Element: Any
Multi-Element: No
Type: Semi-Channeled Self-Buff
Duration: Short
"It is no easy task to contain in oneself the chill of a thousand winters."
- Omar, an ancient cryomancer

The elemancer starts to gather a charge of elemental energy of his choice, which will be used to enhance the effects of the next spell of the same type (or add additional effect to spell of another element?). The more time spent gathering the more energy will be gained. The gathered energy is highly unstable and can thus be kept controlled only for a short period of time. Should the caster lose his concentration on the spell the gathered energy will expand violently, potentially annihilating the caster. If the spell is held too long the same effect may occur as the energies escape the caster's control, (but they can possibly be dispersed calmly should the caster be skilled enough). The caster can also opt to purposedly let go of the charge, which is a safe way to release the energy.
The spell is broken if the caster moves, attacks physically, becomes disoriented, dies, attempts to cast another spell or is distracted by taking a painful hit.
Note on element mixing:
Take for example Islaa's spell 'Northwind'. Now, gather the element of fire and pour that into the spell, and your chilly, off-your-feet-you-go wind gets a whole new dimension in leaving the target looking like a zebra of frost bites and burnt skin. Plus it's off its feet.

Element: Fire
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Healing - sort of...
Duration: Instant
"Salvation through pain."
- Old saying of pyromancers

The elemancer gathers a tiny, highly concentrated charge of fire energy to the tip of one hand's index finger and proceeds to cauterize one/any wound(s) on the target. The spell will stop bleeding and, if applied fast enough, remove any toxins and infections that may have entered through the wound. However, it also causes intense sensation of pain on the target, potentially stunning it for a moment - on the other hand though, the pain can be used to awaken sleeping entities or knock people back into their senses. Unskilled user also has a high chance of dealing minor damage to the target when using the spell.

The Glory of Unconquered Sun
Element: Fire
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Self-Buff & Debuff
Duration: Very Short
"... and wreath himself in a brilliant flame he then did, and when it circled him the dark ones were struck blind and dared not approach him, for great and glorious he was - as if he was a son to the eternal Sun of the heavens."
- Legend of Mairus of Fire, written by Eelis the Sage

Some truly skilled elemancers are able to briefly cloak themselves in a raging, golden and white fire - a reflection of the Sun's blazing glory. Anyone looking directly at the caster (for purposes of attacking hir, for example) will have to be very quick in looking away, or be blinded and stunned for a good while - in any case, attacking the elemancer will be very difficult. Should any blows be landed at a short range, the scorching mantle is sure to make the attacker regret hir foolhardiness. The halo of fire will absorb any fire based attacks aimed at the caster, and greatly weaken any cold damage. Any wooden or otherwise flammable objects not specifically protected against fire, or in the caster's possession, will be quickly reduced to ash. A spectacularly powerful casting of this spell will also throw a strong wave of magickal heat around the caster, rapidly melting any ice, whether mundane or arcane in nature.

Walk the Winds
Element: Air
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Traveling
Duration: Special
"Few are the experiences more joyful than the first time one flies freely and thoughtlessly with the wind."
- Anonymous elemancer

A decently capable Elemancer can enhance the effect of wind on hir' body, flowing with it as a feather would - though hopefully with more control over hir' path. Upon casting the spell the caster will be simply picked up and carried away by any passing current of wind, able to directly dictate only the smaller details of hir' progress, such as avoiding any approaching obstacles. The spell will last until the caster chooses to end it or until exhaustion takes hir - the latter a possibly highly lethal route to take.

Tame the Winds
Element: Air
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Multi-purpose
Duration: Instant or Sustained
"Calm it, must you, young one. Only after that done you have, enrage it to fury can you.
- Adoy, a green gnome and an elder elemancer

Though a step up from Fair Winds, this spell remains a relatively simple exercise of a Elemancer's power - a more versatile control of wind. Upon casting the spell the caster will choose which direction the wind, its power and whether it should be brief gale or a lasting effect that follows the caster.
A more skilled elemancer will be able to create more powerful winds, and can even tie a wind to the area upon which he stands rather than have it follow hir around.
The brief incarnation of the spell can be used for purposes of clearing the area of dust, gas or similar air pollutants; snuffing out fires; knocking those in the room off their feet - or even out of the area; force flying entities to exit or, if directed down, violently smash them against the ground. The more carnal of the practioners might see use for it when surrounded by skirt-wearing members of the fairer gender.
Should the elemancer choose to keep the spell sustained, it will be in hir' power to change its power and direction at quickly and at will. Sustaining the spell will exhaust the caster, based on the gap between the chosen power of the wind and the capabilities of the caster.
Should two Tame the Winds effects be active in the same area, the stronger will, for the duration of their collision, completetly cancel the weaker out, rather than have to fight it.
Note: An obvious combination with Walk the Winds to control one's travel - using a strong wind might be unadviced as, while it does provide extremely fast traveling, it will be extremely difficult to turn quickly enough. One should also be aware of the possibility of flying into a stronger Tame the Winds spell and be swept away with it.
When sustained the commands for altering the configurations of the spell could be along the lines of wpow and wdir. To end the spell, release wind.
One word: Sailing.
And hey, we all know everyone has wanted to play Jedi at least once.

