The Amazing Sticky Spidergirl

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The Amazing Sticky Spidergirl

Post by Vazbol »

Or, Hamstring not functioning properly against mounted targets. The ability has had two issues when targetting mounts. In one instance, the notification of the move states the horse has been knocked over, but the mount remains standing up. however, the following is a more concerning issue with the ability:

Zeldryn suddenly leaps out of hiding behind a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail! Slashing at its right hind leg, Zeldryn attempts to hamstring it! (++)
20 slash damage - to the right hind leg!
Zeldryn cuts deep into a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail's right hamstring knocking it to the ground!
You urge your powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail into charging toward Zeldryn! (Off: **** vs Def: ****)
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail slams into Zeldryn!
11 crush damage - to the back, partially deflected by a quilted black leather vest.
Zeldryn falls to the ground!
Zeldryn is trampled beneath the powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail!
21 crush damage - to the right hand, partially deflected by some sleek leather brigandine gloves patterned with water ripples.
9 crush damage to the right eye!
Zeldryn is stunned!
(energy -10)
Charging new target!
You urge your powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail into charging toward Zeldryn!
You attack Zeldryn with your beautiful bronze morning-star inscribed with daemons and beautiful bronze tower shield embossed with an aengel!
(energy -6)

*** End result obscured ***
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail no longer appears stunned.
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail stands up.

The horse was actually brought down twice successfully, but I remained on the mount. I also could still trample and charge on the down mount despite this.

So at the moment, hamstringing horses isn't a viable tactic due to this bug, nor is possibly other four legged creatures. It doesn't quite come up as often in CVE interactions due to a lack of mounted targets and a lack of that many four legged hostiles. But this is quite disruptive in CVC interactions.

...And no, I do not cling or stick onto solid surfaces.
[CHAT - GameMaster Uyoku Had Pizza For Dinner]: Spidercat, spidercat, does whatever a spidercat does. Skittering, up the walls, meowing cute while showing off its claws, it is the creepy spidercat.
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Re: The Amazing Sticky Spidergirl

Post by Zeldryn »

No hard feelings, by the way. Here's the log from my perspective, a few quality edits included for meta purposes. The end result is. Uh. Sorta' expected, really.

go wild
You venture out into the wilderness.

[Deciduous Wooded Hills Road] (OutWldFrHlDt) [temperate] Mild, Overcast, Light Breeze
A glimpse of a mist-shrouded lake can be seen through the trees to the east. Built on the lake's western bank is a small #dock. Oak and alder trees cover the temperate earthy wooded hills. A road leads west. A river blocks passage to the east.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice some stacked cairnstones leading south from the dock and a floating fortress in the lake near the docks.
Obvious paths: west (road), east (river), southeast, south.
Travel time: 5 seconds.
(energy -10)
You're feeling ravenous!
You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
[You sense a dull gray light with a hint of seashell followed by, "I think so!"]
You feel fully rested.
(I accidentally use say instead of esp here. I'm good at that.)

say Come on down to the abdoned clearing a league south. Water's fine there.
[You sense a dull gray light with a hint of deep-cerise followed by, "Fine fine i'll do it y our way."]
You say, your voice muffled, "Come on down to the abdoned clearing a league south. Water's fine there."
Neyah arrives, riding a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail.

You remove an elegant orichalcum stiletto with a pure gold hilt from the thin leather boot sheath you are wearing with your right hand.
ham war
You can't do that in a defensive tactic.
tactics none
You are no longer using any specific tactics.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
ham war
Wait 1 second. Queuing following command: ham war
(You may clear your command queue at any time)
(Changing combat position to Engage)
You leap out from hiding behind a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail and slash at its right hind leg attempting to hamstring it! (++)
20 slash damage - to the right hind leg!
You cut deep into a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail's right hamstring, knocking it to the ground!
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
(energy -8)
Nepthys arrives from the west.

Wait 1 second. Queuing following command: hide
(You may clear your command queue at any time)
You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

[You sense a dull gray light with a hint of cornsilk followed by, "Can someone explane to me what is going on?"]
am war
Invalid command. (You may type help commands to get a list of all available commands.)
ham war
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail no longer appears stunned.

A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail stands up.
You leap out from hiding behind a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail and slash at its right hind leg attempting to hamstring it! (++)
20 slash damage - to the right hind leg!
You cut deep into a powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail's right hamstring, knocking it to the ground!
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
(energy -8)
With a voice muffled behind a greathelm, Neyah says something in a strange language that you don't understand.

Neyah urges her powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail into charging at you! (
A powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail slams into you!
11 crush damage - to the back, partially deflected by a quilted black leather vest.
You fall to the ground!
You are trampled beneath the powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail!
21 crush damage - to the right hand, partially deflected by some sleek leather brigandine gloves patterned with water ripples.
9 crush damage to the right eye!
You are stunned for 8 seconds!

Wait 1 second. Queuing following command: hide
(You may clear your command queue at any time)
You can't do that while stunned!
Queuing following command: tumble
(You may clear your command queue at any time)
Neyah urges her powerful black warhorse with a flowing mane and tail into charging at you!
Neyah attacks you with her beautiful bronze morning-star inscribed with daemons and beautiful bronze tower shield embossed with an aengel!
morning-star (+*****) (M:P:111 crush damage - to the chest, partially deflected by a quilted black leather vest.
Several broken ribs driven into the chest! Shish-ka-Zeldryn.
Zeldryn has been defeated.
[?] (OutDeSd)
A dark, murky haze fills this place like a sinister fog, making vision difficult. Tall stone walls enclose a enormous, dark square of sandy land, the stone bastions rising up so far as to be lost in the foggy gloom. Occasional twinkling stars can be discerned up in the night sky beyond the dark fog, little of their light making it down far enough to illuminate the sandy ground. In the center of the area stands a great polished stone #pyramid, wrapped in layers of black shrouds, though gaps in the dark wrapping reveal that the #pyramid's surface is striated with what appear to be perfectly-straight luminous crystalline lines. A constant, low howling can be heard, occasionally accompanied by deep, inhuman groans. Arches in the boundary walls allow travel in all the cardinal directions.
You're barely able to see at all in the near-complete darkness. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice a shadowy figure at the base of the pyramid.
Obvious paths: west, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest.
A strange, alien sense of awareness washes over you as the feeling of waking up brings you out of some dreamless sleep. Your mind reels as foreign sensations assault it for what seems like an eternity, until at last, you manage to conjure up an image of reality similar to that you once knew in life. You can see, though the images are distorted and colors muted. You can hear, though the sounds are distant and muffled. The first thing you are able to focus on and recognize is the image of your own corpse, lying lifeless nearby. The rest of your surroundings slowly take on a distorted and dim representation of the reality you once knew.
You are splattered with gore!
You can't do that, you're a lingering, insubstantial spirit!
You might try looking around to see if there's anything interesting in this strange place you've ended up in.

So, yeah. I think we can all see why this is a bit problematic. As things stand, if you're war trained and on a war horse, you can't be feinted, hamstrung, hit with any dirty tricks, tackled, grappled, or otherwise successfully removed from your mount absent an area-of-effect attack, such as the incredibly rare and sought after nova pattern.

Hopefully it's resolved sooner than later, because. Uh. I only seem to end up fighting fully armored combatants riding war horses. So. Um. I'm a little scared of the floaty spider lady and her magical proned tramplehorse.
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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