full contents of report #15977 as I couldnt add everything in the online tool

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full contents of report #15977 as I couldnt add everything in the online tool

Post by Eagalon »

the planks made from cedar and hickory have very low selling price when compared to the flitches, I just sold a well crafted plank and market gave me only 38 riln for it and its resale price is 117 riln. whereas the flitches give 56 riln for those woods and their resale price is 84 riln. there is a similar issue with brass commodities as well. I sold a brass horseshoe which gave me 38 riln, a zinc horseshoe which also gave me 38 riln and a bronze horseshoe which gave me 54 riln. the resale prices were 123 for brass, 80 something for zinc and 105 for bronze. so you can see how some of the items need to be re-evaluated depending on the materials. Kindly look into it when ever you get some time. Thanks.
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