Element: Earth
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Damage, Bind
Duration: Special
"The fear inspired by this spell is far greater a weapon than the spell itself."
- Nasys, a mercenary commander

A spell for elemancers with considerable skill, more than token interest in theatretics, and a hefty load of cruelty, madness or zealous judgementality; this spell will rip from the earth long, sharp 'tendrils' of unnaturally fluid, cold stone that seek to pierce the target of the caster's ire. Should all of the spikes connect, they will protrude straight through the target and then spread to immobilize him to finally flow into a massive, flat monolith on which the target will hang, bleeding profusely through the small holes that form on the points of the stone's entry.
Anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in this gruesome display of the Elemental Earth's power will be rendered immobilized, propably stunned, or even knocked out, by the pain and bleeding greatly. To free oneself of the torturous spell after it has reached its final form requires massive physical strenght - the best way to deal with the spell is to make sure that one is not caught in all of the hounding lances of stone; though the attack may move quickly, earth is not an element quick to adapt and will thus require full contact with all of its power or face disorder and simply crumble away. Avoiding even a single strike may prove to be one's salvation.

Devouring Fire
Element: Fire
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Restorative
Duration: Instant
"The destructive nature of fire reined into purpose of restoration by the power of a mortal's will."
- Amsys, an elderly elemancer

A decently capable elemancer can call forth a fire linked by arcane means directly into his own being. As this flickering, dull coloured flame consumes flammable material it turns it into energy for the caster, washing away exhaustion in waves of comfortable warmth. Calling forth such a flame requires a notable chunk of energy, however, so the elemancer had best make sure he or she has sufficient amount of material to burn and that he or she is capable enough to turn the spell to profit, rather than simply drain hirself further.

Element: Fire
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Utility
Duration: Special
"Contrary to the popular belief, I can do more with fire than just blast things."
- An anonymous elemancer, currently sentenced for imprisonement on the charge of creative pyromania

By far the simplest application of fiery energies, this spell calls forth the energy to create a perfectly mundane, non-magickal spark to set a flammable object on fire. As is the way of normal flames, any fire created with this spell will require both material to burn and oxygen to feed itself - rather than simply feeding on the energy of the elemancer- and spread. Furthermore, the fire can be put out with water, a feat hard to achieve on an arcane blaze.
That is not to say that this spell could not be dangerous though, for a skilled elemancer may at hir choosing conjure something greater than a mere flicker of fire - and not only can he or she control the power of the spell, but also choose whether to shape it into a single, large spark or a swarm of smaller ones.
Note: The more powerful the fire, the more likely it sets the object on fire. A shower of sparks will target all flammable objects in the caster's immediate vicinity.
Handy to have when you just want to boil some eggs or roast that rabbit you caught after running around the forest with Looney Tunes Theme playing on the background. One can also use it to inflict a bit of property damage without being overtly
obvious about it - so what if half the village burns, if you can get the neighbours all-too-neat cottage?
Do not use the swarm setting as a party warmer.

Field Sauna
Element: Fire (& Air)
Multi-Element: Possibly
Type: Utility/Fun
Duration: Special
"No war is complete, no adventure truly fulfilling without a field sauna."
- Tramvin, a veteran elemancer-of-the-line

A closed space, a large bucket of water and a half-decent elemancer. These are all you need to create your very own field sauna. The elemancer will proceed to slowly heat up the water past its boiling point, causing a comfortable steam to spread across the room. A caster versed in the ways of aeromancy can further enhance the effect by creating a slowly swirling air current to keep the steam and the heat from flowing away. Keep an eye out for unskilled practioners though, for they can easily ruin the pleasurable experience with their bumbling attempts.
The effect will quickly remove any amounts of exhaustion and the sweating will slowly weaken intoxication and poisoning. Also good for curing illness. Don't overstay though, for the bucket is not the only thing losing water.
Note: Because I am Finnish. And yes, I know the anti-intoxication/anti-poison effects are mostly just pseudo-science. Now shut up and enjoy.
Combine with Nootau's Earthen Abode for ultimate traveling convinience.
If you do not have a bucket, create the room over a large body of water and heat that up. Should you choose a salty water area you will also be able to gather up some taste to your meals from what is left when the water is gone.
Last edited by Toukoilija on Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pyromancer Ameris the Amicable Applier of Pure Fiery Fooz
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Suddenly at a gesture from Nootau, the campfire extinguishes and belches forth a copious amount of smoke, clouding the room.

Mechanic Notes
Basically, puts out a target fire in the room, and fills it with smoke, making the room easier to hide in.
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Post by Toukoilija »

@Kian: Simple, but neat and handy. I like that one.

Leaping Fire
Element: Fire
Multi-Element: N/A
Type: Summon? Utility? Offensive? Multi-purpose! Hell if I know...
Duration: Medium...
"Though it may seem harmless enough, do not underestimate its viciousness."
- Kavar, an elemancer

From the casters cupped hands erupts a thin, long strand of wriggling, swirling fire. Once summoned, the flame will start orbiting its master, moving in quick, unpredictable patterns around hir - up until directed to action.
Even when passive, the spell will serve to provide light to the caster's surroundings.
Small as it is, the flame is intense and moves in fast, leaping manner for which it was named. Handy in a fight, the fire will require only a single command from the caster to assault hir' foes, leaving hir free to weave further magicks. Should the caster so choose, the flame can also be drawn into a defensive position, in which the caster will be provided a chance to react to any attack directed at hir' person using the flame - providing hir with a easy-to-use reactive shield that leaves hir free to call forth more substansive sorceries.
Last edited by Toukoilija on Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pyromancer Ameris the Amicable Applier of Pure Fiery Fooz
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Post by Isiaa »

New pattern idea
Energy solidified,this is among the hardest patterns to create requiring master level in at least two opposing elements.
The pattern forces two wildly opposite forces into a small item made of crystal.The pattern requires one elements to be dominant over the other.Needless to say the orb is very unstable and can only be maintained for short times.If it is maintained for too long the caster will suffer greatly from energy loss.Shortly after the orb will explode.These are the consequences.However the orb has its uses as 1 a light source capable of illuminating multiple rooms 2 a weapon as the elemental energies trapped within can be focused on a single foe or a premature explosion can be set of from a distance of up to three rooms and 3 the magic within can be used by the caster allows him to use the orb as an extension to his senses.
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Post by Isiaa »

Puddle.(Variable Hydromancy)
A source of drinking water.Holds either 10-15-20 ticks depending on how many charges of hydro are used.If 100 ticks are summoned in a room the room is flooded to shallow.At 250 ticks the room is flooded.At 500 ticks the flood turns torrential and pushes everyone out.The flood then disappears.A puddle looks like this:A puddle of bright blue water is here/You also notice a puddle of bright blue water here.The puddles last one bell before evaporating,shallow floods last a day and floods a week unless one uses pyromancy or trenches to speed up the process.Floods cause everyone who enter to get drenched.

Scry: Earth(50) and Air(200).View someone at a distant location.Requires either a crystal or still water.

Travel:Air and Air and Air(500).Travel between two arcane puddles.These must hold at least 20 ticks each.It take 60 second too move from puddle to puddle.
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Post by Isiaa »

More of an aesthetic/RP ability with little offensive value:


Element: hydro, Three channels

"And they heard the songs of the deep sea and they wept for the blood they had spilled "
Mor, an old storyteller, telling the story of Nereias tears.

The songs of the sea are entrancing and complex, haunting and sad. A skilled hydromancer may call an echo of this song at little cost to themselves but due to it's complexity no apprentice or novice has ever been able to call the song. Usually it is summoned at funerals to mark the passing of a loved one. It also causes anyone who hears it for a prolonged amount of time to sadden, driving all urge to fight out of them.
Last edited by Isiaa on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nootau »

[quote=Rias]That said, I do have plans for geo golem and water golem spells.[/quote]Is this idea still one that is being thought over?
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
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Post by Rias »

Yes, though they would be extremely limited. Nothing like sorcerer animates, since elemancers have no way of making the golem act on its own. It would essentially be the elemancer arranging the elements into a humanoid shape and manually controlling its every move. I doubt anyone would really enjoy them much, other than as a status symbol, so I haven't worked on them at all.
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Post by Nootau »

Status symbols are cool >.>

Can I have one that I can make wear a tux?
The elements are slaves to no being. One must learn to ask for their aid, the elements offer power to the humble. This is why no one is truly a master yet everyone is a student..
~The Apprentice of the Elements
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